Top 10 Most Annoying Stereotypes Made About Certain Animated Series
Is there such a thing as cartoonism (in the context of words like sexism, nationalism and racism)? Because there really should be right about now
Most of the best episodes of the series are in the first three, but that doesn't mean the rest don't have good episodes, too.
I personally don't like the episode "The Sponge Who Could Fly." It's annoying and cringy, and the townsfolk were pretty mean.

Even without using my common excuse of "Rocko was the actually GOOD show of the two," I can tell you for certain that Rocko did NOT rip off Ren & Stimpy.
Yes, it heavily borrowed certain elements (most notably the gross-out imagery and its purposefully ugly art style) from R&S, but if you actually looked at the ways in which they were written, there was indeed a pretty MAJOR diversity between the two shows.
The idea for Rocko also started WAY before R&S was even a thing in the first place. Now, let's see how R&S responds to Static Cling's stupefyingly hilarious and amazing trailer, shall we?

Now this is a good reason to tell someone that they've been watching too much YouTube if they actually believe this stereotype.

Pretty close to being true, actually, but pay attention to all of the background narrative going on in the show and it'll make this assumption pretty easy to prove wrong.
Need I mention Vegeta's backstory of how Frieza basically set out to kill and enslave his entire race, or how much training Goku put himself through in the original Dragon Ball series to get where he is in DBZ?

You do know that not all Invader Zim fans are girls that shop at Hot Topic, right? (Yes, unsurprisingly, the Zim series was a very popular subject there back in its heyday.)

There is a lot more to the show than just this. I really hate when people say the show sucks for this sole reason.
Some reasons I don't like it:
1. It bores me.
2. Steven's voice is annoying.
And other reasons. But I don't hate it because of the feminist message.

If you're going to complain about something you don't like about these shows, how about how astonishingly mean-spirited and unfunny both of them are, along with how unabashedly racist The Cleveland Show portrays African Americans?

As much as I may love I Hate Everything dearly, I know for a fact that not everything he says is even close to fact.
For example:
"Remember when music was good BACK IN MY DAY?"
"(insert thing here) is the worst thing in history."
"Aquaman is the worst superhero ever created."
The Newcomers

But oh no, Ren & Stimpy doesn't have to put up with this at all because it was so amazingly innovative for its time. (Reality check: so was Rocko.)

Hi, I'm a Millennial. I've got a friend who is 30 and he has been a fan since he was 7 or 8.

Rocko might be the only great thing that Joe Murray has made, but I'm mostly just trolling when I say that it's the only good thing he's made.

Batman: The Animated Series is in the same league of overrated TV shows as Power Rangers Time Force and Young Justice.
The Batman (2004-2008) has more heart than Batman: The Animated Series, with three-dimensional characters and better comedy that balances a dark and edgy tone with a lighthearted one. It seems like all people want from Batman is a violent show with no humanity in it.
Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan would like a word with you.

I also can't stand when people use this insult against Disney Channel fans, as well as against people who unironically enjoy Disney's live-action high school movies in general.