Top 10 Worst Kinds of Teachers
I hate these kinds of teachers. My Math and Science teacher screamed at the class today about being in a straight line, and we're in 7th grade, so we're 12 and 13 years old. She was asking us how teenagers are supposed to act, and I said disrespectful because, you know, teenagers aren't known for good behavior. She sent me to the office!
She will also literally give us homework about stuff she hasn't even taught us. For example, she gave us a 200-question math packet that was 16 pages front and back, and we only had 3 days to do it, and she didn't teach us any of the math in the packet. She noticed that my class talks a lot in line when we switch classes, so she makes us line up in boy-girl, boy-girl order in line. What!
She still doesn't realize that we still talk in line. Even if we are going to Spanish class, which is only 15 feet away from the Math room, she will still make us do boy-girl, boy-girl order! She is so closed-minded that she doesn't realize that it takes longer just to set up the line in boy-girl, boy-girl order than it does with talking to get to our next class! She might be the worst teacher I've ever had in school.
These teachers are especially annoying in high school. They bombard you with about 2 hours' worth of homework with no consideration for your other classes. This can be especially irritating when the teachers do easy problems with you in class and give you hard ones for homework.
This is a lot to ask for, considering most students also participate in extracurriculars, volunteer, and have jobs. This keeps many students up until 12, if they're lucky. Some students have been unfortunate enough to go to bed at 2. Plus, many schools start early in the morning, requiring students to wake up at 5 or 6 in order to arrive on time.
Studies have shown that getting 6 hours of sleep has the same effect on the brain as getting no sleep at all. If schools and teachers want students to be successful, they need to give out less homework. Besides, homework is basically work that students have to bring home because the teacher didn't have time to make the students do it in class.
This is pretty unfair because we can't bring things we didn't finish at home to do in class. We can't bring our unfinished laundry to school and fold it in class, so why bring work from school to do at home? Giving out some homework is understandable, but there is no reason for a teacher to give out enough busy work to ruin your day.
We once had a substitute teacher who taught in primary school and was pretty strict. She embarrassed a girl in Year 1 show-and-tell time when she brought a Barbie doll with short clothes barely above the knee and said, "In real life, we don't wear clothes like this." She told everyone that if your clothes were above your knee, that meant you were naked. She said that speech while wearing a short dress that barely grazed her knees.
I can remember certain times when her clothes were above her knees, and one time, when we knew that she was subbing for our teacher one day, we all remembered to pull our school uniforms above our knees and roll them up in extravagant ways during class. My friend and I were also wearing short school dresses, and when we went on the monkey bars, we lifted up our arms, which made our clothes "above the knee," while the teacher watched from the bench in a displeased way.
This dumb kid in my 3rd-grade class did that to us. The teacher put a timer for when we were allowed to go to recess. We were in the classroom, by the way. She had to repeatedly reset the timer and add 5 more minutes each time because all the kids were talking and being goofy.
So the teacher said, "2 more minutes until recess." At the last minute, this dumb kid got up out of his seat. He went to another kid's seat and said, "Can I have my markers back?" We all yelled at him so hard. He said, "What?" The teacher was mean for doing that to us too.
My Year 7 Science teacher, you know who you are. Commented on a girl in my class's photo for something that had a heart filter around it and said "Lovely!" I always felt like he went after young girls.
How is this not #1? This is physical danger, not just getting yelled at.
This should be number one, obviously.
My 9th-grade Algebra teacher gave us a test a week before finals and then a pop quiz about some of the topics two days before. She said that she was preparing us for Pre-Calculus, but when I got to that class, our teacher was super chill.
Math teacher. Every Wednesday and Friday, we write a test, but I actually enjoy it because I normally get the highest.
Teacher: Today we're gonna do a test.
Class: BOOO-
Teacher: No one asked for your opinion! *Hands out tests*
The next day...
Teacher: Who's ready for a test?
Student #1: But we just did a test!
Teacher: Yeah, we're doing another one!
Student #1: Seriously?
Teacher: Uh... Yeah, seriously! I'm the teacher, so if you can't accept that, then you can just go to the office!
Student #1: My math teacher is horrible!
Student #2: *Looks behind him to see the same teacher following them* Uh... Dude, you might wanna look behind you.
Student #1: *Looks* Excuse me, have you been following us this whole time?
Teacher: Yep, detention, both of you, now! Hop two three four!
Student #2: Me? What did I do?
Teacher: You're hanging out with him!
Student #2: So you're gonna put me in detention for being friends with someone you don't like?
Teacher: Yep!
Student #2: Wow! Now I see why he hates you!
This isn't stalking, but my math teacher was looking directly at me whenever I was getting lunch.
It's horrible because they treat other students with all this love and respect. They let them do something against the class rules without thinking about it, and when someone else actually needs it, the teacher discards them.
OH. MY. GOD. My career teacher would treat a girl in my class better than anyone else in the entire school. She'd let her go on her phone, talk to other students, you name it. Would she let me do that? HELL NO!
My high school special ed teacher was racist! I was the ONLY ASIAN KID in her class at the time, and she ALWAYS got me in trouble for no reason at all. She NEVER does that to the other kids. ONLY ME.
