Top 10 Strongest League of Legends Champions
This is a list of most overpowered champions in League of Legends.He can hard counter almost any other AD bruiser top and functions multilaterally as an AD Bruiser, Tank, and Initiator. When fed, he snowballs to the point of no redemption for his doomed opponents. His "counters" only make the battle a fair fight. A good Darius wins almost every time.
When he axe-grabs you, expect your soon-to-be gruesome death, accompanied by the peals of thunder from his ultimate in the air.
Best champion in League of Legends, in my opinion. He is ridiculously difficult to counter. His damage is insane, especially his passive Haemorrhage, which is like a second Ignite.
He has Decimate and Crippling Strike, and if the enemy runs, he pulls them back with Apprehend. His ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, just dunks the enemy to oblivion, not to mention he can redo it in 20 seconds after the kill. Simply insane.
Lee Sin is hard to get used to, but once you practice and become proficient with him, he proves to be the best champion of them all. Not to mention, he has seven totally badass abilities.
Q: He sends a sonic wave that hits and reveals any champion. Once that is placed, he can press Q again to instantly dash to that enemy, making it easier to finish them off if they are running away. Additionally, it can travel through walls, which is awesome.
W: He shields himself and/or another ally by dashing instantly to that ally. He gains a small shield that covers only a portion of his health. However, it is useful for making the enemy waste Ignite. It also allows him to escape a turret without any health loss and can help in escaping by dashing to an ally, or even a ward. He can press W again to gain additional lifesteal, which is pretty good.
E: When Lee Sin casts E, he hits the ground and deals magic damage to enemies around him. The range is very small, but it's still pretty good. Also, once that's done, he can cast E again to slow the enemy's attack speed and movement speed. In other words, he can slow the enemy without giving them any way to escape, except perhaps by using Ghost.
R: Lee Sin performs a powerful kick that deals damage and sends the enemy backward, but cannot go through walls. If the knocked-back enemy hits another enemy champion, that champion becomes airborne for a second. This is extremely useful and can also send the enemy straight toward a turret, making it easy to secure a kill.
To put it simply, use Q, hit, E, hit, R, double Q, double E, and your enemy is instantly dead.
Go Lee Sin!
I main Kass right now. Today is March 11, 2017. I've probably mained him for about a year now. He is one of the strongest, and yes, maybe even broken, champions I know. He is also extremely good for late game.
Thank you to all who read my comment and take it under consideration.
Kassadin has some great tools for chasing and cleaning up fights. He has a Flash with a short cooldown that can do AoE damage, combined with another Flash for great mobility. Force Pulse is useful in team fights, and his Nether Blade provides mana regen. Although he is somewhat squishy, his ult helps him get out of near-impossible situations.
With the right gear, this crowd control champion can be devastating, especially if centered around tanking.
When someone tries to hug him, they die. If they run from his hugs, they still die.
Do you think Riven is OP? Amumu is here to hug you to death!
He has been proven twice to be an excellent top laner that works all the way to Challenger, like Quas, for example. Adaptive Helm, grievous wounds, and mobile laners can prove to be problematic, but aside from that, he is an incredibly strong champion that is never banned.
He works in all elos, is easy to play, great for learning the game, and can provide huge AOE damage with a rotation that can blow up a squishy in a second. If you want a champion that you won't feed with, who is strong at all stages of the game, and can easily win team fights, play Swain!
I think that Master Yi is the best champion at the earliest stage. His farm has the highest damage and it is very easy to play with him. All the other characters are weak against Master Yi. Master Yi is the best champion to play if you know you can beat any counter, so I think Master Yi is the best champion for me!
Q: With this, he can catch up to enemies when they are running away and kill about 10 minions in 2 seconds.
W: Whenever you are running low on health, Meditate can help you recover and bring you into good condition to fight again.
E: This is helpful in fighting against enemies with high health and destroys turrets faster.
R: Master Yi gains bonus movement speed, attack speed, and attack damage. He is also immune to slowing movements, which can be good for escapes.
