Top Ten Gilmore Girls Characters
Lorelei Gilmore is my happy place. I go and listen to her talk, and she brightens my day. What do I do when I'm upset? What do I do when I'm happy? What do I do when I have nothing to do or am feeling nothing? I go and watch Lorelei Gilmore on Gilmore Girls. She deserves more credit for what she does. You've got to love her.
I had such a hard time picking between Jess and Lorelai! Although Jess is flat out amazing, Lorelai never fails to make you laugh. She is smart, pretty, and perhaps the best thing is she is independent. She doesn't play a role where she expects people to just help her. She just does it herself.

I liked her character much better in the first few seasons. I feel like her character started to go downhill when she cheated with Dean at the end of season four.
Rory is a fantastic character. She has so much grit and determination. She's fantastic throughout the series and provides so many laughs. What a badass.
Jess is the best character on Gilmore Girls. When I first saw him on the show, I fell in love with him. He is amazing. Also, he and Rory are made for each other. Logan and Dean are just UGH! I see it like this: Rory and Dean equal disaster, Logan and Rory equal disaster, but Jess and Rory equal AWESOMENESS!
"A swan... I was attacked by a swan, okay? Ya happy? A stupid swan.. The thing just came out of nowhere, and bam! Beaked me right in the eye! No, no. this is not funny. That swan is a vicious, vicious bird."
He is perfect for Rory in every way. In season two of the revival, I want to see them get married!
Luke Danes. You've got to love him. I'm telling you if you look up "saint" in the dictionary, you would find a picture of Luke with Danes in the description. What more is there to say? The dictionary will say it all!
Hot! I told you I'm oddly attracted to guys named Luke.
She's funny! Who can't love someone who has a life counselor and had sex with her worst enemy? Seriously!
She's so funny and smart. I love her.
Can somebody count how many times Sookie has cut off her finger, set fire to something, baked too many things, and gone WAY too far to taste test? I know I can't! Arguably, she's one of the best characters in the show. She should be higher up on this list.
Such a great friend and funny character, plus she can cook!
"Kirk?" A often heard question if you frequently watch Gilmore Girls. If you went one episode without laughing or questioning Kirk, you are insane. I'm sorry. I said it. INSANE.
Did you see the episode where he attended the meeting and started to work at the inn without permission? Loved that one!
Best character ever, go Sean and Kirk!
The Newcomers
He and Kirk are easily the most questionable characters in the show. (Don't tell Brennon, but Kirk is a million times better!)
He made the one episode he was in very rewatchable, just to see the line outside of Westin's and him dancing on the table. I feel bad for Luke (and everyone else in Stars Hollow...), but I'm glad Brennon made it into the show, even just for one episode. Lorelai and Rory's quips and facial expressions when they saw him made my day.
I absolutely love Michel! He's so sassy and sarcastic, and he makes me laugh every time.
I love him and his Chows. Keep eating Taylor's shoes.
When something goes wrong in Stars Hollow, who is the first to know about it and yell at someone for it? You guessed it: Taylor Doose.