Top 10 Post-War Tanks

WWII - a truly pioneering age of thank design. In an era in which the only ground forces capable of multiple-role combat were tanks, these behemoths of steel prospered and flourished in the years of the war. They were the predecessors of post-war tank design, and ultimately, our own.

After the war, armies improved their aging tank designs, using them as the basis for new tanks. Thus began the glorious era of the Cold War tank. During the Cold War, the WWII "medium tank" gradually evolved into a multi-role assault tank, fit for a variety of situations - the Main Battle Tank.

So, ultimately, what is the best post-war tank design? Let's find out.
The Top Ten
British: Centurion

Widely distributed around the world (and still in use today), the Centurion deserves to be the top tank. It underwent numerous modifications to keep pace with the latest Soviet tanks. The Mark I's 20-pounder had twice the penetration of the legendary "88" of World War II and was the predecessor of the L7A1, one of the most outstanding guns of the 20th century.

The Centurion, introduced in 1945, was the primary British main battle tank of the post-World War II period. It was a successful tank design, with upgrades, for many decades. The chassis was also adapted for several other roles.

Russian: T-62

The T-62 was produced between 1961 and 1975. It became a standard tank in the Soviet arsenal, partly replacing the T-55, although that tank continued to be manufactured in the Soviet Union and elsewhere after T-62 production was halted. The T-62 was later replaced in front-line service by the T-72.

German: Leopard 1

The Leopard 1 is a main battle tank designed and produced in West Germany that first entered service in 1965. Developed in an era when HEAT warheads were thought to make conventional heavy armor of limited value, the Leopard focused on firepower, using the German-built version of the British L7 105-mm gun. It also featured improved cross-country performance that was unmatched by other designs of the era.

One of the fastest and most advanced tanks of the era, the early version of the Leopard 1 lacked armor protection. However, this was rectified with later models such as the A5, which had more than adequate armor protection to deal with the vast majority of Soviet equipment it would face. It also had a highly lethal gun. The Leopard 1 ought to be number 1, even though I love the Centurion too.

American: M48 Patton

The M48 Patton is a medium tank designed in the United States. It was the third and final tank to be officially named after General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during World War II and one of the earliest American advocates for the use of tanks in battle. The M48 was a further development of the M47 Patton tank.

The M48 Patton was extremely advanced for its time. It had thick, well-sloped armor and a powerful gun, up to par with the T-62 tanks it faced during that era.

Russian: T-54/55

The T-54 and T-55 tanks were a series of main battle tanks designed in the Soviet Union. The first T-54 prototype appeared in March 1945, just as the Second World War ended. The T-54 entered full production in 1947 and became the main tank for armored units of the Soviet Army, armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, and other nations. T-54s and T-55s were involved in many of the world's armed conflicts during the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

My vote goes to the T-54 and T-55 tanks. These models were incredibly influential in future Soviet and Russian designs. They are the most mass-produced vehicles in history, with over 100,000 units of different variations made. Extremely modernized versions still see service today, while older models continue to see limited use as they are considered adequate in certain environments.

French: AMX 30

The AMX-30 is a main battle tank designed by GIAT, first delivered to the French Army in 1966. The first five tanks were issued to the 501st RĂ©giment de Chars de Combat (Tank Regiment) in August of that year. The production version of the AMX-30 weighed 36 metric tons (40 short tons) and sacrificed protection for increased mobility.

American: M47 Patton

The M47 Patton is an American medium tank, the second tank to be named after General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. Third Army during World War II and one of the earliest American advocates of tanks in battle. It was a further development of the M46 Patton tank.

Russian: IS-8

The T-10 (also known as Object 730) was a Soviet heavy tank of the Cold War and the final development of the KV and IS tank series. It was accepted into production in 1952 as the IS-10 (Iosif Stalin, the Russian form of Joseph Stalin), but due to the political climate in the wake of Stalin's death in 1953, it was renamed T-10.

American: M60 Patton

Decades of successful use throughout the world, a totally lopsided kill ratio even against the T-72, easily upgraded, and reliable. The M60 Patton will remain in service for many more years.

The M60 was an improvement of the M48, equipping a more powerful 105 mm main gun and having slightly thicker armor. It was upgraded until the M60A3, which served until 2005.

A true workhorse with a combat-proven design. It should be higher on the list than the M47, M48, M103, and T-55.

American: M103

The M103 heavy tank served the United States Army and the US Marines during the Cold War. Until the development of the M1 Abrams in the mid-1970s, it was the heaviest and most heavily armed tank in U.S. service. The M103 was manufactured at the Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant, and the first units were accepted in 1957. The last M103s were withdrawn from service in 1974.

Very powerful 105 mm gun capable of penetrating almost all tanks at the time. It also had very good armor and good mobility. The M103 had one of the strongest armor-penetrating solid shot rounds of any tank at the time. It could go toe-to-toe and win against Russian heavy tanks or German heavy tanks.

The Newcomers

? British: FV4201 T95 Chieftain

This tank looks really modern. Even though it was put into service in the 1950s, it served in the Gulf War and the Yugoslav Wars, competing with T-72s and T-80s and coming out on top.

? Russian: IS-7

This tank's armor was far superior to that of the Maus or any other tank of its time. Not to mention its 120mm gun with very high penetration and its impressive mobility for a vehicle weighing more than 60 tons. The IS-7 could reach speeds of up to 68 km/h! The armor was almost impossible to penetrate from the front, and the sides had spaced armor that could deflect many rounds. The frontal armor was over 300 mm thick on the mantlet, and the pike nose hull had armor over 180 mm thick. This tank was a beast!

The Contenders
Chinese: Type 59

The Type 59 (Chinese industrial designation: WZ120) main battle tank is a Chinese-produced version of the Soviet T-54A tank, an improvement over the ubiquitous T-54/55. The first vehicles were produced in 1958, and it was accepted into service in 1959, with serial production beginning in 1963.

Russian: T-90
American: M41 Walker Bulldog
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