Top 10 Worst T.V. Shows of All Time

We've all been there. While television has given us some iconic hits, it's also served up its fair share of turkeys.

We're talking about the absolute bottom of the barrel here - shows that got thrashed by critics, tanked in the ratings, or stirred up a whole pot of controversy. Whether it's cringe-worthy content, flat-out boring episodes, or just plain terrible writing, these shows have earned their spot on the Wall of Shame.

But hang on a second! Ratings and reviews aren't the be-all and end-all. Sometimes a 'bad' show might get a thumbs up from critics, while a so-called 'good' show could get panned. So before you add your pick to this list or cast your vote, really think about it: Is this show as bad as it's made out to be? Or are you just jumping on the bandwagon?

Remember, television is a subjective experience. So ask yourself, "Is this show really that bad?" before making it official. Because if it is, well, then welcome to the club - your show has found its home right here.
The Top Ten
1 Jersey Shore Jersey Shore is an American reality television series which ran on MTV from December 3, 2009 to December 20, 2012 in the United States.

I never watched a full episode of this crap, but I've seen clips of it and thought it was incredibly stupid. Who in their right mind would come up with something like this? Being paid to go around acting like a bunch of dipsticks, disturbing the peace, and who knows what else is just ridiculous.

To make matters worse, they brought these clowns back with another show called "Jersey Shore: Family Vacation!" I've heard it said that comedy is the lowest form of entertainment. Well, I think that reality TV is officially the lowest form nowadays, especially when it comes to making and airing stupid things like this. To the creators who came up with and made this show, you need to go watch and see how true, quality entertainment is really done. "Jersey Shore" is not entertainment. It's just pure stupidity!

2 Sanjay and Craig Sanjay and Craig is an American animated comedy television series that aired on Nickelodeon from May 25, 2013, to July 29, 2016, for three seasons and 60 episodes. The series is about a 12-year-old boy named Sanjay Patel who owns a talking pet snake named Craig.

This show is the most horrible thing I've ever seen. It's idiotic, immoral, panders to the audience, and is absolutely obsessed with butts and farts! It features the worst role models ever. Heck, Sanjay's dad is practically the only one who comes close to a rational human being.

The rest of the show is no better. When it's not focused on butts and farts, it's something else disgusting. I'll give you an example. One episode was about them trying to go an entire day without drinking anything so they wouldn't wet the bed. What happens next? They give in, drink lots of water, and wet the bed! And get this: according to their "idol" Remington Tufflips, "there ain't no shame in wetting the bed"! Seriously?! This makes SpongeBob's worst episodes "A Pal for Gary" and "One Coarse Meal" look like their best episodes "Band Geeks" and "Chocolate with Nuts!"

3 Barney & Friends Barney & Friends is an American children's television series aimed at children from ages 1 to 8, created by Sheryl Leach and produced by HIT Entertainment. It premiered on PBS on April 6, 1992. The series features the title character Barney, a purple anthropomorphic tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational... read more

I have to agree with this. I used to watch this when I was younger, and I completely regret it. My dad wanted to scream his head off when he watched this with me, and I am so ashamed of myself! Do you know why this show is one of the worst T.V. shows of all time? First of all, it lacks educational value. It doesn't teach kids how to deal with negative feelings or emotions, and it refuses to recognize the existence of unpleasant realities.

This show is WAY too happy, as if it's unicorns and rainbows, sunshine and flowers. Barney lives in a perfect world where everyone must be happy, and everything must be resolved right away. This is not the case in the real world! There are actually some episodes where the characters lie, steal, and cheat, and Barney doesn't punish or scold them. He has a lack of changes in facial expressions and always has that big, toothy smile on his face. It is time to take Barney off the air! Please don't make fun of me for watching this. This show sucks!

4 Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer (2000 - 2019) is an American preschool educational animated TV series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh, and Eric Weiner in which Dora goes on adventures with her friend, a monkey named Boots.

I'm going to be very mature about this show and state my opinions about it. I feel like all the comments on this list are very childish. I know this is a kids' show and it's supposed to be for kids, but Dora literally does not teach you anything. I mean, really, a kid knows where a hill or mountain is. I know Dora is trying to teach you something, but can't she teach something a little bit harder?

Her voice is also very annoying, and I just wish she talked in a normal voice. The only thing she does teach you is a little bit of Spanish, which I think can be helpful, but besides that, the show does not really teach kids anything. If you actually want kids to be taught, then let them watch Blue's Clues. Everyone in this comment section is like 8 years old. Please grow up. It's a show for preschoolers. Please have some maturity.

