Top 10 Best Animal Jam Animals
I definitely think that, regardless of how cute they are or how friendly the person with one is, arctic wolves are by far the most popular. I think it's because they look nice in a lot of stuff like headdresses and spikes, which increases the "cool factor" of the item. I also think this is true with eagles, although they may not be as cute or as friendly as the person with a toucan, but they show off the outfit really well and just look good in a lot of stuff.
I myself own two arctic wolves (one came with a pack, lol), but I can say that I do think you should be a bit less harsh on arctic wolves.
Foxes definitely deserve the number two spot on the most used animals list. Foxes are a medium-sized animal and very cute and cuddly. Almost every single item on Animal Jam looks very cute on the foxes. Foxes are not used by many famous jammers, but newcomer PinkWillow8 has one of her main looks as a fox.
One thing I love about the foxes is that they are very cute but are not in the diamond shop. Foxes are sold for only one thousand gems. Foxes can also be seen in the app version of Animal Jam called Play Wild. To conclude, foxes definitely deserve the number two spot for many reasons.
Bunnies are very popular in Jamaa. They are one of the oldest animals in Jamaa, released during the beta testing stage. Bunnies are very popular when you start on Animal Jam. Lots of famous jammers start off with bunnies. Newcomers reeds8 and PinkWillow8 both started with bunnies. I am not famous, but I started with a bunny.
To conclude, bunnies are one of the cutest animals in Jamaa.
I've always been a bunny since 2012. They are just too cute! They look really good with a top hat, fox hat, Jamaaliday bow, and everything looks awesome on them! This should be number 2 due to most non-members playing as them. They are really good to be a child on Animal Jam, and I'm just so happy that many people like them.
I love wolves and hate arctic wolves. Wolves are so cool, plus they are non-member animals, which is just perfect! I really love wolves, and even though I'm a member, I normally play as a wolf because I just love them. In real life, they are cool too. Bunnies hate wolves, so hate bunnies, all you good jammers out there!
I wish I could say more, but I don't have anything else to add except that they are so mysterious, especially Greely, and have a powerful aura. They are so cool! I'm a boy, and I think wolves are like the boy non-member animal, and seals and tigers and monkeys too. That's all I can say!
My username is jackal23, and you can buddy me if you want. Only about five more people can buddy me, so you better hurry! Bye, people, and thanks for reading this!
If you don't know which animal to get, you need to read this.
The snow leopards are awesome. Everything they do matches my personality. They are way better in clans than any other animal and they look the most realistic. If you have enough diamonds and still don't know which animal is for you, then the snow leopard is the best choice. They look good with almost everything and can look tough or cute. They are great for tomboys.
The snow leopard is way better than the cheetah. They almost look similar, but the snow leopard is bigger (not fat) and has a thick pelt. The cheetah stands really low and is really thin. One last thing: the snow leopard's dance moves are so awesome.
OTTERS ARE SO SO CUTE! Otters are one of the cutest animals in Jamaa. Their walk is so cute, their dance is so cute, their sitting action is so cute, and so is their play. Everything about the otters makes them a total cutie.
Otters are one of my favorite animals, and they deserve a higher spot on this list. They are honestly so cute. Otters have to be the cutest animals in Jamaa. They should have been in the top five animals, but whatever. Overall, otters have to be the cutest animals ever released in Jamaa.
Cheetahs are amazing! They are not that popular, but they really should be. Cheetahs are very majestic and sleek. A lot of people get cheetahs and snow leopards confused. Cheetahs are a little bit skinnier and longer than snow leopards. I am not saying that snow leopards are fat, because they are not. Many items look very good on the cheetahs.
I believe Aparri's "epic swag look" is a snow leopard or a cheetah. Cheetahs are very easy to use to express yourself and make a unique look. Overall, I think cheetahs deserve a spot in the top ten.
