Reasons Why Dora the Explorer is Better Than Stuck in the Middle

Don't think I am a troll, I really hate both these shows, but I would watch Dora over Stuck in the Middle any day.
The Top Ten
1 Dora has been around longer

Come on! Comparing a preschool show with some of a kiddie sitcom? Really? You're foolish.

2 Dora doesn't use annoying sound effects to speak to the audience

Harley dose it in an annoying way but doa does it in a stupid way I will t take stupid over annoying anyday

3 You get to make fun of Dora
4 Dora's theme is okay

I hat the the stuck in the middle theme more than I hate the dora theme

5 Dora is a good show for kids

Dora doesn't teach kids to complain about everything unlike stuck in the middle

6 Dora is more popular

You don't see people make harlh gets gruonded videos on goanimate but a lot of Dora gets grounded videos

7 Dora's voice actor is not overused
8 Dora is more creative

Stuck in the middle is a rip off of loud house

9 Dora has a better fandom
10 Dora is getting a movie

I bet suck in the crap will never get a movie

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