Best Inanimate Insanity II Characters

The Top Ten

Nickel is an underrated antagonist. He's manipulative and sarcastic (I like that in a villain, to be honest). Nickel in the first season is not as interesting as he is in seasons 2 and 3, in my opinion. I liked seeing his relationships with Baseball, Suitcase, and Balloon.

He's way too overhated. He's the best "antagonist."

He is my favorite character, along with Bow!


He's a nice guy who cares for everyone. Sure, he was a bit bossy in Episode 7, but wouldn't everyone be if they had to take over a show where contestants were competing for a million dollars after the true host is in jail? He is actually the caretaker of II. Imagine if he were a silent character like Teardrop.


It's really cool seeing someone so oblivious last season have a big change of heart and take everything seriously. Sure, he's still a little rude and sadistic, but with how he's noticing everything around him and how he's reacting to it, it shows his soft and protective side. Honestly, he's my absolute favorite character.

Knife is just like Blocky, Balloon, and Flower. Everyone hated them at their first appearance, but then they got much better personalities, which makes them all amazing. Knife is not a jerk. Knife is a jock. Trophy is not a jock. Trophy is a jerk.


He's hilarious in every way. He fights with himself a lot, and it's hilarious. If he won, it would make for a funny season finale. I hope he has good luck by his side and rejoins.

Yin-Yang is the best! Without him, the show would not keep moving! He fights with himself, and it's funny. If he won, that would make for a funny season finale.

Even though they're both different people from both sides, they're both really cool.


Yeah, I wish he drank Kool-Aid so he would say, Oh yeah.


Balloon is mistreated, but I feel touched that he was one of the only contestants to change his attitude. Despite Nickel, on the other hand, still maintaining his sarcastic attitude, at least Balloon is grateful.

Balloon was bad in the first season, but in season two, he tried being a better person. He thought being manipulative was how you won elimination games. I love his relationships with Suitcase and Nickel.


He's so cool, and he is so funny. He makes funny faces, and it was nice of him to save everybody on Idiotic Island.

Lightbulb is literally the best character in the whole series! She deserves better. I just hope she will be able to see her friends again or even win the game. She is both the happiest and the saddest character there. Her interactions with her friends are just so wholesome. I love her with all my heart and soul, and I will always and forever love her no matter what. She's the best and the purest character I've ever seen in my whole life. She deserves happiness, love, and affection! Best character in the whole II series and fandom! I stan her, I am a simp for her, and I am a total big fan of Lightbulb. Pure, cute, and awesome! Best girl, hands down! My literal comfort character!


Despite their angry outbursts, they really do have one of the best friendships with Lightbulb on the show, which is shown through their actions. They have had a lot of character development. Overall, they are a really great character when you look into the smaller, more meaningful details of their interactions with others. They may seem like a hot-headed, controlling jerk, but in reality, they are just an over-enthusiastic, pragmatic character. 10/10

I love them so much, especially their relationships with Lightbulb and Fan. At first, they were kind of one-note, but as the series progressed, we got to see more development in Paintbrush's character.


I honestly think Taco had large twists. At first, I thought she was dumb in Season 1. I prefer how much better she was in Season 2 - definitely a villain.

She is the best character ever. I love how British she is now. There are people who prefer her in season 1, but I prefer her in season 2.

SOUR CREAM! I love what they did with her, especially the plot twist at the end of season one where she was only being funny to get further into the game. I also liked the relationship between Pickle, Microphone, and Knife.

The Newcomers

? Silver Spoon
? Candle

Candle moaning before the intro is one of my favorite scenes in Inanimate Insanity. I also love her voice.

The Contenders

Honestly, Bow is really funny. Her song is absolutely gorgeous and hits me right in the feels every time I listen to it. I hope that Fan's egg hatches Bow. R.I.P. Fan. We will all miss you. Anyways, back to Bow. If I could save her from the finale, I totally would. She did not deserve to die, and she also did not deserve to be trapped in that small box. Probably the sweetest character from Inanimate Insanity.

Bow is so cute and funny. I love her so much. She is adorable, and you should love this awesome character. She is funny, silly, and a bit weird, but I don't mind the weirdness. I hope you all vote for Bow.


My favorite character and pookie. He deserves to be protected at all costs, even though he can be a huge ass sometimes.


Fan's egg is so cute! He's the best, and I stand by that!

He represents the inner fan in all of us.


I actually like him. He didn't try anything funny in S2 E7. Paintbrush lied to Baseball and said their team won the last contest. But they didn't win - Soap picked up Marshmallow and yeeted her out with the vacuum in Episode 6. Paintbrush wouldn't let their team tell the truth. Didn't you guys hear when Test Tube tried to say that they lost? And didn't you hear when Paintbrush whispered to their team not to say anything so they could all stay in? But I still love Paintbrush.

He is great, and I think this because he was also in Battle for Dream Island.


Toilet is hilarious. He just wants to get Mr. Phone some water. Episodes 11-14 were all double eliminations: 11 - Balloon, Nickel. 12 - Marshmallow, Paintbrush. 14 - Microphone, Test Tube. 13 - Fan, Toilet.


Who doesn't love Paper? He deserved to win Inanimate Insanity. Even if it meant OJ not winning, he is a nice guy. He sympathizes with his peers.

Without Paper, the world would be nothing! There wouldn't even be the show Inanimate Insanity.

Honestly, Paper is my favorite character - evil Paper sucks - Paper is just the coolest ever!


She is awesome, and I like her loudness strategy.


I like her friendship with Apple and Bow.


Coolest villain on Inanimate Insanity. He better be ahead of Yin-Yang!

Me pad

He is basically MePhone but nicer. He is so wise and kind. I love him.

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