In my opinion, eagles are the best! They are one of the very few flying animals along with the owl and the new falcon. This might be one of the main reasons why I love them, but eagles and other flying animals get you amazing prizes from the Forgotten Desert. I got my rare spikes from it. It can be hard to get spikes from there. I mean, I have only gotten three from the adventure, but it does happen. Trust me, if you take your time, you will get a spike.
Moving on, eagles are very majestic and cute. In conclusion, eagles are one of the best animals in Jamaa.
Deer have to be one of the cutest member animals in all of Jamaa. As most Animal Jam fanatics know, deer are the traveling animal of Jamaa. The deer started traveling on April 14. I know that all of you who read this after they are done traveling are probably screaming at your screen, and that is why I put the date.
But now I will get back to the topic. Lots of items and patterns look really cool and cute on the deer. When I was watching some of the famous jammers' videos, most made deer as soon as they saw the news. I am pretty sure that Aparri, WisteriaMoon, and the new famous jammer PinkWillow8 (who did not make a video but is a close friend of mine) made a deer.
To sum up, deer are a very popular animal and deserve the number five spot on the top five animals list.
Llamas are my favorite! They're great to use when acting silly or random. Even their hopping looks funny! Not to mention, they're adorable.
Unlike most members, I will not get an arctic wolf but will settle for a llama since the way they dance, play, sleep, etc., matches my personality. Plus, llamas are one of my favorite animals. They look fun and cheery, in my opinion.
Llamas are cool, and there are many interesting facts about them. What surprises me is that they are barely seen around Jamaa.
I hate that every time you go online to Animal Jam or AJPW, the only animals you will be seeing are arctic wolves and foxes. Yes, there are tons of animals in Animal Jam to choose from, but most people only go for the overrated ones, thinking they will be treated like royalty. This is because arctic wolves and foxes are often symbolized as "rare" since items desired by many people, such as spikes, are often seen on these animals.
But here's what I think is rare: originality. I believe the raccoon should be treasured because so few people play as it very often.
Although I personally like eagles better in real life, owls in this game are better. They are easy to design, they look better, and are just overall better! Eagles are almost impossible to design. Nothing goes well with them.
I just love eagles, and they really let me down when I got one. If you're going to get a flying animal, GET AN OWL!
My owl is awesome! I can fly, have pets, and look good. You are kind of nerdy-looking, but owls are very smart and good friends to all. The Forgotten Desert is awesome! Definitely worth my 10 diamonds. I am iloveanimals22305.
Lions are back. By the way, I love the play animation too. I just sometimes like the lion roars.
I like lions, pet cats, and all cats.
Fierce and kinda funny-looking.
I absolutely LOVE arctic foxes! They are so beautiful and fluffy! They are also super fun to make looks with, and almost every item looks good on them! I play as my arctic fox all the time! (Well, not as much as my pig or my polar bear.)
I personally like arctic foxes better than normal foxes and arctic wolves. They are so awesome!
I love arctic foxes! I don't care if they are lower on the list. They will still be my fave forever! I definitely think you should get them! I don't know why they are not in the diamond shop anymore, but I think non-members should get a new animal too, and the arctic fox should be it!
I love kangaroos and use them as my main animal. They do look kind of weird, but I love them as they are. They are very rarely seen in AJ, which makes them better even though you can customize your animals to make them look different. I love all of their actions too!
To me, they actually look like the real animal (in terms of their actual shape) but still in the cartoony AJ style. Plus, they have their own pet and game dedicated to them! You can only get the game on your phone or something, and you need the game to get the pet.
I love tigers so much in real life. I really do. I study them. But I think Animal Jam just took a great, proud animal and made it look like a joke! Tigers look so much better in real life. I think Animal Jam should change the tigers a bit and make them look more awesome, like tigers really are. I think they did the same thing with lions.
