Best Mirror's Edge Chapters

This is about the best chapters in Mirror's Edge 1 (not Catalyst). Based on level design, fun and others. Don't add something beacause these are the only ones.
The Top Ten
1 Chapter 8 - Kate

The puzzling level design is very unique and enjoyable. The music for this level is also amazing.

The atrium is awesome.

2 Chapter 5 - New Eden
3 Chapter 4 - Ropeburn
4 Chapter 6 - Pirandello Kruger
5 Chapter 3 - Heat
6 Chapter 1 - Flight
7 Chapter 2 - Jacknife
8 Chapter 9 - The Shard
9 Prologue - The Edge
10 Chapter 7 - The Boat

Hate this one because of the two fights that I always miss in speedruns.

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