Top Ten Greatest Female Figure Skaters of All Time

We've crunched the numbers. We've pored over the record books. We've reviewed history. And now we reveal our top 10 ladies skaters of all-time.
The Top Ten
Yu-Na Kim

As a Korean and a figure skating fan, I fell in love with Yuna's skating. The way she captivated the audience with her skating was amazing. Her jumps and techniques are also textbook. She also has artistry. The grace and elegance in her skating cannot be described.

She was the first and only woman figure skater to never finish off the podium. She is the best figure skater of all time.

She brought me into figure skating and changed my view as a sports fan. She showed me that there are no borders when it comes to rooting for someone in the sport, no matter where they come from. How can you not appreciate someone so obviously talented and great when you watch her skating? She has a special place in my heart forever.

Adelina Sotnikova
Katarina Witt

Even after 29 years, she is still well-known even beyond the sport. Her combination of athleticism, beauty, elegance, charisma, movie star pizzazz, grace, and worldwide popularity are unmatched.

She is the GOAT for me.

People talk about her artistry but forget that from 1982-1985, she was arguably the best jumper in the world, outside of young Ito. She did the first-ever triple flip. She had a triple loop, triple toe, triple salchow, a double lutz-triple toe combination, and a double flip-triple toe combination, which were really hard for the time.

Only at the end, when younger generations who were being trained for post-figures, and when her body changed, did she fall behind athletically.

Michelle Kwan

No doubt, it's Michelle who moved so gracefully on the ice. Her landing poses were perfect. I have not seen any girl come close to how she jumps with such elegance to the landing. Her hands and the way they flow through the music take you on a journey to her world when she skates.

She's truly phenomenal. Her perseverance is magical and astonishing. No one else in the world of figure skating stuck around trying and trying, but along the way, she kept on proving that she is the best.

I'm kind of glad she didn't win because we wouldn't have had all those times she skated on ice with such grace and power. She wouldn't have inspired us, and I'm sure she would have retired just like the past Olympic champions. To many, she's an Olympic gold winner already. I mean, who's to say that those judges chose the right winner?

A sport should not be judged. It should be judged by the audience who the real winner is - the one that captivates everyone's heart. Michelle Kwan is my three-time Olympic gold medalist. I don't care what anybody says. She is figure skating.

Evgenia Medvedeva

Integrates both art and emotion, as well as skill and technique, into all of her programs. All her programs are beautiful and entertaining. A true inspiration for others and truly the greatest!

She is the true figure skater of all time and made so many world records for the free skate and the short program.

Her artistry and ability to convey emotions in the program are amazing. You can watch her skating forever.

Mao Asada

I respect her so much because she took risks she didn't have to take to win, and it even hurt her sometimes. She wanted to push the sport forward. She is one of the most beautiful artistic skaters out there, yet pushed things with triple axels and difficult triple-triple combos from when she was 14.

An incredible champion and skater, in my opinion, underappreciated in part because she was in the shadow of her rival, the great Yu Na Kim. In any other era, she would be the standout.

Way underrated. Come on, behind Witt and Kwan? Get real, people. If she skated in eras that weak, she would have 8 world titles. She didn't win more because flawed rules didn't give her credit for things like the triple axel, she was underscored in PCS, especially vs. Yu Na and the Russians, and she skated in an era with such tough competition.

Sonja Henie

Three consecutive Olympic gold medals during a streak of 10 consecutive World Championships. Both feats have never been matched. I don't care what year it was. Kim, Witt, Kwan, and Yamaguchi... none of them have more than two Olympic medals, and only two golds between the four of them. How does Sonja Henie not rank as #1 every single time?

I don't care about what year it was or the level of competition. Every Olympian in history has faced equally skilled opponents in that year's Olympics.

Nobody has ever done 80 revolutions. Sonja was born to skate and had the wealth to do it.

Alina Zagitova

I have never seen a skater that personifies a ballerina like she does. If she wins another Olympic gold, watch out! Greatest ever!

Olympic champion. Beautiful girl, beautiful programs.

Alina Zagitova is an awesome skater. By doing all those jumps, she should be quite good.

Kristi Yamaguchi

She is perfection. Even the rare falls she can make look planned with precision. She is the original 6.0 girl, then 10.0. Michelle Kwan is second for continuous excellence. Tara Lipinski won gold from Michelle with the luck of a triple loop-double toe, skated off with a gold, and was never to be heard from again until she and Johnny Weir teamed up to be "Sports Reporters." They look more like judges on some reality TV show discussing fashion.

Based on Tara's recent off-the-shoulder hot pink dress, she looked like something out of a prom night horror show.

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Even though Julia doesn't skate anymore, I still admire her. The way she skates to the music shows so much raw emotion. In 2014, when she won her gold medal, I was blown away as she was only 15 at the time. I hope she's doing great and taking care of herself.

Just an incredible figure skater who conquered the audience at the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014. Her beauty and ability to convey feelings are worth a lot. Julia is beautiful, a very charming, and pleasant figure skater.

The Newcomers

? Anna Shcherbakova

I have never seen such beauty, willpower, and perseverance before. This is a girl who is dedicated to her work and does not give up under any circumstances. She has overcome so much. I think she is the best in the world, the strongest figure skater in the world.

? Alexandra Trusova

The girl who made history. She made the impossible possible.

The Contenders
Irina Slutskaya

She performed for a long time, but we all remember her. One of the first women who glorified Russian women's singles skating. She jumped the most difficult cascade 3Lz + 3Lo and won the World and European championships.

Carol Heiss
Chen Lu
Peggy Fleming
Dorothy Hamill
Herma Szabo

Five straight world titles and an Olympic Gold in ladies. Three straight world titles in pairs. Truly the best overall women's skater ever.

Tonya Harding

It seems impossible how she did the triple axel!

She had to overcome a lot. I'm happy for her.

She always skated with such power.

Kaetlyn Osmond

Silver medalist, world champion. Vote her in the top ten!

She is amazing! She deserves to be in the top ten!

Carolina Kostner

Beautiful skater to watch. Not the most consistent when it comes to technical ability, but always a beauty to watch. When she puts it together, she's gorgeous!

Sasha Cohen

The only thing that surpassed her beauty on the ice is her actual beauty. Artistically, she is probably the greatest ever. The jumping craze is not included as it wasn't her strong suit.

Many skaters can jump, but only Sasha was really a ballerina on ice. She had the best positions and lines.

She was a true artist.

The most artistic skater ever. As Peggy Fleming said, she never hit a bad position.

Midori Ito

Her triple axels recorded on video still seem the best of all the ones tried by female skaters. Amazing athleticism.

Surya Bonaly

In my unworthy opinion, the sport made a mockery of itself when it turned a cold shoulder to this unprecedented talent and exciting creative force. All great sports evolve and, by doing so, retain and even gain relevance. By ignoring an innovator of this once-in-a-century caliber, the sport loses.

She should have a closet full of Olympic gold medals and other awards.

She is the best the world has ever seen, even if no one approves it!

Oksana Baiul

Her performance at her peak mesmerized the audience. We all sat with our mouths agape watching genius.

Dazzling performer. Her skating was simply stunning to me.

My favorite of all time.

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva

She has been at the top for many years. She is already 25 years old, but this figure skater is still on top. This girl is definitely admirable.

Gracie Gold
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