Top Ten Camp Camp Characters

Since Season 1 is almost over,let's have a rundown of the best characters
The Top Ten

Coming in at number one is the protagonist, Max. Max is the sarcastic jerk who almost always gets his way. He despises David and his optimism. His two friends are Nikki and Neil. Max is much beloved and the most changed character in the series. Earlier in the show, he was a selfish, two-faced jerk, but by season four, he's just a selfish jerk. In the season 2 episode Parents' Day, we learn that his parents neglect Max and never seemed to care about him.

Honestly, Max is a different character by the end. He also has a soft spot that he hides. He is just misunderstood, and he actually likes David. He just hates how David views the world.


David is the happy-go-lucky character whom Max despises. David's main goal for everyone at camp is to have fun, no matter how they achieve it. He is not rude or smart, just a lovable character.

He does the intro. How could he not be loved just for that? And the fact that he's cursed with getting hit by cars and stabbed.


The all-around Adventure kid, Nicolette (known in the show as Nikki), has a bursting amount of energy that always keeps her going. The green-haired girl is not afraid to get her feet wet and usually leads the main trio on adventures. Her design and description are easily loved by everyone around.

The Quartermaster

Quartermaster handles the rest of the jobs that the counselors don't do, such as cooking and cleaning. He has a book for a hand with many attachments. Quartermaster is the strangest of the bunch. His antics range from murdering a squirrel king to participating in an inappropriate and disturbing event.


Neil is one of the main protagonists of the show. While at first, he appears to be just some nerdy kid, he later shows boldness, mostly in language. He often questions Nikki's ambitions but has caused quite a bit of mischief himself.

He's an absolute riot at times! He easily made me laugh the most out of everyone, even combined, on this list!

Neil is half of my personality. I love how upset he gets when he doesn't agree with someone's opinion.


Gwen is the other counselor at Camp Camp and is described as a moody teenager. She mostly makes sarcastic comments and loves to read strange fanfiction. Max and other characters like to make fun of her because she has different college degrees but ended up working at a small dysfunctional camp.

She is the definition of a teenage girl. From being okay with being tied up because of a reality show to ditching camp when Daniel shows up, she is definitely up there in my favorites.


The obvious joke with Dolph was basing him off of Hitler. Jokes like him becoming the leader and a painter are enough to make anyone chuckle.

Space Kid

Space Kid is not the most intelligent of the bunch. He is always seen with a fishbowl on his head and constantly talks about space. In the season 2 episode "Parents Day," it is revealed that his real name is Neil Armstrong Junior, named after his grandfather.

The Newcomers

? Platypus
? Daniel
The Contenders
Cameron Campbell
Jermy Fartz

Even though he's had the least amount of airtime out of the rest, Jermy is still quite a comical character. He is the most disgusting character, always seeming to be involved in something gross, such as soiling himself. I find him to be the funniest character in season 2.

Ered Miller
Edward Pikeman
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