Top 10 Biggest Flaws with the Holy Bible

Let me get this straight: I do believe in God, and I do consider the Bible to be mostly accurate. However, there are some things in the Bible that I, along with many others, do not agree with.

What are some things that YOU do not agree with that are contained in the Bible? This list is not intended to offend anyone. It is just my personal opinion.
The Top Ten
Homosexuality is a Sin

This is something I struggle with a lot. I am a Christian in Bible college, but I had a secret boyfriend for a while. It wasn't about lust, and I don't even consider myself gay. I just found that he was the only person who made me feel okay, and I loved him for how much he cared for me.

My church found out, and I got suspended from being a youth leader until I broke up with him. After that, they let me back, but it just hurts, and I still don't understand why. In some ways, I do believe it's harder to be close to God while in a gay relationship, because every time I spent time with my boyfriend, I couldn't feel anything but emptiness when thinking about God. After we broke up, that emptiness instantly went away. I just wish I knew why God doesn't tolerate it and why I couldn't be with the person I love - the only person who has ever really loved me.

Slavery is Allowed

The Bible never directly says that slavery is just, but there is some evidence in scripture that implies slavery is "okay."

"As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers, the people of Israel, you shall not rule, one over another, ruthlessly."

Women Should be Submissive to Men

This doesn't mean that women are the inferior gender. There are plenty of women in the Bible who are heroes. Compared to most cultures during biblical times, the Bible actually gave women more rights than were usual. Women are equal to men - there is no place in the Bible that says otherwise.

Saying, "wives, submit yourselves to your husbands," isn't saying women should submit to men in general. It's saying wives should give themselves to their husbands, depend on them, and obey them. And husbands are supposed to submit themselves to the church. There's nothing wrong with this.

God Sent Himself to Earth to Sacrifice Himself, to Create a Loophole in Order to Please Himself
Remarrying After Divorce is Adultery

The Bible states that if you get a divorce, you should not remarry, for if you do, you are committing adultery.
"Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery."

The Story of Noah's Ark is Implausible

Seeing as cameras didn't exist in Bible times, why did no one at least make a painting of Noah's ark? I have history books from times before cameras, with paintings of events from those periods.

Maybe the story of Gilgamesh was written about this flood? Maybe the Bible tells us how it happened and why, and Gilgamesh included it since it also happened in that time?

It's total nonsense, and it's practically copied from the Epic of Gilgamesh with the names changed.

Jesus is God Yet He Prays to Himself
Divorce is a Sin

The Bible states that you should never get a divorce. So, if your partner is abusive and hateful, are you just supposed to put up with them for the rest of your life?
"What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."

Marriage is supposed to be holy, not something done on a whim. If you truly love who you are marrying and have dated them enough to know them well, you should have no problem staying committed.

What about in cases of infidelity? Or domestic abuse? Or if the partner commits a heinous act?

Women Cannot Aid Men in a Fight

No joke, this is actually a thing.

"If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand. You shall not show pity."

Philosophy is Evil

Philosophy is in no way "evil." It should be encouraged! I personally believe it should be mandatory to take philosophy in high school. It's more important than people give it credit for.

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ."

"Deceptive philosophy."
By the way, what do philosophers have to say? "Everything is nonsense." Why do I need someone to tell me that?

The Newcomers

? The Sun was Created After Light, Day and Night, and Plants
? The Impotent Cannot Marry Even Though Marriage Without Sex is Considered Virtuous
The Contenders
Women are Punished Because of Eve's Curse
No Sex Before Marriage
Desiring Wealth is Forbidden

The Bible states that it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. It doesn't say that if you are rich, you'll burn in hell, but it does say that you should not desire to be rich. I have to disagree with this. Wealth is important. Sure, there is a lot of greed in this world, but if you are a kind-hearted individual, you should strive to become rich.

Sometimes you need wealth for food, shelter, supplies, etc. However, not all millionaires are greedy. Some donate a lot to charity, like Bill Gates does.

Welfare is Sometimes Wrong

Actually, the Bible constantly states that you should always give to the poor. But there is one instance where Judas wanted to sell something and give the money to the poor. Jesus replied that "you will always have the poor, but you shall not always have me." Then, he used the resources on himself. This instance doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Why would you promote giving to the poor but then say that you are more important than they are? It's true, but it also seems selfish.

You must have read this part with your eyes in your mouth. Spit them out, put them back in your sockets, and go read the entire passage again.

Noah was 600 Years Old
The Story of Jonah and the Whale is Implausible
The Bible Provides No Rules for War

There is one instance in the Bible where a huge battle takes place. The "good guys" win, and they begin to take prisoners. But God told a very wise man that there shall be no prisoners. So, the man orders the prisoners to be executed. That does not sound evil at all...

Certain Haircuts are Forbidden
God No Longer Appears as Things Like Plants
God is a Narcissist

I can't believe this figure, who obviously doesn't know what's best for humans, thinks we will all bend our knees to him.

Inconsistencies in the Genealogy of Jesus from Jesse
God Prevented the Tower of Babel but Allowed Humans to Reach the Moon
The Israelites Wandered in the Desert for 40 Years

Let's walk around a desert for 40 years.
"My feet are in agony, arrrgghh."
"This is boring."

Creating Images is Forbidden

You know there are illustrations in Bibles that came after the Dead Sea Scrolls. That might have made the Bible a bit more believable.

Mixing Fabrics is Forbidden

This is a legitimate thing. I am a Christian atheist, meaning I am not a Christian, but my family is. I haven't told them yet, and I'm not planning to. As someone who is reading the Bible, most of it seems nonsensical. How is this even considered a sin?! I was looking up laws of the Old Testament in Bible class (the worst class ever), and this was just one of the laws.

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