Top Ten Best Sister Peter Marie Reimondo Quotes from HBO's OZ

The Top Ten
1 Are you trying to provoke me, mock my religion?... We fight our natures, Chris [Keller]... God gives us natures... It proves we're better than animals.
2 named Warren Sticks..middle of..session..suddenly..leapt out choke me..blacked out..came to..was lying in a pool of..his blood..slit..wrists with..edge of my tape dispenser..realized..was attempting..knock me out so..could kill himself
3 Oh, Tim [McManus], you wanna be careful... Of playing God once too often. If you're not careful, the real one's gonna get very pissed off.
4 We do not choose God. God chooses us.
5 [Tobias Beecher: When God was designing the universe why did he make something so wonderful so * painful?] I think he thought we could handle it.
6 I don't disagree that there's evil in the world. I do disagree that we're powerless against it. Ray [Mukada], you and I have dedicated our lives to overcoming evil through love. God's love.
7 Reported?Listen to you,your own daughter was raped..Rape is rape,Leo..Do you have something personal against Schibetta?..You and I have disagreed about a lot of things over the years,but this is.."..a leveling effect."?You want rape to do your job?
8 The state, the state's attitude towards the elderly, any elderly, in or out of prison is "hurry up and die."
9 I know that Tobias was in love with you [Chris Keller] and that you broke his arms and his legs... So why don’t you rephrase it so you come out the hero?
10 went into severe heroin withdrawal..thought you kicked the habit..reports say..still using..drug counseling..have you tested for drug use..keep using..send you to..Psych Ward..Schibetta's there,along with twenty other guys who've lost all sense
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