Best Cars in Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit
It's the rating of the best cars in the best release of the Need For Speed franchise. Yes, you know what I'm talking about. It's Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit. Simply the best and arguably the ultimate in terms of driving experience and its breathtaking plunge into reality. Reality can't get any closer. So rev up your engines and lets roar!*Need For Speed 3: Hot Pursuit - Voted best nfs game in a media magazine poll.
Unsurpassable prowess in the game. Makes up with speed what it lacks in handling. Fastest car in the game, rockets to 100 mph in about 2 seconds!
Although it has poor handling, if one is experienced with this tiny monster, you can blaze past the sharpest curves with ease. Switch on your engine, fasten your seatbelt, and punch the throttle!
Is it a bird, is it an airplane? No, it's a supercar! A superfast car that feels like driving a jet. It has excellent body dynamics and awesome horsepower. It's got better handling than the El Nino but is slightly slower. Still, this car can easily beat any other.
With near-perfect acceleration, it can match up to the El Nino if driven perfectly. The brakes are the best part. The air brakes create a mushing sound when the brakes are applied, making it feel smooth like a jet.
Why is a class B car here? you say? Well, this list is not only about sheer speed. This car perhaps provides the most realistic feel of a car and is top-notch in driving pleasure.
The high-pitched gearbox, the stylish looks, and fast speeds make this a favorite among gamers. Handling is pure, unadulterated perfection. It's the real thing! Fast speeds and perfect handling make this a must-drive in the game.
The Ferrari is the fastest car. It can go from 0 to 100 mph in 1.5 seconds.
So please vote for the Ferrari. This is the best car in reality and the game, so vote for it!
Diablo indeed! Simply one of the most popular cars in the game. Why? Because of its monstrous engine, brute horsepower, and tough muscle combined with the iconic Lamborghini design.
On equal terms with the Maranello and Schierra, its handling is slightly inferior to the Maranello but makes up for it with a slight increase in acceleration.
This is the best car, not only in this game but in any game! I last played this game almost seven years ago, and because of it, the Diablo SV is still my dream car.
Looks more like a luxury sedan than a sports car, but looks can be deceiving. Faster than its lower cousin, the Ferrari F1 Spider, this is one car that upholds its reputation for perfect handling, just like the Spider.
A fast class A car with good handling, what more do you need to win?
Looks like a close relative to the Mercedes CLK-GTR. Almost the same in every aspect, with scintillating aerodynamics and a road feel like no other.
One thing that sets it apart from the Mercedes is that you can feel the raw power spewing out of this monster. Its tires roll past the asphalt. Another good car.
Nice car, nice handling, nice style, nice speed. The acceleration is bad, but this is the most stylish car.
Yeah, it's a Chevy Corvette. The real deal! A smooth engine, near-perfect handling, and a fast drive make this a competitor, especially on curvy roads.
Batman car? Unique design, fast and powerful. Although it could be a neat car to drive, its handling is quite unstable compared to the Maranello. However, its class A tag gives it everything required to win.
The lower cousin of the Diablo. Its class B tag puts it on par with the Ferrari Spider. Its handling is poor compared to the Ferrari, giving it a disadvantage in tight corners, but on straight roads, it's all about raw power. If the driver is as good as the car, it can win a race against several class A cars. Just take advantage of corners like the Ferrari Spider without sacrificing much speed.
Class C, but the fastest in the category. Reasonable speed with a slight slack in handling.
A good car to race in when you want to feel the reality of the game. A worthy competitor on difficult-to-drive roads.