Best Breaking Benjamin Singles

Best singles by Breaking Benjamin. Songs that were never made into singles don't count, there is a separate list I made for Breaking Benjamin's best non-singles. There are definitely some songs that really should've become singles such as Evil Angel, Crawl and Dear Agony, but this list is just for the songs that were actually made into singles.

Singles: Polyamorous, Skin, Medicate, So Cold, Sooner or Later, Rain, The Diary of Jane, Breath, Until the End, Give Me A Sign, I Will Not Bow, Lights Out, Blow Me Away.
The Top Ten
1 So Cold

Absolutely amazing song, words cannot come close to describing how amazing this song is, it is one of my very favourite songs of all time. The chorus is legendary, it is such a brilliant song.

2 Give Me a Sign

Best breaking benjamin song ever enough said

How is So Cold above this? This is the best!

3 Breath
4 The Diary of Jane
5 I Will Not Bow
6 Until the End
7 Lights Out
8 Medicate
9 Skin
10 Blow Me Away
The Contenders
11 Polyamorous
12 Rain
13 Sooner or Later
14 Waiting on the Sky to Change
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