Top 10 Worst Things About Power Rangers

The Top Ten
The monsters look fake

Saying the monsters look fake is an understatement. You can clearly see the plastic on their masks. I mean, come on! When they talk, their mouths don't even move! I didn't even bother to remember their names. Whenever my bro watches it, I refer to them as Ugly Nose, Octopus Dude, Snake Hair Lady, Booger Ogre, and Reggie (long story on that one).

And the Power Rangers are, naturally, the red, green, blue, yellow, and pink rangers. They have really corny-looking swords too... Eesh. I mean, it would only be entertaining to watch if you were really bored. Not, "Oh it's sunny outside and I'm just staying in" bored - more like, "Oh my gosh, I'm so BORED I want to light a house on fire because I'm just that bored" bored. God. What a weird, stupidly-funny show.

The jokes are not funny

Oh come on! Puns are pretty much the same old thing! They get stupid! Saying monster insults like "Banana breath," "ugly," "bird-brain," etc., has all been said too many times! So cliché!

There are puns in Power Rangers like It's time to take out the trash.

The actors can't act

See Power Rangers Samurai. Not only is the acting flat, but they had unnecessary scenes with little kids who didn't look or sound like the Power Rangers they were supposed to represent. In some Power Rangers seasons, the acting can be forgiven or gets better over time, but in Samurai the actors can't act, and they use a direct translation of the Sentai script, which makes a lot of what they say sound even more preposterous.

I'm watching Power Rangers right now, and I know people younger than me (currently 16) who can act better than that. All of it is horrible. Geez, even the storyline is bad. Cancel the show - it's just bad.

Their weapons are corny

The weapons are fake. It's like you can find them in a toy store.

Blasters - that's all they can think of. Can they have a weapon that shoots bullets and use real weapons for once? The Power Rangers need real weapons!

The weapons look like something you can find in a toy store.

The weapons don't do any real damage. The Time Force weapons are super fake!

The monsters always blow up and turn gaunt, and the Power Rangers' weapons are plastic and look cheap.

The battles look fake

The weapons are clearly inefficient. It seems extremely forced, and the special effects have terrifyingly horrible quality for this day and age. If they actually tried to make the show good, I dare say that it may have been one of the best shows for little kids.

In the final "legendary battle," they fought off an "army" that could probably be easily taken down with a machine gun or a nuke. It would have been better if they fought against all the major villains. I personally believe the show had great potential but crappy execution. And no one died in the fights. Seriously. It's a battle - there must be some death.

The show uses models
They have better graphics in the 1970s

Since the Megazord sequences became Pixar - no, Dreamworks reject footage, it's been increasingly hard to watch the giant battles. They used to be much better back in the day.

It doesn't help that the newer Zords look like they've been designed by a 5-year-old. They used to be intricate, spectacular things that made you say, "Wow, how did someone come up with this? How long did it take them to make it all fit together?" Now it's always the same: you're an arm, you're a leg, etc. But they don't even look good when they become that!

Their war cries sound corny

My brother used to watch Power Rangers, and now my son does. They always say "huh" in a really fake way during battle. It always annoyed me!

They try to use smart phrases and sound heroic, but they're really just bored of their job.

I remember one of the lines in Super Megaforce: "Let's give it all we've got." "Let's give it all we've got!" "Yeah!" "I will crush you!" The "yeah" part had no passion. This is why I watch Super Sentai instead.

Their uniforms are lame

The Power Ranger Time Force uniforms are lame and stupid.

They look crazy - like they're wearing janitor outfits! Those who think Time Force is a great season are on drugs.

The Samurai Rangers are lame, and their acting is horrible.

All Power Rangers series look the same

They go from one gimmick to another each series now, to the point where no one has any idea how the rangers even got started. Decades ago, it was a simple premise of "semi-godlike alien bestows power to kids to fight evil, and they eventually train the new generation, and so on."

