Top 10 Most Embarrassing Things that Can Happen to You in Class at School

The Top Ten
1 Farting by accident

Once, I was at school in complete silence, and that was when... oh no... I had to fart so bad! I had to think of a plan. I couldn't let my popularity and reputation crumble before me. Then... PING! I had a plan. I would scrape my chair while doing it because the chair makes a whole lot more noise than a fart, it's true!

So I tried that, and you could hear a slight bit of the fart. Everyone looked at me, so I tried to do the sound again to cover up the suspicion, but this time it didn't make the noise. Now people think I'm an idiot. NO! And now I'm a loser without a reputation, being humiliated at school all the time.

2 Soiling your pants

It happened to me on the first day of high school because I didn't go to the toilet before classes started. After being shown around the school, the very first teacher told everyone that leaving class for any reason wasn't an option and anyone asking would get detention.

The problem was, I already needed to go, and it wasn't long before it started forcing its way into my underwear. It wasn't smelly, and no one seemed to notice, so I decided to pretend nothing was wrong. I also believed not wearing underwear was a really bad thing, and I would get expelled if I got found out.

No one said anything for the rest of the day, so I thought I had gotten away with it until the next day.

3 Crying in front of your mates

Okay, so I was in 6th grade and I had an appointment that day. So, I got to class late. Well, I walk into class and everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, even the teacher, stares at me.

And me, of course, being the very shy and underconfident person I am, says hi in a very quiet voice. Do you know what they said? They all, every single one of them, said shhhhh in the loudest voice they could muster.

I just stand there like an idiot, run to my desk, and cry it out. Also, this other time, my best friend was on bad terms with me. We had been friends since second grade, and better yet, she was mad because of some stupid rumor going around the entire school.

I was at lunch, and one of her other friends whispers something to her. They both stare at me. Of course, since she was my best friend, I just cried. And if that wasn't enough, those were all in my 6th-grade year.

I would come home crying every other day, and my mom would ask me to do chores each day. Well, I would cry while doing them. She told me I needed to stop crying for attention because I wasn't fooling anyone.

4 Being made fun of about your crush

In 7th grade, I told someone I liked them, and I got bullied for it. I tried to reach out, but I felt alone whenever I asked for help, so I gave up and didn't care. That kid is still bothering me. I told him to get out of my life, but nothing worked.

Well, good thing I didn't tell anyone, but my crush's friend said to me, "Hey, she (my crush) is pregnant with your baby," while I was playing basketball. I hope they don't know, but I can blackmail her into not telling anyone (if she does know) by telling people about her crush.

I told my friend I had a crush on this one guy, and she told the whole class. I know now she wasn't really my friend. He's a real jerk, though, so I guess it's a good thing I don't like him anymore.

5 Leaving your pants zipper open

I was doing a Christmas concert in elementary school, and the conductor literally came up to me during the concert and said, Your fly's down. I had to pull it up while singing in front of everyone. I was mortified.

Yep. My jean zipper was open, and some kids saw my underwear and said, "Haha, I bet you wear pink panties!" I got called "Pink Panties" for a week.

I don't wear pants in school (we have uniforms). But this often happens to me when I wear pants or shorts outside of school.

6 Calling the teacher mommy

Okay, so nobody seemed to hear except my best friend. In second grade, I called my teacher momma. No one seemed to hear, just as well. But my best friend laughed a little, then patted me on the back and said, No one heard, you're fine. I didn't even care she laughed after that because I just pretended nothing happened.

One time I accidentally said that to my least favorite teacher. One of the biggest regrets in my school history...

Oh my, I called my boy teacher mommy once. I just rushed to my desk and started scribbling down notes.

7 Shouting the wrong answer in confidence

This happened to me a few times in secondary school, and one was in science. I kept getting the question wrong until after four tries. Everyone laughed loudly because my school is one of the top schools, and there are people who think they're so smart and posh. It's kinda annoying sometimes.

But when this other kid got a question wrong, there were fewer laughs, and I also don't laugh at other people much when they get it wrong. It depends if it's a really silly answer. Then yes, sometimes. I get so embarrassed because of this and sad and annoyed because the other kid got fewer laughs. Sometimes you are just that unlucky kid, you know.

