Top 10 Covers of Black Sabbath's Paranoid

The Top Ten
1 Paranoid - Type O Negative

This can also be considered a cover of Iron Man since the riff of it can be heard in the middle of the song

2 Paranoid - Megadeth
3 Paranoid - Metallica

It's a live version

4 Paranoid - Angel Witch
5 Paranoid - Green Day
6 Paranoid - Avenged Sevenfold
7 Paranoid - The Dickles
8 Paranoid - Hellsongs
9 Paranoid - Mystic Prophecy
10 Paranoid - Kylesa
The Contenders
11 Paranoid - Weezer
12 Paranoid - Vince Neil
13 Paranoid - Gus Black
14 Paranoid - State of Mine
15 Paranoid - Liliac
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