Top Ten Most Surprising Deaths in Disney Movies
Woah... Did that really just happen?Today we'll be counting down the top ten Disney deaths that come right the heck out of nowhere, are the most devastating, or are the most gruesome. Let's see.

It was most surprising to Hiro. Disney was so mean to him. They killed off his parents, which is typical for Disney, right? Then, they killed off the person he loved most, Tadashi. They gave him a best friend and almost killed him too. I know many people are hoping Tadashi will come back in the sequel, but I have mixed feelings about it.
Did you notice I've only been doing recent ones? Strange. Anyway, Tadashi was and still is my favorite character in Big Hero 6, and I was completely devastated when he died. But I suppose it was going to happen eventually.

Okay, don't question me. Obviously, the villain is going to die in a Disney movie. But the way she died genuinely surprised me. She evaporates into dust and falls out a window.

Yeah, I know it just came out, but honestly, this death genuinely surprised me. Maybe it's because I'm a big fan of Emily Blunt, or maybe it's because Disney seemed to kill off, like, everyone in this movie. I know it's originally a Broadway play, but they could have at least modified it a little.
The death surprised me, but I would have cared if I had cared about anyone in the film. Because I don't.

Me: Oh, they'll just bring him back with magic.
But no, when he died, he died for real. Um... That's kind of... Well... Oh.
I cried the first time I saw that part.
This should be number one. They died very early on in the movie, and it was very unexpected.

I have to be honest, I haven't seen this movie. But I have seen the death scene of the Horned King, where he's ripped into hell. Holy crap. Holy crap! OH, GOD. Eww.
True, we see Tod's mother for even less time than we see Nutsy from Lady and the Tramp, but her death is even more traumatizing because she had a kid who loved her! He would have been left an orphan if not for Widow Tweed. Bless her soul.
The Newcomers

I know he was a really bad guy, but I still found his death to be sad.

I figure that Clayton has been the only Disney character to die by hanging. Maybe it should stay that way. I'm just saying.
What is it with Disney and killing off mothers? What is this? Anyway, this is also very traumatizing, and she dies in one of the more gruesome ways she could have: death by skull fracture. *gags*

True, we only see Nutsy for a few seconds, and his death is off-screen. But the sound of the execution is enough to give kids nightmares for weeks.
Yet another entry from The Princess and the Frog. This was a cold movie. Tiana's dad James goes off to war and presumably dies there, leaving Tiana and her mom without much money. That's awful, but it teaches Tiana to work hard. So, A for effort?
Those poor dogs. Even if they belonged to a loan shark, you can hear them whimpering before they get electrocuted! And to think that Dodger was close to joining them.

The whole subway scene is one of Disney's darkest moments. From the look of terror on Sykes's dog right before he falls on the third rail to Sykes himself crashing headlong into an oncoming subway.

I liked her. I know I shouldn't have, but I thought she was a good villain.

It was actually scary when she died. It looked so painful!