Top 10 Worst Things About the Twilight Franchise

The Twilight franchise is one of those cultural phenomena that people either love or love to criticize, and it's easy to see why. While it brought vampires and werewolves back into the mainstream, it also stirred up plenty of controversy, memes, and heated debates. Whether you read the books, watched the movies, or just observed the frenzy from a safe distance, chances are you've got some strong feelings about it.
The Top Ten
It Ruined the Vampire Image

OK, I agree with everything, but I chose this because I like the number two. Anyway, it completely destroyed vampires. Things that looked awesome before suck now. The red eyes, burning in the sun, and kick-ass fighting are destroyed because Stephenie Meyer decided to make vampires that sparkle like fairies, climb trees like spider monkeys, see the future, control emotions, read minds, and all that other crap. Because this story was introduced to this world, we now look at vampires like they're aliens that have lots of respect from blond sixteen-year-old girls. Thanks a lot.

The Fans

Yes, EVERY fanbase has bad apples, so not all Twilight fans are rude, brainless, bigoted, and selfish. But the ones who are, I can't stand them. They would leave their friends if their friends hate Twilight. They think that anyone who hates Twilight is too stupid to understand it. They vehemently defend Edward's rudeness towards Bella because "he loves her." They compare Twilight to critically acclaimed and Oscar-winning/nominated movies and always say Twilight is better because "it's superior."

They only tolerate opinions that match their own when an opinion cannot be right or wrong. If you love Twilight, good for you. Just don't even think about throwing a temper tantrum if someone reveals they don't love it.

Edward Shines in the Sun

Just why. This has no relevance to the already terrible plot. It just gives teens a reason to swoon over a fictional character.

First vampires: Didn't die in the sunlight.

Mid-age vampires: Died in sunlight.

New vampires: These are not vampires. They are sparkpires.

Vampires die in sunlight, but this horrible film made them sparkle. SPARKLE! This whole movie is idiotic!

The Plot

It's basically the tale of "What if obsession was love?" The answer is it's not, but Stephenie Meyer did her damndest to force it, and we got the trainwreck that is Twilight. Seriously, nothing in this book proves that they were anything other than a high romance - nothing about their love is epic.

Plot: Bella Mary Sue Swan (Let's call her Bella Sue) goes to school, meets this sparklypire named Edward Stu, and they fall in 'love.' No character development. Bella Sue has no personality. A Random Howler From Animorphs from Quotev complains about this being a waste of trees. Bella Sue has no personality and is a bad example of a female main character. That is all I know.


I feel like Bella is so dependent on boys, and I hate how when she loses one boy, she turns to another. She's just confusing the boy and the reader. When people ask me if I'm on Team Edward or Team Jacob, I say I'm on Team Bella Get Your Life Back Together. I think that if she wasn't so focused on boys, she could do amazing things, because she is kind of smart and has a lot of potential.

Bella was by far the most bland, annoying, and genuinely unlikable protagonist I ever had the displeasure of reading about. She didn't have any personality, was a Mary Sue, and her only thoughts were about how hot Edward was.

Team Jacob vs. Team Edward

Honestly, Bella's conflict between these two men is just childish. We all knew she'd be safer with Jacob, yet she chose Edward like a fool despite falling hard for him when she knew nothing about him.

Oh! I had to vote for this but accidentally voted for a different option. Seriously, this is no use... Everyone knew who would get the girl. Jacob was the character everyone felt pity for.

She kissed Edward right in Jacob's face. I just wanted to punch her right then. What do they see in her?

It Wins Everything at the MTV Movie Awards

These movies deserve no awards.

There's no reason to watch the MTV Movie Awards anymore. You know Twilight is going to win everything again.

The Acting

K. Stew is a fake and impure, rotten, disgusting, sickening girl who will eat your soul. I hate that angry face she makes in the Breaking Dawn poster! Kristen Stewart is nothing but fake to me! She sucks, and I wish she was dead. I hate her! Aaargh, I'm disgusted! Disgusting, sickening sack of filth! She is so dumb and stupid, and I wish she would stop being a Twilight actress!

