Top 10 Worst Cartoon Episodes of All Time

The Top Ten
Ren Seeks Help (Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon)

This episode has to be the worst, most vile, atrocious, and abysmal cartoon episode I've ever seen. This episode is just rotten to the core.

It starts with Stimpy crying for three minutes, then we hear the backstory of Ren. We see the complications of birth from Ren's perspective and watch him get slapped so hard that he acquires a desire to hurt and torture anything he gets. Then, we watch Ren torture animals in horrendous and atrocious ways, such as plucking the legs of a millipede and burning an ant alive after we see the ant scream and beg for mercy.

Eventually, Ren meets a frog and decides to keep it as a pet. Then, he tortures the poor creature in vile and atrocious ways, such as electrocuting it with a car battery and burning it. Then, Ren discovers he doesn't want to kill the frog because that would end its suffering. Later, Ren is forced to kill the frog by his parents, but when they get distracted, he throws it into the garbage bin.

Then, Dr. Horse calls Ren "legitimately a psychopath" and attacks him. Ren then breaks down to a wild, uncontrolled animalistic side and murders Dr. Horse, making this scene one of the worst in the history of animation. After that, Ren is imprisoned and isolated for life. The frog enters the room, slowly drags its broken body, and finally kills itself.

One Coarse Meal (SpongeBob SquarePants)

The worst part: the episode is stating that the man who stalked and drove his enemy to suicide (which he later laughs about) is the good guy. That would be like a terrorist destroying the U.S. Capitol with a nuclear bomb and later winning the Nobel Prize for Physics.

I used to like this episode when I was younger, but I've recently lost all of my respect for it. Mr. Krabs is a complete jerk in this episode. Plankton is my favorite character, and he is driven mad in this episode. I hate Mr. Krabs now.

This episode is the worst. I mean, why would anyone want to try and get run over? That's horrible! This episode, to me, is filled with mean spirit.

A Pal for Gary (SpongeBob SquarePants)

Is there already a list of the most unwatchable SpongeBob episodes? If not, can I make one so I could put this at number one? The climax and the resolution of this episode were just excruciatingly irritating to watch, given how oblivious and moronic SpongeBob is in this episode.

SpongeBob must have smoked too many joints in this episode because of how careless he is, not noticing Gary being attacked by Puffy Fluffy! Stupid Sponge!

This episode is HORRIBLE! SpongeBob is so ignorant, dumb, and stupid! This episode is painful to watch!

It's a Wishful Life (Fairly Odd Parents)

I can't believe that this episode is in a kids' show. Telling a ten-year-old that everyone and everything is better off without him? That's terrible! I despise this episode!

Although I actually disagree with a previous person saying it's worse than Screams of Silence. I personally hate that episode more. Jeff abuses Brenda in a room full of people, and the only course of action is murder? And then we are left to assume Brenda automatically gets a happily ever after. That's not how the real world works.

Yeah, this episode sucks, but not as much as that one, in my opinion.

Stimpy's Pregnant (Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon")

Always read what it is: The Ren & Stimpy Show or The Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon.

The entire top ten could be Adult Party Cartoon episodes.

This should be so much higher! How is it so low?

1 Night in Gottlieb (Allen Gregory)
The Big Fairy Share Scare (The Fairly OddParents)

Look, Poof was tolerable. Yeah, that's right! Sparky? OK... But Chloe, Chloe! This character just makes me mad. Heck, she's so bad I actually feel ashamed I share a name with this character.

And you know what? The writers could have actually tried to make this a good episode by giving her depth and a reason why she acts all perfect. But nope! Let's make Timmy a loud, spoiled, obnoxious, whiny brat. Have Cosmo and Wanda act like idiots by making duck lips on their phone. Change the theme song millions - I repeat, millions - of people grew up on! And add a Mary Sue character with the most stupid reasoning for having fairies.

Why couldn't they use characters like Chester, Remy, or even Tootie? Those characters have more miserable lives than Chloe ever will! And don't get me started on how they completely forgot the rules that made the show make sense.

Boys of Bummer (The Simpsons)

Is this the episode where the whole town hates Bart for not catching a ball?

Want to see One Coarse Meal done three years earlier? Here you go.

So, One Coarse Meal but aimed at an older demographic?

Van Moon Rising (Allen Gregory)
Seahorse Seashell Party (Family Guy)

The "moral" of this episode is that you should stay in an abusive relationship for the abuser's benefit.

This episode makes me sick.

You know whose idea it was for Meg to take back what she said? Chris Savino's, that's who. That man is awful.

It's Meg, guys, come on. There's nothing special about her.

The Newcomers

? Trespassing (CatDog)

Chris Savino worked on CatDog too? This episode was probably his idea.

? HumancentiPad (South Park)

HumancentiPad is one of the vilest, cruelest, most disturbing, mean-spirited, and outright intolerable episodes of any TV show so far.

Kyle is forced into an experiment, all because he didn't read Apple's Terms and Conditions. I can't blame him for that. Kyle is imprisoned along with two other test subjects (one is a Japanese man, and the other is a woman). Steve Jobs then stitches them together, with Kyle's mouth connected to the Japanese man's anus and the woman's mouth connected to Kyle's anus. Jobs announces this cruel creation as the HUMANCENTiPAD.