5 Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Until I remembered that Jersey Shore was a TV show, I considered this the worst show ever! It's still neck and neck! At least the Jersey Shore kids know they're men and women!

Now that Bruce Jenner is a woman, it's gone beyond the worst show ever. These people have the absolute worst morals and attitudes ever. They'd be the worst even if it weren't on TV. If they lived in your neighborhood, they'd be laughed to scorn and ridden out of town on a rail.

I absolutely refuse to let my kids even watch the promos for this embarrassment to the human race. It's sad to think they're getting paid all this money to continue this joke of a show. The only pictures we should see of any of them are on a mugshot.

6 Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is an American reality television series that aired on TLC featuring the family of child beauty pageant contestant Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson.

This show literally makes me feel sick. Anytime there is even a commercial for it, I feel my stomach drop. I have seen two episodes, both of which I had to stop watching after about five minutes before I felt ill. I don't know what it is about this particular show, but when I think about how much publicity this family is getting for acting insanely... I'm getting that feeling again.

People tell stories about "rednecks" or individuals with backward thinking, but I would just assume they are exaggerating a story to make it more interesting. No one would act this deranged, I thought. I am shocked that there are people out there who actually behave this insanely! This show instills fear in me. I am terrified that there are actual families in the world like this.

For the love of God, stop them! Stop them before they procreate!

7 Toddlers and Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras is an American reality television series that originally aired on TLC from 2009 to 2016. The show provides a behind-the-scenes look at child beauty pageants, focusing on the participating families and their experiences. While it has been a ratings success, the series has also generated... read more

I have seen a couple of clips of this show, and it looks terrible. Like, why does this show even exist? Thank God it got cancelled, or else there would be more child abuse and torture. The children are very unlikeable, as they scream, cry, back-sass, and are just badly behaved.

The mothers are arguably even worse, as they are mostly just either Karens or rednecks, and they are so entitled. They abuse their kids way too much, both physically and verbally. The mothers also bleach their kids' teeth, take their children for a wax job at a salon, even though they're too young, and in one episode, a mother refused to pick up her pet goat's poop, so she made her daughter do it while swearing at her! Child beauty pageants should be banned in the US, and are very traumatizing to younger participants. I am still so glad this show got cancelled.

8 Breadwinners Breadwinners is an American animated television series created by Gary "Doodles" DiRaffaele and Steve Borst for Nickelodeon.

The series was originally conceived as an animated short from DiRaffaele's efficiency apartment in Studio City, Los Angeles along with Borst. The two had previously met... read more

Normally, I really don't like to hate on cartoons, especially kids' cartoons, but I had to vote for this one. This show took butt jokes to a whole new level. Seriously, the ducks are twerking on each other at the end of the intro, and for some reason, Nickelodeon thinks it's okay because they aired it, and it's still airing on Nicktoons.

This is the kind of stuff in kids' shows now. This is why people probably don't watch Nickelodeon anymore and switch to Cartoon Network and Disney Channel, which have better new shows than the new Nick shows. It's kind of sad how Nickelodeon used to be a nostalgic and good channel when they can't even make good shows anymore.

9 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant is an American reality television series that premiered on MTV in 2009. The show follows the lives of pregnant teenagers as they navigate the challenges of impending motherhood while still in high school. It aims to provide a realistic depiction of the complexities involved in teen pregnancies... read more

What the heck? No, seriously. I must have read this wrong. There is a show on national television about pregnant children? Like, for everyone, including tiny kids, to see?

How is that even possible, or legal for that matter? Don't tell me anyone liked this, right? I could go on forever about how wrong this is, how much money they wasted, and how they were fined, but I am just going to end with this: Literally. What the heck?

I feel genuinely sorry for those girls who were ridiculed on the show. It's likely that their partners, whether they were boyfriends or sex offenders, exploited them by engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse. This could have exposed them to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Teen pregnancy is a serious issue that can lead to an unfulfilling life burdened by responsibilities they are not yet prepared for. Overpopulation is another societal concern.

10 Fanboy and Chum Chum Fanboy & Chum Chum is an American 3D CGI animated television series created by Eric Robles for Nickelodeon. It is based on Fanboy, an animated short created by Robles for Nicktoons and Frederator Studios, which was broadcast August 14, 2009 to July 12, 2014 on Random! Cartoons. The series was first... read more

Where do I start with this piece of crap? The theme song is irritating, there's toilet humor, and they wear their underwear on the outside of their clothes. I never liked this thing. I wouldn't even call it a show.