A very good support in my opinion. She is in my top five supports. Although her attack is low, she shields and helps her teammates, which is what a support is for.
In the lore, Jax is known to be the strongest champion in League of Legends. Since Jax was too powerful, the people in charge of League of Legends made him use only a lamp to fight enemies.
This basically means that nobody was able to match Jax's actual power.
Now that this champion has a lamp, his offense is lower than his actual power, but his defense should remain the same. This means Jax can avoid many attacks and increase his defense dramatically.
Jax can easily succeed in 1v1 and 1v2 situations when used properly. All you have to do is demolish the enemy with basic attacks and W, use E to dodge incoming attacks and stun, and finally use Q to finish off the enemy. Once you master Jax, you can kill enemies while barely losing any health.
I've been starting to play him myself now. But he is only as overpowered as the person who plays him. Meaning, if you get a good player who knows Kog, then yes.
He is a powerhouse that can bring down the walls and minds of the enemy team. All because of his 'W' and the ganking capabilities of his 'E'. Then, use 'R' to secure kills. Yes, he's very overpowered when played right.
Either he's countered by Ryze, or he isn't meant for the top lane because as Ryze, I was 9/0/0 until his passive killed me after I killed him and Master Yi at 15 minutes.
Kog'Maw gets really good after unlocking his 'R'. Built correctly and staying a bit away from the fight, he can be a great support.
Do you really want to waste your time even trying to kill Singed through his tankiness? Oops, you're taking massive damage per second from his poison trail. You've been slowed, and he just flung you back to his turret.
Maybe just try to get someone else next time.
Owns and operates Riot Games. Goes well with dubstep and makes duo top users cry.
Just imagine: Teemo's global taunt, but with more constant punishment than mushrooms.
I main with her. If you build her right, she can take some decent chunks of health out of the enemy as a support! Heals, stuns, slows, buffs - she has everything a team could ask for!
Sona is easy to play and is good at support anywhere. Her heal can save many teammates about to die, and her movement speed is helpful for running or fighting.
Sona is so good. I dominated with her when I was a beginner.
He has a Q that will increase damage on the next basic attack. A W used to create a decoy and make yourself invisible for a short time, which is great for trolling.
An E where he jumps and hits multiple enemies, which is great for catching up to enemies and even kill stealing. And finally, an R that spins you around with increased movement speed and stuns all enemies he hits, doing mega damage. Wukong is just the best.
Born from an egg on a mountain top, he's the punkiest monkey who ever popped. He knew every magic trick under the sun, to tease the mods and League players, and to have some fun.
It's all about the shadows: remembering where you put them and using them at the right time. If you use the shadows correctly, you should not only be able to deal extra damage if enemy champions get too close, but you can also switch spots with them to get out of a sticky situation, or catch up with a low-health champ and take them out.
Zed is incredible. Having problems with minions? Just put a shadow near them and use any ability. The best thing is that Zed can go through walls and obstacles.
Guess what, Zed can even move out of the way when someone uses their ult. All he does is trade places with a shadow.
Jarvan IV is one of the best champions because he can play defensively and offensively at the same time. He can also cause devastating damage in team fights. Furthermore, he can buff the whole team with an attack speed boost.
Lastly, he can trap the whole enemy team in a death hole (R).
This guy is amazing. His passive, his ultimate, everything. At first, you may find he's hard to play, but once you get used to him, J4 is probably the best choice.
He is good at helping teammates and can jungle well.
Q: She can hit 4 enemies with it and applies a mark that deals additional damage. Also works great with Luden's Echo. Provides free poke.
W: She can deal tons of damage by whirling her blades around her. She spams this ability frequently to deal damage.
E: The most powerful ability in her kit. She can "flash" to a target ally, enemy minion, or champion. Essentially, it serves as both a gap closer and a flash. This ability initiates her powerful combo, enabling her to secure pentakills.
R: She channels and releases a flurry of blades. Luden's Echo procs frequently with this ability because it gains +5 per spell cast, and each blade counts as one.
All in all, she is overpowered.
