Top Ten Ways In Which the Xbox 360 Is Better Than PlayStation 3

The Top Ten
Better Graphics
Better Controller

I absolutely hate the PS3 controller. The 360 controller just fits better.

Better Games

My phone fell and I accidentally posted that -_-

Better Online Connection

I have a ps3 and I can't disagree with this one. The psn constantly will just go offline and tell you it's some kind of error code.

More Original

No it isn't this list is the worst list ever

As if you can say anything 2storm, atlest they don't have 1,2,3,4 in there names. Basic mofo

Sony Copies Microsoft

Neither copied each other. Each Company is allowed to do this or that. I still like the 360 better, though.

Do you realize that the PlayStation came out first? If anybody copied it was Microsoft.

Easier to Access
Better Optimized Games
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