There is a reason it has bad reviews everywhere you look. Well, actually, there are a lot of reasons it has the hate that it has. Fanboy and Chum Chum is so stupid, I don't even bother watching it. And when I do, it's to see how bad it is.

Haha, I laughed NOT! This show sucks rotten eggs. I always think, do they buy drugs from somebody and take it 24/7?

At school, they always get into trouble! In one episode, when Fanboy and Chum Chum take care of the class pig, they copy a scene from Lord of the Rings with Fanboy as Gollum. They dress like superheroes but they act like super zeros! I hate this sucky, lame excuse for a show!

The Contenders
11 Caillou Caillou is a Canadian educational children's television series that was first shown on Teletoon (both English and French versions), with its first episode airing on the former channel on September 15, 1997; the show later moved to Treehouse TV, with its final episode being shown on that channel on October... read more

Thank God it was cancelled in 2010. This show had cheap animation, lazy voice acting, and episode plots that were recycled but used in a bad way. Most of the episodes are about either Caillou, Rosie, Clementine, or Leo crying whenever they don't get what they want.

This show is repetitive and childish. I would rather watch Grown Ups 2 and Bio-Dome 50 times each than watch Caillou for five minutes.

I hate this show, and not because it's for little kids. Caillou is such a brat! He cries and throws fits, he's mean to his sister, and his parents give in to him! What? And let's not forget about how he became friends with a boy who bullied him! Boy, are you blind?

This show just teaches kids to whine for what they want, and they'll get it.

12 Hannah Montana Hannah Montana, also known as Hannah Montana Forever for the fourth and final season, is an American musical comedy series created by Michael Poryes, Rich Correll, and Barry O'Brien which focused on Miley Stewart, a teenager living a double life as an average schoolgirl by day and a famous recording... read more

The girly girls at my school are obsessed with this show. So, I went over to one of the girly girls' houses one day because my mom made me, and the girly girl turned on Hannah Montana.

Whenever a song came on the show, my ears were about to bleed. The songs were so annoying and bad, the acting was terrible, and the plot had no excitement to it. This is a terrible show. I do not recommend it.

Let me explain something. Every single teen sitcom is the worst show ever made. I don't think there is a worse genre out there. No talent, terrible plots, painfully pathetic attempts at humor, a fake laugh track that goes off every ten seconds, and annoying, stupid, mean, unlikeable, unoriginal characters. This is why the Disney Channel is so atrocious nowadays. It's worse than Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.

13 Big Time Rush Big Time Rush is an American television series that originally aired on Nickelodeon from November 28, 2009 until July 25, 2013. It was created by Scott Fellows (also the creator of Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide and Johnny Test and the head writer of The Fairly OddParents)

I really hate this show so much. People are all just like, It's Big Time Rush! I just want to punch them in the face with a hammer. No offense to the people who like this show, but I despise it!

My little cousin just loves this show more than Justin Bieber, whom she loves more than anything! It is so annoying! What could be worse than watching a fake sitcom about a wannabe boy band? Maybe a few things, but seriously, it's at the top of my list of things I hate. Seriously, I definitely would vote this to be number one on this list. It's worse than Hannah Montana.

14 Teen Titans Go! 'Teen Titans Go!' is an American animated television series produced by Cartoon Network. The show follows a superhero group called the Teen Titans, and shows what happens when they go home and have silly adventures. This show is Cartoon Network's revival of the popular 2003-2006 American animated television... read more

I hate this show! It's about a bunch of characters acting goofy all the time when they are supposed to be superheroes. It's super ridiculous and a utter disgrace to the original Teen Titans.

The villains, well, speaking of the villains, they are dumbed down and often out of character, including Trigon. He is supposed to be a villainous figure who wants to destroy the world, not a generic nice father.

The humor gets annoying at many times, and the characters goof around all the time to the point you want to turn the TV off. It's that terrible. They are so out of character! This includes Robin, who is so loud and obsessive over Starfire.

EXTREMELY pointless show which is very cringe and an insult to the original show.

15 Peppa Pig Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television series directed and produced by Astley Baker Davies in association with Entertainment One, which originally aired on 31 May 2004. It went on a hiatus for just over two years before re-premiering on 14 February 2015.

