Top 10 Best Verses in the Letter of James
This ended up being more like "Best Verses in James Chapter 1," but I guess that's just because James 1 is my favorite chapter of James. I very much recommend reading this book of the Bible. It always teaches me so much! It's also nice to get a glimpse of what Jesus' brother was like.NOTE: I am using the English Standard Version (ESV) translation.
This used to be my favourite scripture in the Bible. I just loved the fact that if we were to resist Satan and resist sin, he would flee. I still love it to this day.
But don't leave out the submitting to God part. That is as important as the latter. The verse after it is also amazing. I put it in 2nd.
It's the perfect continuation of the previous verse. And it doesn't just stop at God drawing near to you. It continues to basically say, sin no more.
I love how James uses analogies, just like Jesus, but obviously not to the same extent.
This is wisdom at its finest. Combined with the verse that proceeds it (which I put in 4th), it is one of the best pieces of scripture in the Bible.
Be happy in everything, for you will get your reward in due time.
We mustn't just know God's word inside out. We must obey His word inside out. The best way to show love isn't to talk about it. It's to do it.
And then I love the way James wraps up the verse: don't be deceived.
He makes it quite obvious here that trials are the testing of our faith. If we are faithful through them, much fruit and happiness will be produced. But sadly, I wouldn't say many people know this.
I find this verse funny because we all lack wisdom, so basically, what James is saying is that everyone needs to ask God for wisdom. And it will be given to him.
You need to have the second part to this scripture though, so I put that in 6th.
God won't answer us if we're being lazy and unfaithful. But it's still quite simple. The first step is to ask for faith. Then you're set.
But then again, you mustn't be lazy in your asking. And then the analogy he uses. It's so awesome.
After putting all these verses down, I've really come to see how much I love James Chapter 1. It's so full of great advice. I love this verse because it addresses the stupidity of ourselves when we say things like "Why is God making it so hard."
We're making it so hard. It's as simple as that. Stop blaming the one who died for you.
Another verse in Chapter 1. Wow. This one is basically just telling us to be patient, listen, and not respond with anger. Which is great, especially when we as humans always want to be the center of attention.
We must be slow to speak.
This is one of the most important scriptures to have constantly repeated in your mind. What do you think is the right thing to do? Then do it. Otherwise, you're sinning.
Very simply put, I love it. Don't use the excuse, but what if it's not the right thing. Do you think it is? Then do it.