Top Ten Most Arrogant Athletes
These are the athletes who love themselves like nobody else does and are just plain cocky.
"Pretty boy" Floyd or "Money" Mayweather is widely considered to be one of the greatest if not the greatest boxer in boxing history. Floyd Mayweather has had success not only inside the ring, but outside... read more
I hate this cocky boxer who thinks he can KO everyone. He is a big wuss who mostly fights weak boxers, and if they're not weak, he makes sure they're not in good condition. Like that fight after El Canelo Alvarez, which was an unfair fight. Canelo had to lose a lot of weight just to fight Mayweather. When he was in the ring, he was feeling so weak that he didn't have the strength to KO anybody.
I hope sooner or later he fights with Pac-Man so he can be taught a lesson. If they fight, I will pay thousands of dollars to see the fight live and to have front-row seats. That will be the best fight in history.

Ali trash-talked every opponent he ever faced in the ring and then just trash-talked them in interviews. Ali later on said that he only did those things for popularity to make his career grow and apologized to anyone he said things to. Yet it still doesn't take away how he blabbered all over the world.
Ali said repeatedly that he was the greatest, and maybe he was, but that's why they called him the Louisville Lip. Ali was the biggest trash talker of them all, but unlike most of the athletes on here, he always backed it up. He definitely deserves respect for dealing with the likes of Floyd Patterson, Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, and many others.

Tom Brady always has that smirk on his face and that cocky look. That is until his team starts losing, then you see him staring at the ground and being silent the entire time. Maybe if we're lucky, we get to see him cry like when he lost to the New York Giants... twice!
A lot of people have said that the Patriots are cheaters, which in a way, they're right. They get away with too much on the field and are babied, but whenever something happens to them, you better prepare for Brady to be bawling on the news tomorrow.
In the Panthers vs. Patriots 2013 game, a flag was called on the Panthers with 3 seconds left, but after reviewing the replay, they decided there was no way they would have gotten the ball and ended the game. Brady was furious, yelling at the ref and storming off the field without saying good game or anything, acting like a total 5-year-old.

LeBron thinks that he's the best thing that ever happened to the NBA. For the people who watch SportsCenter, we know all too well that we see way too much of LeBron. He thinks he's better than Michael Jordan, but he hasn't even become better than Bryant yet.
LeBron also thought that he was too good for the Cavaliers and said he needed to be on a better team. Compared to the old Chicago Bulls players, LeBron is just an average basketball player in an age with less talent in basketball.
He won a championship, but that still doesn't save him from literally ripping Cleveland sports fans' hearts out when he "took his talents to South Beach" just so he could win a championship. Furthermore, he's a crybaby and, like Tom Brady, wants everything on his side.

He thinks he is the best UFC fighter in the whole business, but his record doesn't say so. He has a record of 28 wins and 14 losses. That doesn't seem like a good UFC record. He repeatedly demanded fights with Silva and lost twice to Anderson Silva after he pretty much said it was going to be an easy fight.
The cocky American Gangster has lost to the likes of Jeremy Horn, Jon Jones, Rashad Evans, and of course, Anderson Silva. Sounds like a great MMA fighter to me.

He sucks. He thinks he's the best. Messi is the best there was, there is, and there ever will be.
He thinks that he is better than Messi, but Leo is the actual king.

Tyson is by far my favorite athlete, but his arrogance led to his downfall. He made some stupid choices, like getting rid of his good trainer Kevin Rooney, doing every drug possible, and thinking he was God himself in the ring. He soon lost respect for fighters in the ring, which led to Tyson getting beat by people like Buster Douglas and Evander Holyfield.
Tyson, just like Ali, said he was the best ever, but that was at a later time when Tyson's life became a complete disaster. When Tyson was a young and healthy fighter, he was the greatest fighter of all time. If he had kept going on that good path, who knows what else he could have accomplished.

Some of the quotes:
-"I'm Zlatan, who the heck are you?"
-"Who will win the EURO 2010? Ask God! We can't ask him! You are talking to him right now!"
Memorable moments:
-Drinking a bottle of water in the 67th minute of the EURO
-Kicking another player
-Saying to John Carew (Liverpool) "He can do a ball, I can do an orange!"
At the age of 17, Zlatan turned down a trial from Arsenal, saying, "I don't do auditions."

The Newcomers

He is incredible at golf, but really, who is cocky about being good at golf? Tiger thinks he's the most dominant golfer that has ever played, which people, I guess, wouldn't mind until he became a jerk or cheated on his wife. He cheated on his wife with more than ten women, but to be honest, if you don't know what's going on when he cheats on you with that many women, you're pretty stupid.
The average woman will know if you have even talked to another girl, yet it took his wife years to figure out he was cheating on her. But really, anyone who thinks they're so great that they can cheat on their spouse about 15 times is pretty arrogant.

Roy, like a lot of boxers, has a right to be arrogant, but to a point. Roy is probably the most arrogant and cocky light heavyweight boxer there ever was, yet he might be the greatest light heavyweight there actually is. Roy was undefeated for the longest time until he lost his 35th fight by disqualification.
Roy looked like he was not even trying against his opponents. He would keep his hands down, not protecting his head or body, and did his fake uppercut cross punch. Roy Jones is a huge trash talker and arrogant fighter, but for a while, like Tyson and Ali, he had a right to be.

DeSean doesn't even have a reason to be arrogant. He said he was going to guarantee a Super Bowl, and the Eagles barely made it into the playoffs. I'm sure the Eagles were extremely glad to trade him to another team.