Who's saying Peppa Pig is dumb? Everyone that has commented on this show on this list. The crying, the fat-shaming, the falling over and laughing, and, of course, not forgetting the muddy puddles, just so annoying, at times, even a bad influence.

Someone said that their toddler spilled their chocolate milk on the floor and then jumped in it, pretending it was muddy puddles. They never watched Peppa Pig again. The titular protagonist is so dumb and has such a small vocabulary. I remember in one episode, she was on a canal boat in a tunnel, and then she screamed and then said, "My voice sounds funny." Honestly, Peppa, do you know what an echo is?

In conclusion, this show sucks.

16 The Problem Solverz The Problem Solverz is an American animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network. Created by Ben Jones, it follows Alfe, Horace, and Roba, a group of detectives in their troubled town, Farboro.

There were flashing lights in this show! That is dangerous! I wouldn't be surprised if somebody had to go to the hospital because of this show. In fact, I'd be surprised if no one did have to pay the emergency room a visit from watching this.

How, and I repeat, HOW, is this not in first place? There's barely a plot, it's horribly animated, and the characters aren't likable! Thank God this show was cancelled.

I don't know why this isn't in first place! The character designs are bad. The flashing colors could hurt someone's eyes.

This is the worst show ever made.

17 Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa is an American animated television series created by Peter Browngardt for Cartoon Network that premiered on the network on September 2, 2013. The series is based on Browngardt's animated short of the same name from The Cartoonstitute.

This show promotes stupidity. Come on, guys, what is with the shows of today that promote stupid actions, stupid characters, and stupid plots? Even the name is incredibly stupid. Uncle Grandpa? What?

The worst part is, it's still running and still making episodes. Please, for the sake of our degrading, falling human race, cancel this idiotic show, along with the Kardashians, Honey Boo Boo, and Jersey Shore.

It's about a guy who is everybody's uncle and also their grandpa. What the hell? He visits children and sees how they are doing, but then he makes all sorts of problems and dumb stuff. Also, the characters are stupid.

Couldn't you make characters that actually make sense? Uncle Grandpa acts like a 10-year-old.

18 Adventure Time Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. The series follows the adventures of a boy named Finn (voiced by Jeremy Shada) and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake (voiced by John DiMaggio)—a dog with the magical power to change shape... read more

This show is on here because it isn't as good as the old shows Cartoon Network produced. People who grew up watching Cartoon Network and seeing good original cartoons (like me) can see that this is not even close to being as good as shows like Dexter's Lab or Ed, Edd n Eddy. It seems like since then, they've produced shows that rely on being weird rather than funny. Nickelodeon especially, but this is no exception.

The setting itself is just so odd, and you would never see a show like this on Cartoon Network in the early 2000s back when they were producing gold. But even with that said, I wouldn't consider this one of the worst shows ever, just a letdown compared to what Cartoon Network used to produce.

19 Shake It Up Shake It Up (sometimes stylized as Shake It Up!) is an American sitcom that originally aired on Disney Channel in the United States from November 7, 2010 to November 10, 2013. Created by Chris Thompson and starring Bella Thorne and Zendaya, the show follows the adventures of CeCe Jones (Bella Thorne)... read more

This show drives me nuts. I can't stand it anymore. It is my second least favorite show, and Barney is my least favorite. This show is too inappropriate because it teaches kids about atheism, which is bad, not good. I'm going to explain each character below.

Cece - She has dyslexia. She is the most inappropriate character on the show, as she likes to pass gas in the elevator and laugh about it, which is rude. She also looks ugly.

Rocky - She hates angles (atheist). She was rude to an old lady for no reason and tried to make the old lady like her. The old lady told her to "GO AWAY!" She also whines for no reason.

Flynn - He likes to talk when someone else is talking, which is rude. He used to whine a lot in season 1. One time he was whining because someone ripped up his teddy bear. He deserves it for being bad. He is never shown in school. Cece and Rocky go to school. He should be in school too. That's why he's so dumb.

Ty - He looks a lot like Deuce. I don't care for Ty.

Deuce - He takes his junk to school all the time. He is bad at listening and cooking food. He makes messes all the time. He also wears weird clothes.

This show is the worst show on Disney besides My Babysitter's a Vampire, A.N.T. Farm, Jessie, Jonas, Jonas L.A., Hannah Montana, and Suite Life on Deck. If you like any of these shows, I respect your opinion. I'm happy this show was cancelled in 2013 after three wasted years. I am also happy this show was taken off Disney in 2014.