It's already abysmal enough that they're torturing three test subjects for a new product, but it's even worse when one of the test subjects (Kyle) is literally a child.

The subplot, though less disturbing at first glance, isn't much better. Cartman wanted an iPad, but his mother said no. Then Cartman, refusing to take no as an answer, complains and threatens his mother to fornicate with him. That scene is infamous for creating a sub-genre of grounded videos on GoAnimate (now Vyond). This doesn't stop there, as Cartman insists and falsely claims that his mother had fornicated with him when there's no evidence to prove it.

I can commend the episode for taking risks. However, that's probably the only positive thing I can say about it.

That said, the Season 20 episode, The End of Serialization as We Know It, might be even worse.

The Contenders
Onward and Upward (Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon)

This episode... Ugh. Like all of Adult Party Cartoon, it's disgusting and disturbing. So what is our plot, if you can even call it that? Well, Ren is tired of living in a hobo's mouth and, after torturing Stimpy for a bit, he decides to leave with Stimpy.

They go to a spittoon where Stimpy pooled some cash into, and for the rest of the episode, the two stay in this golden thing and proceed to eat vomit and nasal... What? You heard me right, vomit and nasal! This happens the entire episode too. And at the end of the episode, Ren and Stimpy end up back in the hobo, making the entire episode completely pointless.

It's not the worst Adult Party Cartoon episode, but it's up there, people. Avoid this one like the plague.

The End of Serialization as We Know It (South Park)
Ejaculation (Big Mouth)

Yet this gets more seasons than DuckTales and Dark Crystal. These people were homeschooled and never graduated high school or college.

No Such Luck (The Loud House)

Saying that it is okay to kick a child out of the house - what the hell, Chris Savino? It's kind of the Loud House version of Seahorse Seashell Party.

This episode is so cruel. In my opinion, it's tied with It's a Wishful Life.

This episode is just Hitler's anti-Semitism but with a visit from the Misfortune Sisters from Legends: Arceus!

Fart Baby (Sanjay and Craig)

Sanjay and Craig appears to be a cross between Regular Show and Bob's Burgers but fails to have the charm of either. It's too childish for Adult Swim and too adult for a children's program. This bizarre mishmash has a whole slew of stupid episodes. This one has to be the worst. Sanjay thinks he's pregnant with a fart? What dummy thought that this would be a fantastic idea for a kids' cartoon? Mind-boggling!

The Return of Slade (Teen Titans Go!)

An entire episode of the writers thumbing their noses at everybody with the common sense to condemn their precious show. Seriously, they're the ones who need to grow up!

It was basically an insult to the haters of the show, executed terribly with strawman arguments. Even fans of the show admit this was a crappy episode.

Man, this show creeped me out! Unlike other people, I actually never minded TT Go! until I saw this episode.

Love Loaf (Breadwinners)

The worst episode of an already horrible show.

Waffles (Teen Titans Go!)

They simply say waffles the entire episode.

Aren't all the episodes equally bad?

An awful episode from an awful show!

Dead Dog Walking (Family Guy)
Herpe the Love Sore (Family Guy)
Everyone Knows It's Bendy (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)

Chris Savino didn't want Frankie to believe Wilt of all people. Wilt is the nicest, most caring, understanding, and honest imaginary friend in the whole house, and she chose to believe Bendy. What is wrong with him?

I know Lauren Faust wrote the episode, but Chris Savino came up with the idea. Lauren Faust is just too nice to blame.

Oh, God! Where to begin? This episode was so bad it was made non-canon, and the cast and crew apologized for making it in the first place. Executive meddling at its worst. Frankie and Herriman act very out of character, and the punchable jerk who is Bendy gets zero comeuppance for framing Bloo, Coco, Eduardo, and Wilt, of all people.

Not nearly as bad as "I Only Have Surprise For You," where the entire main cast acts out of character to embarrass Mac on his birthday. Thankfully, that one was also made non-canon.

Life of Brian (Family Guy)

Brian dies, then in the next episode, they bring him back! What was the point of even killing off Brian in the first place?

Awful episode that was only made to get media attention.

The True Meaning of Christmas (Teen Titans Go!)

Bad message, Titans were horrible! Cyborg gets an elf taken into custody, Beast Boy bullies and drives away Rudolph, Raven and Starfire murder a gingerbread person and his cat, and Robin blows up the workshop, killing hundreds of elves!

Stuck in the Wringer (SpongeBob SquarePants)

It's easy to handle SpongeBob's annoyance, so I even watch the 2019 episodes with no problem! However, this episode is the wringer version of the snail disease episode. That episode sucked so hard, even Patrick hated SpongeBob.

That is the worst episode I've ever seen aside from Banned in Bikini Bottom (bad unites with justice but not protagonists and it disrespects the bad guy and justice vs. protagonists) and Call the Cops (I can handle their annoyance and it fakes justice, ending up with innocent people in jail - even SpongeBob, even though he's a jerk).

Meat, Dog's Friends (CatDog)
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