Top 10 Dangerously Dumb Fictional Characters
Dumb characters who are not just dumb, but dumb to the point where they are a danger not only to themselves but to everyone around them.He's so dumb, and everyone treats him like he's normal. He belongs in an asylum, slowly becoming more insane until he kills himself. He is so mean to his family. How the hell is this funny?
The only character I like is Stewie, and maybe Brian when he's paired up with Stewie. He stabbed a whale, whipped Meg and Stewie (Meg was smoking. Stewie did nothing), made Lois run over Stewie when his head was so badly injured you could see his bloody brain, and shot Quagmire for no reason.
Peter has gotten to the point where he's so stupid that he's a danger to everyone around him. He does whatever reckless thing he wants, with no regard for anyone else. Just to name a few dangerously stupid things he's done: he shot Quagmire, tried to lift a whale with a forklift only to horribly rip the poor thing apart, tried diving into a room full of coins like Scrooge McDuck only to break his arms and legs, and accidentally cooked his own kids.
I'm, of course, referring to modern SpongeBob's Patrick. For whatever reason, they decided to make Patrick incredibly dumb to the point where he comes off as dangerous. An example is when Patrick has to take care of Gary for SpongeBob and nearly kills him.
Well, just seasons 6-8. He's perfectly harmless besides those seasons. Although, he was kind of a jerk in Little Yellow Book (Season 9A).
He was genuinely funny in the old seasons, but now he's so dumb that it's just irritating to watch.
They allegedly influenced a 3-year-old to burn down his trailer, killing his sister. Whether that's true or not, even in the show they have been known to burn down buildings and break laws.
Both Beavis and Butt-Head are incredibly dumb and reckless, and they are always causing problems for the people around them.
First of all, before I say anything, I just want to clarify that it should technically be Teen Titans, not Teen Titans Go, as Teen Titans was the original form of Teen Titans Go. Secondly, I disagree. He's lazy, yes, but he's also pretty stupid.
Incredibly stupid and reckless, he manages to cause more damage than he actually prevents.
He's dangerously dumb in the sense that instead of killing off the villain, he decides to give them the opportunity to get stronger, and it almost always happens.
He's actually a bigger threat to Earth than the bad guys.
His cockiness is his biggest weakness.
Honestly, what did Nicole see in him?
Whether it's due to stupidity or mental illness, Gord is a character you never want to give orders to. He will misinterpret what's said and do something heinous, even by comedy movie protagonist standards. When he's told to get insight into an animal for his cartoon, he skins a dead deer and climbs inside. That's not even touching on his treatment of fetuses, which would have outright killed them.
Furthermore, he's naive enough to form a father-son relationship with his abusive dad. Whether Gord is stupid is up for debate, but he is certainly childish in all the wrong ways. His charm wore off upon hearing the first line of the plot synopsis: Gord has been living with his parents for 28 years. Thankfully, we live in a society where someone as dangerously stupid or childish as Gord would be thrown in jail rather quickly.
The Newcomers
I like him. He is thick, but much better than Jeffy.
He is very dumb and extremely funny because he has a pencil in his nose and yells Uh! while smacking his diaper like Pooperman.
Jeffy always makes me laugh all the time.
He's downright one of the most incompetent superheroes ever. He's completely clueless and oblivious, and his reckless actions make him even more dangerous than the villains he fights.
Dora: What was your favorite part of the day?
Me: Um, I guess when -
Dora: I liked that part too. My favorite part was when we saved the day, blah, blah, blah.
I think we can all agree that Dora is greedy.
She can't find something that is right next to her. She is very stupid.
Her parents actually trust her to go out alone.