Top 10 Best Books of the Bible

The Top Ten

There is a psalm in the Bible for every situation and crisis in life. King David is the greatest songwriter of all time. Most Christian songs just talk about God's love, mercy, and sacrifice. Psalms talks about justice, being alone, depression, despair, joy, injustice, violence, the wicked, victory over your enemies, confidence, creation, God's power, Jesus, and prophecy in a personal way. God cares about our struggles and all these things. What an awesome God.

No literature can compare to the beauty, wisdom, and praise of the Psalms.


Book of divine prophecy. It is essential to understand the symbols behind the book to comprehend world history and future events, kingdoms, and how what happens in heaven affects what happens on earth. God is the greatest.

I found this book so interesting! It was literally like reading a prophecy!

It gives amazing information.


John feels a lot more humanized and personal than the other Gospels. He can also run faster than Peter.

My favorite book of the Bible. It allows you to meet Jesus on a more personal level.


Proverbs offers us insight into proper conduct and behavior. It provides us with tangible, life-changing principles. The book of Proverbs presents us with an opportunity to see immediate results upon application.

Book of wisdom and wise principles. If you want a long, good life, apply the teachings of the book of Proverbs.


Favorite book in the Bible because it recounts the origins of mankind, exposes occultism, Satan, and sin, and gives accounts of how God chose a people for Himself through one man named Abraham. His covenant and faithfulness to man are evident throughout.

Genesis 3:19 has a sentence at the end of the verse. It reads: "For dust you are, and to dust you will return."


If you are confused by the Gospel books of John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the book of Romans brings clarity as to why Jesus Christ had to die for man's sins.

This is the best book of the Bible for numerous reasons. First off, a group of people named themselves after this book - ain't that something? Better yet, Jesus.

Jesus returns to heaven.
The Holy Spirit comes to Earth.
Peter and others receive power from Him.
Paul becomes a follower of the Lord.

Love this book.


Matthew 24:7
"For nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another."

It's sad to believe that these words have just come true. This is one of the prophecies that people need to look into the Bible.

Sums up the meaning of life and the story of Jesus Christ quite simply.


An amazing, interesting story of an oppressed people being led out of their despair through a miracle and one man striving with the Lord by his side to free the Israelites from Egypt.

There are 10 commandments written in Exodus, chapter 20, verses 1-17.


Ecclesiastes 9:11, NWT

"I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all."

The meaning of life is found in this book. Is there any more to say?

The Newcomers

? 1 Timothy
? Ephesians
The Contenders

Teaches a very important lesson, but all of the books in the Bible are good.


The best book in the Bible - you can't resist reading it. Seriously, don't forget it has the greatest stories in it. Come on, Daniel and the Lion's Den and the three Hebrew boys? Nobody can help themselves or resist their stories. I can't. Daniel rules!

This one is so awesome! This book only has 12 chapters, but if you read the Bible, the most famous chapters are 6 (Daniel is protected by God) and 3 (The three boys are saved), which we're pretty familiar with, right? I mean, don't get me wrong - we all know the stories of Daniel and the three boys.


Cool book about the first Christians spreading the Gospel around the world. It's also a good outline for Christians today on how to share Christ with others.

Acts and Genesis provide spiritual DNA to define who and what we are. Additionally, Psalm 139 is the chromosome of our existence!


Definitely a great book. It talks about receiving salvation through Jesus as opposed to the law. It discusses equality, spiritual endurance, and the fruits of the Spirit. Also, it's written by Paul, which means it's awesome. If I went looking through the Bible highlighting verses, I think Galatians would be full of neon yellow.

It shows the importance of seeing people as children of God, rather than through negative means of judgment. It also shows the importance of following God's inspiration, not just the law of the land.


Very well written, and the outline is well made. The story can be divided into 2, 3, or even 5 major themed parts. The only point is that Mark is originally said to have a very abrupt ending. But who knows, maybe even that was for a reason!

1 Maccabees

Maccabees is a book of the Bible, just not in the version evangelicals use today. It was not rejected during canonization as people here seem to think (and no, it wasn't rejected by Jesus).


Judges is such an interesting and amazing book of the Bible and is also quite entertaining. From Ehud to Deborah, Barak and Jael, to Gideon and many more, Judges is a very amazing book! By regular standards, the top 10 should stay almost the same, but Judges should be around 8 or 9.

First Book of Samuel

After Jesus, King David is the Bible character that inspires me the most. His life, his passion, his worship, his repentance, and his courage are like no other. The First and Second books of Samuel are the best things in the world.


Jeremiah 10:23 from the Bible states that humans cannot lead themselves. People mislead themselves by making one mistake after another, and they can hurt themselves.

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