Worst Things About Math Class

The Top Ten
1 How it's taught

Even though I get every question right my Algebra teacher only gives me half credit on our quizzes, and other stuff, because I don't do it the way sh wants it done.

How math is taught in school: do this and that, don't question why.

How math should be taught in school: do this because this and do that because that.

A part of me wants to do home schooling, but I'll miss my friends. You need to know more than one way to do it sometimes.

2 Stuff is on your test even if you didn't learn it

YES! That fact is so true! My teacher's all like, "yeah, you can do this, it's not that hard". Well no duh, you're the math teacher! First twenty questions aren't terrible, but the last few you spend ten minutes staring at it like what the heck is this? We didn't do this in class! Worst part is, he doesn't give us our tests back when he marks them, well, how do you know if you did good or no? How do you know what to work on? Then it just ends up on your report card! It sucks big time!

I didn't learn something and it was on my paper and I got the lowest grade. Oh My.

3 It's boring
4 You mostly get homework that's Math

Well I mean it's math class isn't that what we're talking about? OBVIOUSLY the homework is gonna be about math! Also it's so you don't forget because once you learn something you need to review it or else you'll just forget it.

I get math homework every single day, including weekends. Add that to all of my unfinished ZAP work and it's TORTURE.

Ok I'm back from those stupid 7 hours! No Do this Math! No You kill me Curse you school!

5 If you're not good at math you have to go to Summer School

I had to go to summer school for math when I was in like 10th grade.

6 It gets harder and harder

I'm in middle school - Maths is killing me. All these stupid exponents, variables, constants, and all that jazz. And why in the world would we ever have to construct angles and parallel lines with a compass, for heaven's sake?

@Jake, just wait till you get to 10th grade. You have to learn polynomials and integral exponents and all that

Preschool-1st grade: 1+1=2
2nd-4th grade: 20x20=200
5th-8th grade: geometry and algebra
9th-12th grade: AP calculus, statistics, and trigonometry
College: basically the same stuff you learned in high school but 1000% harder

7 You have to do It

Yes. It must be perfect, stunning, worthy of the impossible A+, oh and not only answer, solution too. A misplaced number and you can shove your grades in your ass

8 A lot of the material is useless

I could go on and on about the nonsense my math teacher teaches my honors class. I'm either going to be a scientist or play baseball, so I don't need algebra and whatnot.

Even you are good at math you are considered punishment for not learning anything in real life.

Just addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are useful in life.

9 Homework

*Flips table* Forget the Pennywise, Math is the real sick joker.

10 It's confusing

Confusing is too simple. It's Mental Abuse to Human beings.

Too confusing. Even if you are smart.

The Contenders
11 No bathroom breaks

I mean seriously, it's stupid how teachers don't let people use the bathroom. If you hold your pee too long, it can cause serious health problems. So it's better if students get sick just so they don't miss out on math tutorials. As if these math tutorials are more important than taking care of health. NO! Health comes first. Using the bathroom isn't a privilege, it's a human right for you to take care of your health.

That annoying moment when you have to use the bathroom and the teacher won't let you go because their afraid you will miss out on a very important lesson. Then it turns out to be a lesson you learned last year.

12 It's hard
13 You never use 95% of the material

I think you mean 99%. My mum has never needed to know the positive difference of 45 and 3/4 and the sum of 2/56786636366363. She's the entrepreneur of a company. The only math related thing she needed is graph.

14 They act like it's your favorite thing in life

So true!
Imagine, your just chilling on your desk in school, sighing because you obviously flunked the math test. Suddenly, a horrible, gleaming face beams at you, as if he has nothing better to do in his life like grow hair. The math teacher asks you did you enjoy his test. The math teacher ends up in the hospital

They say its not a waste of time when it really is a big waste of time

15 It's the worst part of school

I don't like math. I like social Studies and reading better. Lots of memorizing.

16 You forget how to do a single step

This is how I got most of the problems wrong. So many steps in a formula, it's so hard memorizing them all in the correct order!

17 The teacher is terrible

Mine sure is, she keeps texting other teachers while teaching and beats literally ANYBODY just because she's angry.

He's boring, and he probably just fails me for no goddamn reason!

Detention! because you didn't do your homework which was too hard.

18 It's ridiculous
19 Showing your work

Yeah right that I will not remember if I write the formula every time!

Why not just tell us the formula over and over instead of making us write it!

20 Remembering equations

The statistics formulas were so confusing that I constantly did the problems in the wrong order!

21 It wastes your time
22 You don't understand it

I don't understand it sometimes, but I keep on trying.

23 Algebra

I am in F.1 and it is so hard! Directed numbers and fractions worsen the condition. You have to remember in which occasions the number is directed or not, my brain is gonna explode in 5 seconds R.I.P.

24 That one student who keeps whining about getting things wrong

There's no problems at all with just asking for help, but even the teachers get sick of them whining "oh, I got it wrong! " every two minutes. Seriously, these people ought to stop feeling sorry for themselves and respect the fact that others around them are actually serious about improving their skills and passing the class without being childish about it.

25 The teacher gets very picky on how you do the work

My teacher gave me a bad grade because I didn't show my work!

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