Top 10 "What the Hell" Moments from The Loud House

Top moments from The :Loud House that made you say "What the Hell"
The Top Ten
Lynn Sr. and Rita Loud go skinny dipping from Suite and Sour

I would expect this from more inappropriate shows like "Regular Show," "Ren and Stimpy," "The Crumpets," or "Kaeloo," but not "The Loud House"! This is one of the most child-friendly "kids' shows" out there - other than the gay characters.

Despite everything the Loud kids did in the hotel, the actual reason they were kicked out was because both Lynn Sr. and Rita were skinny dipping in the pool at night.

This was unexpected and came out of nowhere, but that's what made it so funny.

Clyde being turned on by Lori's farts from Making the Case

Jeez... all he said was "music to my ears." That doesn't mean he's turned on!

To Clyde: What the hell is wrong with you, boy?

Lynn pours turkey stock down her pants from The Loudest Thanksgiving

Lynn literally looks like she's having an orgasm.

What in the world is with that facial expression?

She looks half relaxed and half drunk.

Lincoln and Lynn Sr. dance in their underwear at the airport from Legends

After losing the game on Legends of the Hidden Temple, both Lincoln and Lynn Sr. are forced to strut around the airport in their underwear following a bet with their rivals.

They go through with it, expecting everyone to laugh and ridicule them, but in a strange twist, everyone applauds and cheers for them. They begin twerking their way through the airport until being stopped by airport security.

And when they get stopped by security, and one of them pulls out a glove, it only gets weirder as they prepare to give them both a cavity search.

Lynn Sr. proposing to Veronica the van from Vantastic Voyage

That was just creepy.

Lynn's Dutch oven from Space Invader

Nickelodeon actually managed to make a fart joke funny, which is an amazing accomplishment.

I thought this scene was fine. Even the best shows can offer a bit of immaturity sometimes.

One of the funniest fart jokes in a cartoon series.

"What are those two frogs doing?" from Frog Wild

In the final moments of the episode, we see the class observing the tank of frogs. One of the kids points out two frogs doing something way too inappropriate, and Ms. Johnson shields the kids' view with a map.

Well, little girl, those frogs were playing leapfrog, if you know what I mean.

Best part of this episode, though the whole episode was great.

The Loud House victory dance off from Come Sale Away

Despite none of the Loud siblings winning their competition, they still do their victory dances, trying to outdo one another. Most of them shake their butts - even Rita and Lynn Sr. get in on the action.

Am I the only one who actually enjoyed this moment?

The weirdest part was how the parents joined in.

Lincoln becomes Linka from One of the Boys

The whole episode was a what moment.

The sisters tinkled in the pool from Linc or Swim

In this scene, Lisa dumps one of her chemicals in the pool that detects and eliminates urine in the water. When the chemical is put in the pool, the water evaporates as all the sisters look on in embarrassment, meaning that most of them probably had peed in the pool.

That seems to be the case, because in the next scene, Lincoln is shown cleaning out the pool.

The Newcomers

? Lincoln gets kicked out of Canada for refusing maple syrup from Schooled

I think this was so stupid. After all of the other stuff he did, that's the thing they throw him out for? Stupid.

This moment was extremely cringey. That would never happen in real life.

? The Millers turn out to be actual spies from Family Bonding

I really didn't think it was real. I thought it was one of the stories they read.

The Contenders
Lincoln being born in the president's limo from Not a Loud

This is literally the most ridiculous ending. What's next? They're going to tell us that Lana and Lola were delivered by Bigfoot.

Did they get writer's block halfway through writing the script for this or something?

You can't be born in a limo, especially not the president's.

Lori becomes Leni from Change of Heart

In a very surprising moment, Lori actually gets jealous that Clyde is spending all this time with Leni. She tries to get him back by making herself look like Leni to win him over.

Lynn shakes her butt in front of Leni from Lynner Takes All

Lynn does her victory dance while chanting, "Lynn-er, Lynn-er, chicken dinner," all while shaking her butt right in front of Leni. Leni responds with, "I thought we were having salmon."

Why is this show so obsessed with butts?

Lynn getting a little too close for comfort.

Lynn farts as she passes by Lisa's room from The Mad Scientist

The timing on this moment is just perfect.

Luna looking awkwardly as she watches her parents shake their butts back and forth from Really Loud Music

Luna seems to enjoy staring at her mom's huge butt.

Seriously, what the hell, Loud House.

The look on Luna's face says it all.

Ronnie Anne and Carlota in matching outfits from The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos

In this moment, Carlota drags Ronnie Anne and dresses her in a way-too-revealing outfit. She is dressed the same, and she adds the line, "Now you're gonna get all the boys' attention."

Didn't see anything wrong with it, other than they look like people going to a strip club.

Lincoln gets sent flying after being hit by Mrs. Johnson's butt from Dance, Dance Resolution

OK, what is with this show and butts and farting?

Lori farts while doing yoga from Garage Banned
Clyde farts in the tub while pretending to be Lynn from The Whole Picture

This was funny yet disgusting at the same time.

Luna kisses Watterson's butt from Pet Peeved

Well, if she wouldn't mind kissing another girl, she sure wouldn't mind kissing a dog's butt either.

Luna Loud: attracted to boys, girls, and animal butts!

If she were real, she would have parasites.

Lucy turns into a vampire from Butterfly Effect

I think that the entire episode should be here.

Finding out Clyde had two dads from Attention Deficit

No offense or disrespect to LGBT users on here. It's just that you would have NEVER expected that.

Lynn farts under the table with Clyde hiding from Game Boys
Lincoln with bowl cut from Insta-Gran

I was kind of expecting Lincoln to go all Moe Howard on Luan after she made fun of his new haircut.

Luan: That haircut really bowls me over.

Lincoln: Oh, wise guy, eh? (Then smacks her.)

Luan: That haircut really bowls me over. Hahaha!
Lincoln: THIS IS SPARTA! *kicks Luan into the wall*

Lisa poops herself while pretending to be Lily from Potty Mouth

Wait... This episode copied Sailor Mouth from SpongeBob SquarePants. I'm like, What? This copied 'Sailor Mouth'?

In Sailor Mouth, SpongeBob and Patrick say swears, and in this episode, they just changed the name from Sailor Mouth to Potty Mouth. Lily even says a bad word, just like SpongeBob saying F(beep).

I can't believe Lisa actually went through with it.

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