Great champion overall. His Q does HUGE damage to isolated targets and has a low cooldown. His W is good for poking, and when you evolve the ability, it is great in a team fight. His E allows you to leap across the screen in one click, making him so fun to play.
When you get a kill or assist with this ability, the cooldown is refreshed. You can just dive under the turret to get that kill and then dive out to avoid the turret damage. He's my favorite champ, and I recommend everyone try him out. He can be used in Jungle, Mid, and Top.
Garen is an amazing champion if you can use him properly. His abilities are awesome and very powerful. When built tanky and with a bit of attack damage, he excels in both 1v1s and team fights. Paired with support champions like Ashe, who can stun enemies, he can take down almost anyone.
If you hide in a bush and the opponent doesn't know you're there, you can easily eliminate them, especially squishy targets. First, strike the enemy hard and silence them with your Q ability. Then, start spinning to deal massive damage. Once the enemy has around 500 health, they can be executed using Garen's R ability.
His poke does so much damage to squishy, unsuspecting opponents. And when the enemy team groups together, his ultimate can destroy them all!
Extremely good for quick kills, although his combo needs to be executed in half a second.
Everyone hates him! Just hit someone about three times, and the poison does the rest. I can't help but steal everyone's kills with him, though. He's a great anti-assassin, with the blinding dart (Q). The speed boost (E) is also great. Don't even get me started on the poison (E) - it is epic! Oh, and his ultimate places an invisible mushroom that, when stepped on, inflicts an area effect of slow and poison.
Tips: When using this champion, try to build up his health, ability power, and attack speed! Especially health - then people really hate you!
P.S. I don't mean to discourage you all, but this champion was designed to attract female gamers to play this game. I don't care, though. He's still the best champion in the game!
First of all, he is broken. I love Yasuo, but he's broken. He has the lowest cooldowns in the game.
His Q hits incredibly hard, his W stops all hopes for ranged champions, his E can be used constantly and can gank easily, and his Ultimate can wipe out an entire team in one use. If that wasn't enough, his Ultimate has a cooldown of 30 seconds. That's insane. He is awesome, and I love him, but he needs to be balanced.
Everyone in lower elo thinks that Yasuo is easy to play and is a super broken late-game champ. They are right about one of two things. Yasuo is a broken late-game champ, but he takes much skill to play and is rated as one of the hardest champions to play.
You must know when to use your Q knock-up and your ult. The ability I like best about Yasuo is his passive shield. It's perfect when enemies want to poke you but then realize they can't. Short comment, laugh out loud.
Cho is amazing late game. With a full stack on your ult and a low cooldown, there isn't much that can solo him. Skilled usage of his moves can be a lifesaver in team fights.
His passive is also great in team fights when you're in a lane because you're going to kill minions.
His passive lets you restore health when you kill minions. His ultimate is super strong and can also raise your max health. His third ability lets you slow enemies and damage them, which is very useful.
He's cool-looking. His ult lets him evolve into something unstoppable once you get it going. He feasts on his kills. He kicks you in the air. He screams. He kills you with his fangs.
He kills you.
I main Aatrox. Even with his first nerf, he still dominates, but his skills are a little hard to master. If you time his skills well, you can get at least five kills per game, even if you're a beginner.
When you are in team fights, you are the main distraction, so all of the opponents target you first while your team pushes on. You also need to learn when to change his W skill for different situations. Use Blood Thirst when below half health. Use Blood Thirst at any other time, especially on turrets. If you jungle, you can get a Warmog's Armor and solo the dragon with your Blood Thirst. Well, I hope this helps. Please give this comment a thumbs-up!
A lot of people use her as a support, but she has amazing potential as an aggressive champ.
They never see you coming. Very few understand the power of Morgana.
Extremely powerful if in the hands of a good player. My favorite champ!
She is awesome once you know how to use her properly. She's super strong. I can use her against almost anyone. With life steal, an electric sword, and a little armor, I dominate.
Fiora is an OP champ, especially in the top lane. Quite honestly, she should be within the top ten.
She is the strongest and fastest champion ever. You really need to buy her.