They clearly are a horrible teacher because good teachers use feedback from students. Then they will yell at you for correcting them because they can't see the mistake they made.
Yeah, my English teacher once pronounced "island" as "is-land." I said it's pronounced "I-land" and the "s" is silent, and she was like, "Are you the teacher? You dare correct me blah blah blah."
I know if you try to reasonably tell them why they are wrong and calmly and politely tell them how they might avoid the mistake in the future, they will yell at you. I once had a math teacher who always called me Brenna even though it's not my name. I tried correcting her politely, but she just said I was lying and called me Brenna the rest of the year.
I think it's unfair to judge someone by their appearance, but my seventh-grade English teacher was really boring, so I think of her as ugly on the inside.
They give a really bad vibe. And I don't want to listen to a horrible voice for 6 hours a day.
My teacher once made me sit at a desk facing the side wall in the classroom where everyone could see, just because I was talking to my friend during class. Another time, we had a teacher that would let us get away with everything, and I sat next to my other friend during class, while two other girls sat next to each other, without him noticing for the entire class period.
The next period, we had him for a double period, and the teacher that made me face the wall came into the classroom briefly and caught me sitting next to my friend at the wrong desk. He then told me to go back and recorded this thing that shows everything you did wrong online. He also told my other two friends to go back and sit where their desks were but didn't get them in trouble. That is literally picking favorites and humiliating me in front of the entire class.
In my maths class when I was doing GCSE, I basically taught myself the maths I needed. I guess they weren't dumb in the subject, but they were dumb enough to not teach me what I needed to know! (Small school, so varied abilities.)
It happened in science too. A term's worth of teaching was thrown away because my teacher didn't know what he was doing, so I had to teach myself.
This one is annoying. Wears weird, disturbing clothes and seems to care about you but actually does not at all. A teacher I know is so dumb! She spills out evidence with body language that relates to "I don't care. You are boring."
My 7th and 8th-grade orchestra conductor would never let us use the bathroom. Last year, one poor kid asked to go again and again and eventually had to pee himself. There were still 30 minutes left in class and by the end, we all knew.
I know, this is so annoying! If you don't go to the bathroom, you can cause serious problems to your health. I guess teachers don't care if they cause health issues for students!
What if a girl was menstruating and had to go to the bathroom? A boy might be busting.
My 6th-grade PE teacher is bisexual. He looks at girls' and boys' butts while they are exercising.
It actually depends. I had an old teacher in elementary school, and she was very mean. She dragged me down the halls! My high school chorus teacher was old, and she was strict, but she was very nice.
My Arabic teacher is very old, and I hate him. He fell on his head once and now he has brain problems.
My art teacher is really old and constantly yells at everyone.
Ahem. Every teacher at my school. My school is so white, with so many white teachers.
Today my Geography teacher got mad at me for "laughing" when I was barely even smiling. What gave her the impression that I was laughing?
High school special ed teacher. We were just talking to each other during lunch, and she thought we were bullying other kids.
My 3rd-grade teacher did this to me before. I am and always was a good boy. She was so annoying. I got into a fight in that grade. The teacher only took his side of the story and immediately gave me detention. She never called my parents about it or anything. The detention teacher said he was going to give me a 10-day suspension if that happened again. That was my first fight of that school year! The school system didn't work like that either.
My high school special ed teacher gets me in trouble for no reason all the time, and I was the ONLY ASIAN in her class! I swear she is racist!
Don't you mean schools that prefer one gender? Yeah, a lot of schools prefer girls over boys. Sad story, I'm male.
My teacher preferred the boys over the girls.
My 5th-grade teacher was loud and eventually became my absolute least favorite teacher in my life.
They talk so loud when you're like right there in their face!
All my teachers in 11th grade would always try to fail me because they thought I was really stupid or had a mental illness. 11th grade sucked for me...
I got suspended after a kid put stuff in my backpack while I wasn't looking. I told them that it wasn't my fault, but they were not convinced.
These teachers are terrible. Back in 5th grade, a sub literally made me cry, and I got sent to the principal's office for being "overdramatic." What?!
The reason she was screaming at me in the first place was because I was working ahead. WORKING AHEAD. That's a good thing, right? When I tried to explain that the teacher let us work ahead, she yelled at me for talking back. In the principal's office, I tried to explain myself, and they asked if I was calling the sub a liar. I said "no, I was calling her mistaken," and they got even madder and said not to give them sass!
I was in fifth grade and was literally in tears! On a side note, the instant me and the sub were out of the room, the biggest jerk in the class stood up on a chair, and she told the entire class that I deserved to be sent to the principal's office! I found that out later because my best friend told me. So glad I left that school, but really sad that I left my best friend.
These are awful. Once, when I got a test from my most hated class back, it turned out I got a D.
Then, I realized I put exactly what was on the answer key for a few questions, but the teacher marked them wrong, so I just acted confused over why I didn't get the marks. She looked at the tests again, and it turned out everyone's grades were wrong. In the end, she bumped them all up, so I got a B, and our overall grades (that were sent out to parents shortly after) were unharmed!
To think everyone could have gotten in trouble at home thanks to her incompetence (assuming she didn't do it on purpose!) still makes me shudder to this day.