Best PS4 Pro Games
No game on the PS4 can compare with the this one. In my opinion is has the best level design, tightest combat, and engrossing atmosphere of any game published by Sony so far. A lot of the best games of this generation were just sequels or remakes, but bloodborne stands tall being one of the most truly unique games not only of the past generation, but of all time.
Why the hell is this the last, this is amazing
The game has great characters and the play function is very good. I always found the story would have been multiple times better if Arther didn't get sick. The game could have easily played along virtually the same and then perhaps he's heroically killed on the same mountain at the same time. If you have played it a though 3 or 4 times it takes the fun out of it.
The Newcomers
Greatest game I've ever played.
No gamer ever witnessed such spectacular game ever. What a beautiful world. Mysterious game story will make your spine shiver. Breath taking actions. Heart melting music. Seductive characters with mind blowing personalities. Ah, spectacular!
The more u play it the better it gets, if u like lord of the rings or the hobbit get it now immediately.