Top 10 Villains In Animated TV Shows
These villains may be evil but we still think they are cool.
I have loved Disney villains since my first-ever Disney movie, but I've always known that their TV baddies were a bit lackluster. Then Gravity Falls aired, and we were introduced to this geometric nightmare. I have never, at any point in my life, wanted to see a Disney villain die more than Bill Cipher.
He's like the Kilgrave of Disney villains - every time he's on screen, you want to rip his eye out of its socket, but at the same time, you don't want him to leave because he's just so much fun to watch. His design is simple but iconic, and his voice is spot on, which makes it even easier to hate him when he's destroying the world without seeming to care all that much. When he finally did die, I have never felt more joy and satisfaction in my entire life.
Watching this yellow floating triangle disintegrate after being punched in the eye by an old man in his boxers is an image I will never stop loving. Bottom line: he deserves to be up there with the best of the people we love to hate.

When there's trouble, you know who to call: Teen Titans! I liked this show a lot, and it had some very cool villains. But the best of all of them is Slade (voiced by Ron Perlman). He tries his hardest to destroy the Teen Titans and take over the world. His reasons were never explained, but he is very menacing and a definite threat. He never appeared in Teen Titans Go, however. Teen Titans Go sucks!

You can't expect me to make a list of the best villains and not include The Joker. He is The Joker! One of the most memorable comic book villains of all time! Joker is very awesome and, in my opinion, the best thing to ever come from the Batman comics.
The Joker is the best villain here.

I don't know if I like Rebels better than The Clone Wars. Doesn't matter. Let's talk about The Inquisitor! He was intent on destroying the Rebel crew aboard their starship, known as the Ghost. He had battles with Ezra and Kanan on several occasions. He worked with Darth Vader and followed his orders.
However, knowing that Vader would give The Inquisitor a punishment worse than death if he kept failing, he chose to fall to his death. Very wise.

The shape-shifting master of darkness himself is not only the living embodiment of evil. He's also the living embodiment of everything you need to make a great animated villain. Sinister while simultaneously having a dark sense of humor, Aku delivers memorable lines like his ever-famous "Extra thick!" phrase, which has recently spawned a popular internet meme.
From his humor to his fights with Jack, Aku is, without a doubt, a memorable and enjoyable antagonist, being one of the best ones in all of animation.
I've only seen a few episodes of Samurai Jack. It was an okay show, but the absolute best character in the show was Aku! Fun fact: "Aku" means "evil" in Japanese, so it's very fitting for his personality.
He has the ability to shape-shift, so he can transform into whatever he wants. His other abilities include time travel, teleportation, telekinesis, laser eye beams, and more. He is a very cool and very powerful villain.

Avatar: The Last Airbender was definitely the best show Nickelodeon ever had. As for the movie - oh wait, never mind. There wasn't a Last Airbender movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Silly me
Anyway, Fire Lord Ozai is the ruler of the Fire Nation. He's also the father of Prince Zuko and Princess Azula. Ozai wanted to take control of the world, and in order to do that, he needed to destroy the Avatar. He eventually gets defeated when Aang enters the Avatar State. Ozai was definitely the best villain in the show.

I really like SpongeBob, or at least I did until season 5 started. One of the things that made SpongeBob so great was Plankton. I find this villain to be very hilarious at times. He tries his hardest to steal the Krabby Patty formula from the Krusty Krab, using complicated methods to try to get it.
These plans often fail, either because of poor planning or because Mr. Krabs is always there to stop him. He's such a little guy but still an evil genius. And of course, he can't do it without the help of his computer wife, Karen.

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated is run by the evil "genius" Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. His goal in life is to take over the Tri-State Area, and to do that, he builds a bunch of machines that he calls "inators." Some of these inators are brilliant, and some of them are stupid. He also has a habit of installing self-destruct buttons, which is insanely hilarious.
His plans tend to fail because he is always stopped by his enemy, Perry the Platypus. Personally, I find Doofenshmirtz to be one of the funniest villains ever. His evil plans can be so bad and fail in so many ways that I can't help but laugh.
The Newcomers

A true classic. Maybe not well-written. Maybe he almost never gets what he wants. But an iconic villain, and sure as hell can be terrifying. When he is well-written and gets what he wants, it leads to interesting results. I love Megatron.

Azula is, by far, one of the best villains I have seen. You can sense that she has a complex backstory, and the writers show glimpses of her being vulnerable without taking away her characteristic of being pure evil.
She's also cunning and super badass. Let's just say that Avatar got 10 times better when she showed up.

Adventure Time has had some great villains, but the one that I think is the best is The Lich (voiced by Ron Perlman). The Lich's main goal is to destroy all life. His overall appearance is very frightening and definitely makes him seem like a threat. Later on in the series, he gets a new personality and becomes an infant by the name of Sweet P.

Vilgax is truly the best villain in Ben 10. He is also the best in every other Ben 10 series, including Ben 10: Alien Force. In one episode, he comes extremely close to destroying Ben (and the world). In that same episode, he easily defeats Grandpa Max, Gwen, Kevin, XLR8, Heatblast, and Four Arms.
Vilgax was also one of the main villains in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. I hope he is in the new Ben 10 series that comes out in 2017.

Mission: Kim Possible! I really liked this show. It was awesome. I also really like the villain, Dr. Drakken. Drakken is a blue-skinned evil scientist who strives for world domination. He is very intelligent and always comes up with inventions to take over the world.
He even has a very hot assistant: Shego!

I, Mojo Jojo, will do my best to make my way into the top 5 in order to be known as one of the greatest animated villains of all time! If Mojo Jojo cannot be in the top 5 or at least remain in the top 10, I will just go back to my evil lair and read the newspaper!

He got somewhat tamed down in later seasons, and his first appearance still remains his best, but he still is a charming antagonist on occasion.
He's like the original Bill Cipher!

One of the darkest and most complex antagonists Cartoon Network has ever created.