Top 10 Reasons Why Linkin Park is Overhated

Linkin Park is one of the most overhated bands on this site. So overhated that it's just downright annoying.
The Top Ten
1 People hate on them just because they're popular

Only reason I could imagine. Many people hate on everything, just because they don't wanna be mainstream. So what? Linkin Park became mainstream. Still good.

So what if some rock band becomes mainstream? Doesn't mean they're horrible or terrible just because they're not small or overlooked.

2 They get treated like a musical antichrist

Same with Nickelback or Justin Bieber in all honesty.

3 People hate them because they changed their sound and act like changing your sound musically is a bad thing

Yes from Minutes to Midnight and onwards they lost their nu metal sound but that doesn't make them terrible at all.

4 They've gotten hate just for being a nu metal band

Nu Metal as a whole is overhated but just because they were nu metal doesn't make them horrible.

5 Even after Chester Bennington's passing people still act like they were horrible from the start
6 They are treated like the Nickelback of alternative rock

In other words everyone likes to bandwagon the hate on them just for the sake of hating them.

7 Linkin Park gets treated like the worst band of the 2000s decade when there were far worse bands
8 People act like they're awful just because they're somewhat edgy

Yet artists like FOB get a pass for being edgy yet when LP is it's suddenly offensive.

9 They are falsely accused of being sell outs
10 People acted like they were the worst artist ever just for one album
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