Top Ten Best Excuses for Not Doing Homework
Ever wandered into school, then went into a panic attack when you realised that you'd forgotten your homework? Well, here's a list of explanations to give to your teacher, so stay calm.This is a common excuse. My teachers never take excuses, but some of them do work hopefully!
This one is a classic that I'm sure many students and teachers have heard before.
Teachers didn't even believe this when my parents were at school.
I used this excuse all the time in my 8th grade physics class, mostly because I was too lazy to do my homework and could care less about the assignment. It still didn't stop me from getting homework notes, though.
I've used this plenty of times and most teachers let it slide, as long as you bring in the homework the next day.
I'm pretty sure we have all said this before.
I like this one. It is good and I think this might work sometimes...
I love loopholes, so I love this excuse.
Yeah, dude, I was at my grandfather's funeral. Homework can't possibly be better than that.
Sorry, I was too busy getting lost in my closet and searching for Narnia.
Most of the time, I genuinely don't have time.
That one's not so good. Your teacher's just going to say that you need to be more responsible.
I wanted to shred paper, but it turned out it was actually my homework.
This is really bad and it's not funny. This happened to some kid in my school and he was upset. Whenever something like this happened in my school, kids would get rebellious.
This would be a good one to use as long as the teacher doesn't make you prove it. It also shows how many stupid things the school computer blocks. I'm looking at you, iBoss. This has even happened to me when I was trying to do homework on Google Drive and it was blocked because of "prohibited email-based content." I ended up having to do my homework on my desktop computer at home.
When they ask "Well why did you not die from the intense cold?" just say that your house time-traveled to the inevitable heat death of the universe for a vacation while you went to the store.
Pretty underrated. You could just say, "I left my maths folder at school and now I can't find it." This actually happened to me once so the teacher just let it slide.
They did. But I was asked to be punished for not saying it.
Then they would ask who the bullies were.
Not a good one. What if the teacher says you could have printed it at school?
You could save it on a USB drive and go to a relative's house or the library and print it out there.
"Ah yes, I'll make a homework sandwich..."
This one isn't the best since the teacher will say that you need to pay more attention, but it's still good.
I did this before! But I really thought this because I didn't get homework. And I was at school!
Haha! I said this and she asked "you didn't know?"...and that's it!