Best Sherlock Episodes
I know there are only six episodes, but which one is your favourite?Moriarty proved himself to be the greatest villain Sherlock has ever faced! My only regret is that they shouldn't have killed him off in this episode but let him disappear or get captured so the showrunners could bring him back in a later season.
This one shattered my heart into a million pieces! Best episode of any TV show ever made. Period.
This is a contender for best television episode of any show ever. Period.
My favorite episode of all time in any TV series. The chemistry between Irene and Sherlock is so intense! And the ending is just too amazing for words.
One of my favorite episodes. Even better than The Reichenbach Fall in my opinion. Irene is a better villain than Moriarty, and she has such great chemistry with Sherlock.
It's either this or The Reichenbach Fall. Ultimately, I picked this because I like Irene more than Jim.
The best possible way to adapt a book: keeping it accurate yet surprising to those who are familiar with the source material.
This one surprised me like one million times. I will not give spoilers, but you must stick around to watch this one!
Magnussen is a creep, but this episode had so many great twists!
Why is this not #1? This episode has the best Johnlock moments and humor!
Honestly, it's got the coolest plot of all of them. It's really the best.
The best first episode you can wish for.
Great introduction to the series.
I just like how this episode has the perfect balance between the character-driven and plot-driven aspects of the show. It has the same cleverness and ingenuity that gained it a cult following and eventually expanded it into one of the most popular shows, seamlessly slipping into pop culture.
Also, this episode introduces the central villain of the next and previous seasons. It made us all marvel and put our minds to the test as Sherlock met his match in Moriarty, played by the amazing Andrew Scott. He is one of the best television villains and psychotic antagonists of all time, who has also made it into our hearts. This episode tied up the season nicely and made Sherlock an icon, resurging his popularity with the modern generation.
No clear ending, which is what made the cliffhanger (pun intended) of the last episode so effective.
I just don't understand how low this one is.
I absolutely ADORED this episode, so when I looked at all the negative reviews for it, I was absolutely SHOCKED. This might be my favorite episode of the whole series!
Easily the best. The sense of urgency in this episode is like nothing I've seen in a TV show before. The plot's many twists and turns make it even better.
I love this part. It ended really beautifully. No other detective stories can do that. Opening the mind of a psychopath, a little girl at the height, alone and sad, who was asking for help. Saving her was the only way to solve the Final Problem. The cleverest move Sherlock ever made.
BEST. EPISODE. YET. January 9, 2017
Utterly heartbreaking and deep. I laughed, cried, squealed, bewailed, you name it. I absolutely adore the character development! It's not just about the cases. It never was. The relationship between Sherlock and John is impeccable. From hitting to hugging, they are a pair in whatever way you want to view them. Symbolism, plot twists galore.
Props to the amazing writers Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. Truly one of a kind, and I can't wait to see them try to top this with The Final Problem.
I loved this episode! You truly got to see Sherlock Holmes in the time that the book was set, and the case he was put on was a real brain twister. When he solved it, you also got to see just how smart Sherlock Holmes is. You fully got to understand his mind palace from his perspective. I loved how you got to see more of his personality and grow a deeper understanding of everything. Loved it! Should be higher!
Better than The Blind Banker, definitely. Should be higher. Wonderful episode. Great plot and...