8 Puking in front of the whole class

One time in 2nd grade, I was sick and throwing up at school. I felt nauseous when we were busy in small groups. I told the teacher I had to throw up, and she said to run to the bathroom. I ran as fast as I could down the hallway to the girls' bathroom, but right in front of the door, I threw up on my sweater.

I went into the stall, went on my knees, and began to retch. The vomit was green and oily. I came back a few minutes later, and the teacher asked if I was okay. I said I was.

We then had Spanish class. I had a terrible headache and felt queasy. I burped and felt vomit swish up my throat, but it went back down. At lunch, I ate nothing and put my head down.

We came back from lunch and had fruit and vegetables. I ate two green beans and then felt very nauseous. I told the teacher I had to vomit again. She said to stand over the trash can. I grabbed the trash bin and started gagging and throwing up like crazy in front of the whole class. I had fallen down on the floor. I accidentally dropped the trash can to the side. Feeling really weak, I humped the carpet on the floor to get to the trash can and then began throwing up more. I was just so sick.

I went to the nurse and later lay on the bed, waiting to get picked up.

9 Someone pulling your underwear

I was about 17, and I went to a boarding school. My friend, who happened to be a girl, got annoyed at me. This happened late at night. She and her other friends got hold of me and tied me to a tree in the courtyard so that I couldn't move.

It was generally embarrassing to be on the tree and tied up, but then she yanked my trousers down. Her friend then suggested that they take my clothes and put them back in my dorm. They did that, and I was left there all night stuck to the tree. I got detention in the morning.

A few years ago, I got a new boyfriend, and my friend was really jealous because she liked him. She tried to make him dump me, but it wouldn't work. So, she decided to try and embarrass me by pulling my shorts down in the hallway. I laughed it off, and everyone defended me. She moved schools at the end of the year because everybody was scared of her.

10 Being caught kissing someone

At my school, kissing was banned, but that just made people do it more! There were online dares, and most of the school participated.

Once I got caught kissing a boy in the hallway. I never thought I could get detention for that!

I would never do that in the first place, but that would be extremely embarrassing!

The Contenders
11 Entering the wrong class

There were two home economics teachers, and my home economics class was divided into two, so there would be home economics class 1 and 2, if that makes sense. On my first day of secondary school, I walked into home economics class 2 instead of home economics class 1. It was so embarrassing!

Once in 6th grade, my reading teacher told me to give some dictionaries back to another teacher. I walked into a math class with dictionaries! I was horrified.

The teacher once asked me to bring something to another teacher. After I brought something to the other teacher, I went into the wrong class.

12 Getting called up to solve something on the board and you don't know it.

That happened to me, and I totally winged it because I was in math, and our math teacher is the meanest person in the school - she yells at you for not knowing the answer! So I just winged it when she asked me to explain it while I worked out the problem. And when I just guessed, I got everything completely right!

One of my teachers called a kid to do a hard division problem, and the kid was bad at math. The kid said the answer that he thought was right and got it completely wrong.

This is the worst for me, honestly. Like, I know the answer to the question on the board, and then I get called for a different question instead, so I have no idea what to do.

13 Somebody knocking you down

I tripped down the stairs and broke my leg. It was embarrassing.

14 Teacher telling everyone to pair up but you have no friends in that class

So, I remember when I was in second grade, I had no friends at all (I did have two, but they usually declined my requests). So, whenever the teacher said to get a partner, I mostly just stood up. Only a few times did I actually have people invite me in. In third grade, I finally got my friend, and I have no more problems.

In 5th grade, I had no friends. I had this one person I would call my friend, but she was your typical fake and phony girl who would rate all her "friends," and I would be that person who was always chosen last for everything. A year later, I made real friends, and we formed a really close-knit group.

15 Being caught picking your nose

Okay, so this isn't really picking my nose, but it has something to do with it. One time during math, I had a really bad cold, and my nose started running. I didn't want to get up and get a tissue because I get super embarrassed. It was dead silent except for my teacher talking. I tried covering it up with my hands, but my teacher saw and said, "Go get a tissue." I was so embarrassed. People thought I was picking my nose.

This was a problem for me until my final year of school. For my birthday, I got my nose pierced, and it was okay to wear it to school as long as it was a stud and not a ring or hoop. One time I had to pick my nose, and nobody even flinched because they thought I was just adjusting my piercing!