20 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is an animated children's television series based on the fourth incarnation of Hasbro's My Little Pony franchise. The show follows a studious unicorn (later an alicorn) pony named Twilight Sparkle (Tara Strong) and her friends Applejack (Ashleigh Ball), Rarity (Tabitha... read more

I can't go anywhere on the internet without finding anything pony-related! Bronies leave their mark on everything! Account icons, Google images, and YouTube! I just want Bronies to get off the internet. What happened to the good old days? When I roamed around the internet peacefully, without seeing any ponies. Long before this stupid show came out! Ugh... I will never enjoy the internet ever again.

Oh, and I watched the first few episodes. I didn't like it. It was boring. It wasn't funny in any way. Why is this show so overrated? It's like Bronies put the show on a pedestal and worship it! That's right! They worship it! To know that 20-year-old men are watching a little girls' show is just very depressing. And it really makes me not want to live on this planet anymore.

21 Fred: The Show Fred: The Show is an American television series, created by Lucas Cruikshank that originally aired on Nickelodeon, in the United States from January 16 to August 3, 2012. It was cancelled after the first season due to low scores.

I'm kind of shocked this show is not in the top ten. It's pretty much nonstop whining for 30 minutes straight.

Why did they give him a show?

They should've just stuck to YouTube. Nick, to me, has been dead since 2009. The only show on there worth watching now is SpongeBob.

Why is this below Everybody Loves Raymond? The latter should be taken off this list. Factually, Fred: The Show should be number 1.

22 Family Guy Family Guy is an American adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a family consisting of parents Peter (Fat, Idiotic Dad) and Lois (Nagging Bitchy Wife), their children Meg (Socially Awkward Daughter) Chris (Fat, Idiotic... read more

Family Guy is essentially a clone of The Simpsons but with characters that are more annoying and immature, significantly more offensive, and not kid-friendly. The show is racist, abusive, and horrid. Seth MacFarlane should be ashamed of the numerous unfunny and terrible jokes he has made.

In my opinion, all of his movies, with the exception of Ted, are awful, and it's fortunate they receive low scores, alongside Family Guy, which consistently receives ratings of 6.9/10 or lower on IMDb. Family Guy even killed off their main characters, who are obnoxious and unlikable, just like the rest of the cast on the show.

23 The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange is an American live-action/animated TV series based on the characters from the popular web series The Annoying Orange, created by Dane Boedigheimer and Spencer Grove, which is made for the television by Boedigheimer himself with Tom Sheppard for Cartoon... read more

This is an example of people being high and drunk at the same time. It's just about an annoying orange that irritates other fruits. The developers really had nothing better to do with their life.

They probably are in their 20's and live in their mom's basement.

This is a mistake and really should not exist. The Annoying Orange channel was good as it is, uploading random videos for gags, but a full-fledged show with plots involving fruits is just no.

This show is not worth watching. The characters are unlikable, the jokes aren't funny, and it is clearly low budget. Just watch their YouTube content, it is significantly better.

24 Teletubbies Teletubbies is a British pre-school children's television series created by Ragdoll Productions' Anne Wood CBE and Andrew Davenport, who wrote each of the show's 365 episodes. It is owned by Canadian Studio WildBrain, which is the largest independent Children's and Adolescent's Film Studio

This should be number one. It's absolutely abysmal. I've never seen anything worse in my entire life.

I cannot believe I used to like this.

Teletubbies needs to be higher on the list! It ruined my childhood by making me dumb.

Although, I might be getting smarter now.

This is worse than horrible! This is too bad to be on the top 10 worst list.

Nothing can compare to this!

25 Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin is an American science fiction slapstick comedy television series that aired from November 24, 2012 to April 27, 2013. The series stars Lucas Cruikshank as the title character Marvin Marvin, an alien teenage boy adjusting to human life.

I can't believe that this was even thought up in the first place. Lucas Cruikshank pretty much just used his "Fred" voice in this (I haven't watched the show, thank goodness, but I've seen clips of it to know). Anyway, this kind of show was already thought of way back in 1978, yes, "Mork and Mindy".

Sorry to compare a classic sitcom to some wannabe amateurish sitcom. At least it only lasted a few months (it really shouldn't have lasted that long either), and they finally had the sense to pull the plug on the whole kit and caboodle.

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