Someone in AJHQ decided to make the tiger's legs look like a complete joke. And the back. And the tail. If they changed the legs, back, and tail, I think everything would be fine. It would still be cartoony. I still love the tiger, and I would definitely use it, along with the pig, as my non-member animal. Pretty much all the tigers I met were kind jammers, but of course, anyone else may have had a different experience.
Come on, seals are cute and funny! Here are a few reasons why seals should be #1:
1. Seals are land and ocean animals.
2. The play action for seals is backflips.
3. Seals in real life are adorable, and the same goes for Animal Jam.
4. Seals are an option for non-members and members.
Seals are one of my favorite animals. The only thing I don't get is why regular wolves are at the top. They look ugly in Animal Jam and have their mouths open when they run. The only thing they are popular for is warrior cat clans. GO SEALS!
Seals should be #1 on the list. Here are some reasons why:
1. They look very cute and are easy to dress.
2. There's an amazing glitch making the seal look like it has superpowers.
3. Even in real life, they are adorable.
4. You can bring them on land and in water.
Forget silly wolves. Seals are underused, which means they are unique animals, while foxes, wolves, and arctic wolves are very easy to find.
I got a dolphin two days ago, and I love it. You should get a dolphin because they are water animals, and they are really pretty and adorable at the same time.
All I have to say is, why aren't dolphins like penguins? They should be able to go on land and water. I know it would be totally unrealistic, but too bad!
These are adorable. It might be hard to find an ideal look, but they are one of the coolest water animals!
It's RainbowAwesomeSwaggyCatz speaking, LOL! My account is sheppadepp16273. I love lynxes and snow leopards so much. I like domestic cats the best, but lynxes are the best. They're cute, look really good with clothes, and spikes look the best on them (WAY better than Arctic Wolves).
But they're not quite as good for warrior cat clans. Snow leopards are the best Animal Jam cats for that. I love lynxes so much, but my membership is going to expire soon. I had a 12-month membership. I'm afraid that I will lose all my member animals: Arctic Wolf, Snow Leopard, Lynx, Deer, Eagle, Horse, Fox, and Arctic Fox.
Dude, my favorite Animal Jam animal is the fox! So, just sharing my opinion...
- Your warrior cat nerd and Animal Jammer, Rainbow
My first animal on my main account, making the raccoon the second. But the raccoon was my first membership animal!
Why are monkeys number 50?! When I was six, I chose a monkey as my starting animal since I loved Monkey Quest. They are amazing.
I have always loved playing as a monkey.
Love penguins.
- Land and water
- Nonmember
- Penguins only party
- Cute
- Perfect
- Don't eat other animals
- Don't get eaten by other animals
- Clothes and stuff look nice on them
Penguins are adorable and wonderful. They are accessible to everyone and can go on land and water!
Plus, penguins are perfect, amazing, wonderful, and adorable.
Penguins are cute and nimble, and everyone who has one is usually very kind.
Horses are the most amazing animals ever! Why AJ people don't put them in again, I don't know. But they really should.
I feel sad that horses have become a little unused and unpopular. I kinda like them. It's fun to role-play with them! Just like MLP, but a little funnier!
I like horses because you get to turn them into zebras. Zebras are my favorite animal.
I absolutely love red pandas. They look so cute, and I don't know why they aren't in a higher place. They are much better than the arctic wolf. A lot of items look good on them, and I think they should be played a lot more. I've always loved red pandas, and one is my main look. I think this animal should have at least gotten number 12 or something.
I like the red panda because it is so cute. The treasure hunts are nice too (but with a lot of bamboo).
Red pandas look even more adorable with headphones.
In my opinion, the cutest and most attractive (in cuteness, obviously) animal in Animal Jam. Especially in Play Wild. As I said in my other comment, Ember Bluestone is my main character in Animal Jam.
My main animal is a white hyena with a black mane, black spots, and blue eyes. She is called Ember.
Hyenas should be way up on this list. The hyenas are below dogs and cats.
Animal Jam doesn't even have dogs and cats (besides the pets).