Top 10 Greatest Stephen King Monsters & Villains

The Top Ten
1 Randall Flagg (The Stand)
2 Pennywise (It) It (sometimes capitalized as IT), more commonly known as Pennywise the Dancing Clown, is the titular main antagonist of the novel, its 2017 film adaptation and the 1990 TV adaptation. It was portrayed to be a shapeshifting and malevolent entity millions (possibly billions) of years old, and with no more.
3 Blaine the Mono (The Dark Tower)
4 Annie Wilkes (Misery) Anne Marie Wilkes Dugan, usually known as Annie Wilkes, is a character in the 1987 novel Misery, by Stephen King.
5 Mrs. Carmody (The Mist)
6 Raggedy Man (Cell)
7 Gage Creed (Pet Sematary)
8 Percy Wetmore (The Green Mile)
9 Jack Torrance (The Shining) John Daniel Edward "Jack" Torrance is the main antagonist of Stephen King's horror novel The Shining.
10 Kurt Barlow (Salem's Lot)
The Contenders
11 The Crimson King (The Dark Tower)
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