It Destroyed Bands Like Muse

Ugh, Muse, why'd you do this? Muse is the most amazing and talented band of all time. They're so much better than this.

It destroyed Linkin Park, Paramore, and Muse. Thank God that Iron Maiden and Megadeth aren't in this crap.

Bella and Edward's Abusive Relationship

"I like to watch you sleep. It's fascinating." Stalker much? You can't just waltz into someone's bedroom and observe them. That's creepy.

The Newcomers

? Edward Is Manipulative
? Immortal Vampires Keep Going to High School over and over Again
The Contenders
It Has So Many Fans
The Visual Effects
It Is Boring
It Promotes Anti-Feminism

If I have daughters (and sons), I will ban Twilight and make them read Harry Potter instead. Hermione is a better role model, and she teaches kids good morals. Bella Swan only teaches kids to get boyfriends and that abusive relationships are OK.

It Spawned Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey was originally a Twilight fanfic. You want to talk about abusive relationships? Talk about Fifty Shades. Like, come on, who takes a fanfic of something and thinks, "I'll buy the rights for that!" and then makes a bad erotic novel?

The Dialogue

You know what happens if Twilight goes like this:

Pikachu: Hey girl, I'm Pikachu. Kiss me, and you will be a Pokemon. What do ya say?
Jealous guy: No, be with me and you can become a Digimon. Digimon is totally better. Pokemon is overrated.
Pikachu: No, don't be with a Pokemon wannabe.
Girl: I don't KNOW.


Girl: I wannabe a Pokemon, but I had sex with both guys so...
Pikachu: Piki-chu.

Bella Is Such a Weak Character

I agree with this statement. First of all, Bella was unlikable from the start. People call her relatable because she's normal, but the definition of normal to Meyer is to make a character that is heartless, vain, and self-centered. Bella is a brat who won't open her eyes to the real world. She's anti-feminist, a very dependent and naive character, and won't own up to her failings.

She likes Edward based only on his looks and blindsides Jacob, which is totally disrespectful. She's also senseless and stupid. If you hate bland lovesick drama queens like Bella Swan, don't pick up this piece of crap they call Twilight.


Jacob did not ruin Twilight. Jacob helps her when she needs him the most. All stupid Edward does is leave her crying. She tries to kill herself because of him.

If I have a boyfriend and he's just like him, I'm breaking up with him in a heartbeat (no pun intended).

Edward is amazing, and Bella clearly loves him, so just GET OVER HER! She clearly is not interested, but you still go and ruin her life.

Robert Pattinson Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson is an English actor, producer, model, and musician. He started his film career by playing Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a 2005 fantasy film.

A brick wall can act better than him. Also, he is so cringeworthy to watch, and he isn't even that good-looking. Kristen can do better without a self-absorbed sparkly vampire.

I refuse to remember him as Edward. I'd much rather remember him as Cedric Diggory, an actually good character.

Not even that hot.

He isn't hot or attractive at all.

It's So Over the Top and Dramatic
Not Enough Michael Sheen
Kristen Stewart Has No Expression
Apparently Pedophilia Is Okay in Twilight

No, but he LOOKS 17, so it's not pedophilia! Um...yes, it is. He's about 80 years older than you, Bella. Go read a book and work on your character development.

Being Forced to Watch by Your Girlfriend

If I ever get a boyfriend, I will be a good girlfriend and not force him to watch this if he doesn't want to.

My girlfriend is forcing me right now, but let's see if I like Twilight.

Bella Is Way Too Dependent on Men

Honestly, Bella had the brainpower of a potato. Between being caught in some pointless and childish melodrama with guys and thinking that abusive relationships are the new 'hot,' she will do anything to gain appreciation from boys. Bella just cowers behind any man who can get the job done, which shows that women should be dependent and wait for men to take all the control when she had the potential to take matters into her own hands.

My boyfriend left me for my own safety... better jump off a cliff! Kids are reading this and thinking it's fine to sit around and let guys wait on you hand and foot. Bella is a HORRIBLE role model for anyone. Go read Harry Potter or Percy Jackson and find (a) some actually good literature and (b) strong girl characters.

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