Top Ten Anarchist Ideologies

The Top Ten
1 Collectivist anarchism
2 Anarcho-syndicalism

Definitely is the best, just got to work out the kinks and besides, has worked before, for a couple years at least

3 Anarcha-feminism
4 Anarcho-socialism
5 Anarcho-naturism
6 Insurrectionary anarchism
7 Anarcho-communism
8 Anarcho-capitalism

This whole political belief is simply ludicrous at its very core. How can you be opposed towards the state yet remain subservient to your boss? Wasn't anarchism opposed to the invisible hand of the business owners that controls the people?

This is a fake ideology. With anarchism, capitalism literally cannot exist in the same room.

9 Left-wing market anarchism

The first and the best.

10 Individualist anarchism

Self ownership!

The Contenders
11 Christian anarchism
12 Anarco-Totalitarianism
13 Anarchies-Primitivism
14 Anarchism without adjectives
15 Anarcho-transhumanism
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