Top Ten Strangest, Most Shocking or Funniest Things that Have Happened in a Boxing Match

These are some shocking, strange or funny moments in boxing history. I sure I missed a few good ones, please feel free to add them.
The Top Ten
The Fan Man Incident

On November 6, 1993, during Holyfield vs. Bowe II, an unexpected visitor dropped by (literally). In the seventh round, a stuntman parachutist crashed the match. He tried to parachute into the ring with a motorized fan attached to his back as a publicity stunt. His parachute ended up getting caught on the light rafters, with him landing on and getting tangled in the ring ropes.

Security and members of Bowe's team rushed over and started beating him up. One of Bowe's team members repeatedly hit him in the head with a walkie-talkie, knocking him unconscious. The reason for the harsh reaction was because many thought it could be a terror attack. Police arrested "Fan Man," and after a 21-minute delay, the match resumed with Holyfield winning by majority decision. The incident was Ring Magazine's Event of the Year.

Mike Tyson Bites Evander Holyfield's Ear Off

June 28, 1997. "The Bite Fight." In the third round of their rematch (Holyfield won the first match by eleventh round TKO), Tyson, who was visibly behind in the fight and cut from a headbutt, bit off a piece of Holyfield's right ear while they were in a clinch. Tyson can be seen spitting the piece of Holyfield's ear onto the floor. Even with Holyfield having a chunk of his ear missing and blood streaming down his face and neck, the fight was allowed to continue.

During another clinch, Tyson again bit Holyfield, this time on his left ear. The second bite left a mark, but no part of the ear was bitten off. The ref missed it. The fight continued until the round ended. Between rounds, the second bite was discovered, and the fight was waved off, awarding Holyfield the victory by DQ. Tyson claimed he bit Holyfield because Holyfield was intentionally headbutting him.

Oliver McCall Starts Crying During Match

On February 7, 1997, after coming out of his corner at the start of the second round in his rematch against Lennox Lewis, McCall started behaving strangely. He seemed disengaged and off in his own world, walking away from Lewis with his back turned and his hands down at his sides. Occasionally, Lewis would cut him off and throw some punches. Oliver would immediately tie up Lewis, look at his corner, and shake his head "no." After the round ended, McCall just paced around the ring instead of going to his corner.

The next two rounds were more of the same. The referee even called time out to ask McCall if he wanted to continue, to which McCall replied yes. The fourth round ended, and McCall again refused to go to his corner, pacing and circling the ring. This time, he started crying - like, really weeping. He still came out at the start of the fifth round doing the same thing. The referee finally waved off the fight, awarding Lewis a TKO victory. McCall immediately left the ring and started crying again while walking back to the locker rooms. Bizarre.

When I first saw this, it was shockingly funny to me. But now, being older and looking back on it, I find it actually sad. I feel bad for him. He clearly had some sort of mental breakdown. I wonder what his corner told him between the first and second rounds?

Also, a kind of interesting note is that this was a title fight, and McCall won their first fight by KO.

Boxer's Mom Jumps Into the Ring and Starts Hitting Her Son's Opponent With Her Shoe

In 1989, Steve McCarthy was getting the best of Tony Wilson. Right before the ref was going to stop the fight, Wilson's mom climbed into the ring and started beating McCarthy with her high-heel shoe. During the commotion, McCarthy left the ring, assuming he got the win by DQ. However, no decision was made by the ref, and since McCarthy left the ring during the match, Wilson was awarded the win. Thanks, Mom!

Pro Debut of Brian Sutherland

The worst "professional" boxer I've ever seen. He's so bad it's hilarious. One of the funniest things I've seen in boxing.

Riddick Bowe vs Elijah Tillery "Kickboxing/WWE" Match

On October 29, 1991, after the bell in the first round of their first fight, they started jawing at each other, which led to blows and kicks being thrown. Tillery continuously threw these goofy-looking kicks at Bowe while Bowe was throwing punches, backing Tillery to the ropes. While Tillery was against the ropes, Bowe threw a hard right that caught Tillery across the face with his forearm, sending Tillery flipping over the top rope onto the floor WWE style. The fight ended after that, with Tillery being DQ'd for throwing those goofy kicks.

There was an immediate rematch that took place in December of the same year in which Bowe won in the fourth round by KO.

Double Knockouts
Ref Beats Up Boxer

This has happened a few times, actually.

Usman Ahmed Ridiculous Ring Entrance (Quick KO)

This dude comes to the ring disco dancing like a fool, only to be knocked out in under two minutes. I think this went viral a while back.

Boxer Accidentally Knocks Out Ref

Happens every once in a while. Shocking and scary to see.

The Newcomers

? Joe Frazier Puts His Hands Down, and Taunts and Laughs at Ali

This was in their first fight. Joe had already softened Ali up a bit with a few left hooks in the 3rd and 4th rounds. These had hurt Ali, while significantly increasing Joe's confidence. I think Joe knew he had shaken Ali. In the 5th round, Joe stuck his chin out, put his hands down, and taunted and laughed at Ali to show that Ali could not hurt him. Ali did get in a couple of punches that Joe laughed off. He had proved his point. Ali seemed a beaten man when he walked back after that round.

? Buster Douglas Shocks the World with 10th-Round KO of Mike Tyson
The Contenders
Leon Spinks beats Muhammad Ali to become Heavyweight Champion

This was a shock no one saw coming. February 15, 1978, was a day that many boxing writers and experts thought would be a walk in the park for Ali, who faced an opponent who had won a 1976 Olympic Gold Medal in the Heavyweight Division but had only 7 pro bouts. None of them were 15-rounders, and none were against great boxers. But Leon put on a clinic that Ali never saw coming, and after 15 rounds, a split decision favored Leon Spinks 144-141 and 145-140, with one judge scoring it 143-142 for Ali. A shocking moment no one saw coming.

It's Joeysworld.

Joe Frazier pulls Ali off the ropes

I have never seen anything like this. I went back to view a replay on YouTube. It is amazing. Joe hits several body blows and then a hard left to the head followed by more body blows. Suddenly, Joe just grabs a surprised Ali's hands and pulls him off the ropes. Ali stands bemused for a couple of seconds before Joe starts pounding him again. Ali clings.

Ali was obviously strong, but Joe made it look so easy! When the round is over, Joe taps Ali on the head. I don't think Ali was ever bossed around in the ring as he was by Joe Frazier that night.

Football Star Mark Gastineau trying to be a boxer
Super Six Dirrell vs Abraham, Round 11

Dirrell slipped on a wet spot, and then Abraham came in and KO punched him in the face. Dirrell won by DQ.

Andrew Golota-Riddick Bowe fight leads to brawl in the ring

Golota was leading Bowe in their first meeting at Madison Square Garden. But he got himself in trouble when he continuously hit low blows, which led to point deductions and an eventual disqualification. The last of these low blows led to a brawl in the ring, which included fans.

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