Now it's been warped around to where alien technology is replaced by "Dino Crystals," "Magic Bracelets," "Police... Badges," and whatever the pirates thing was about. I can't help but wonder what Zordon would say if he knew about the pirates.

"I got bored and thought I'd try something different! I didn't actually think people would find those things, much less use them!"

The Newcomers

? The treatment of David Yost

In the 1999 show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Blue Ranger, Billy Cranston, was played by David Yost. However, David Yost was bullied horrifically because he was gay. The cast and crew members used to call his co-actors in for interviews about his sexuality, and they even called him slurs like "f-----."

In fact, it got to the point where he left the show. He then went to conversion therapy for two years to "pray the gay away," but it didn't work and left him in a breakdown. He then moved to Mexico with his dad to get away from it all. He even felt suicidal after the bullying but eventually accepted his sexuality.

In 2010, he was finally brave enough to tell the truth about why he left the set.

Honestly, holy crap. I had no idea people on television sets could be so cruel. I always thought Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was just a goofy show, but after hearing this, it's so hard to look at it the same way I used to before.

I'm glad David was brave enough to get through this, and I hope that all the people who harassed him face prosecution. Honestly, what they did was unforgivable.

? The show is extremely cheesy
The Contenders
Bad characters that are Power Rangers

The SPD Rangers, the Samurai Rangers, and the Time Force Rangers are bad characters to be Power Rangers.

They sing terribly, just like Roseanne Barr.

They should not be on TV anymore. They should be working as a cleaning crew.

She's mean and ugly. She's rude, and she supports terrorists.

She's annoying and she ruined the Power Rangers season. The actress who played Jen is horrible.

Jen, Wes, Justin, Lucas, Trip, Katie, Jayden, Kevin, Jack, Z, Sky, Doggie, Syd, and Bridge are the worst choices to be Power Rangers.

Only losers would make them Rangers.

The explosions that happen behind the Rangers

The guy that ranted below is right. Plus, not to forget, sometimes I notice when they get "attacked by explosions," they get ready to jump. They don't do it all of a sudden like real-budget movies do.

And why can't the Zords these days be CGI and Michael Bay Transformers style? Wild Force had CGI, but that was 2002. Right now is 2014, and they should've upgraded by now. Seriously!

Anybody can easily notice that they're not really blasted. Sometimes that stuff pisses me off - "AHH," then they'll pretend to lose balance. I can't believe those guys think that if they put those parts in slow motion, it will make it look cooler.

The movies are terrible

Thank you, Turbo Ranger Movie, for failing at the box office.

Because if that movie had succeeded, they would have made that stupid Time Force movie.

Those who think Power Rangers Time Force should have had a movie must be on drugs and support terrorists.

Max's evil plan failed, and he has to accept Ben and Gwen as heroes.

Lame costumes
The story is the same over and over again
The Rangers aren't strong enough

Don't believe me? Then why do they always use those robots at the end? They always use them! They might as well just use them from the start.

My brother said that the Rangers look really weak, and it's true.

The show is unrealistic

How many superhero things are realistic? Let's think of others: turtles that can talk, live in the sewers, eat pizza, and are superheroes. No one can ever notice who most superheroes are in the series or movies.

The effects are cheap

Here's the reason I think the effects never get better: it's probably because back then they didn't have the best technology to create good effects. Nowadays, they probably took an oath to honor the old tradition and never improve the effects. I would like them to improve the effects, but that's probably the reason why they haven't.

Because they are low-budget and cheap.

Dino Charge is a prime example.

Time Force
Dino Charge has gross humor and attacks

Why fart attacks and gross humor in Power Rangers? That is stupid!

The Rangers' sparks fly whenever they get hit

I never got this. Why do they always have smoke and sparks fly out of them whenever they get hit? Is this supposed to be their substitute for blood or something?

Divatox and Elgar, the worst villains ever
Forever Red final battle
Ninjetti Power Coins destroyed in Alien Rangers Ep 3
Power Rangers Dino Charge has fart and poop jokes
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