16 Having a period in front of your whole class

It was my heavy day, sadly. I was wearing white jeans and a crop top. It didn't occur to me to wear a light jacket because it was spring. During class, I had leaked all over my pants and chair. I noticed in the middle of class, and I was so embarrassed.

Luckily, my older brother Cole happened to be in class. He gave me his black hoodie to tie around my waist. He even walked in front of me when we went to the nurse. I'm so glad he was there for me.

This should be number one. It is just like wetting yourself, but with blood. I am a boy, so I am glad I won't have to go through that. But getting hit in the balls is like a period for a man.

17 Your crush calling you "baby" in front of others

Wait, is this in the context of "crybaby" or a common nickname someone calls their love?

I was dead from embarrassment!

18 Getting a visible erection

I've had some close calls with this one, but luckily no one's ever noticed. The girls would probably think you're creepy if they saw you with an erection.

Don't look at anyone. I'm a guy, and I can get an erection just from sitting in a certain position. When I'm called up and my ding dong springs up, I just have to think of emptiness.

Dude, this happens to me all the time. I hate how the girls are just staring at you.

19 Talking to your pencil

I confidently talk to non-living items, and I'm a very shy person. If anyone gives me a weird look, I just say something like, You got a problem?

Oh my god! Pencil! We only have four minutes and I don't know the answer! You cute object! Tell me!

If I did this, I would start wondering if something was mentally wrong with me!

20 Your phone ringing

One time my phone was on vibrate in my backpack. My backpack was against my foot, and it vibrated so much! I was at a memorial ceremony in my school, and I almost laughed. After the ceremony and school were over, I checked my phone. I had over 800 notifications from Instagram from this group chat.

It happened to me once... in college. This is why I always keep my phone off at all times, even if my mom tells me to turn it on.

My ringtone is "Heaven In Hiding"! Then the class would be forced to listen to my favorite song when I "accidentally" don't answer it!

21 Somebody pulling the seat when you start to sit

This incident happened unknowingly to my two friends. Once, my friends and I were practicing for our drama. We had practiced a lot, so we were bored. When one of my friends was going to sit, another one pulled the chair away (she did not know she would definitely fall), and she fell. She was laughing at herself, and we all laughed with her. Some teachers and 12th grade students were also there, and they laughed very much, including the teachers.

Later, when another friend was about to sit, she pulled away the chair, and she also fell in the middle of the room! For them, it was just like taking small revenge on each other, but for all of us, it was the funniest thing to laugh about!

22 Accidentally going in to the wrong bathroom

This happened to me. In third grade, we were looking at owl pellets. It was the period before lunch, and our teacher told us to wash our hands. So we got into a line by some lockers, and she sent a few students to use the bathroom. When she sent me, I accidentally went into the boys' bathroom. A ton of boys caught me and made fun of me.

I ran out feeling embarrassed, and a boy was laughing (he is now one of my best friends). I walked into the girls' bathroom and started crying. I remember my friend giving me a hug.

During lunch, the teacher knew how I felt and asked me to come talk with her. She asked me which boys made fun of me for walking into the boys' bathroom. I picked three random boys (although I didn't remember which ones made fun of me at the time). The teacher asked the boys to apologize to me. There were two other boys who made fun of me (the actual boys who made fun of me), and they apologized.

23 Being shipped with someone you don't actually like

There's this one dude who I really don't like named Edwin, and a lot of people ship me with him. They say we have the same skin except his is a darker mix.

We both have hazel eyes and can be pretty sassy (except I'm WAY sassier).

24 Your stomach growling loudly

This happens to me particularly in quiet classes.

This happens multiple times in the morning since I used to skip breakfast (no time).

25 Falling asleep and waking up when another class starts

In second grade, I was doing work in a room separate from the others. About 15 minutes later, they all went to lunch and forgot about me. I looked behind me. The classroom was dark and empty. I was so confused! Fifteen minutes later, the teacher came and apologized.

This hasn't happened to me yet, but I remember falling asleep in class last week (it was a free period since my 3rd-period world history teacher was absent). I panicked until I realized that my (small) class was still there after I woke up and looked around for a few seconds. Third-period world history is the smallest class on my schedule, as there are a lot of empty desks in the classroom and not too many kids are called for roll.

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