Top 10 Best Assassin's Creed Games

Over the years, Assassin's Creed has taken us to some of the most interesting historical settings, from Renaissance Italy to ancient Egypt and beyond. Each game brings its own mix of stealth, combat, and exploration, with evolving gameplay mechanics that keep things fresh, even while staying true to the series' roots. But which one stands out as the best?

Is it the sweeping open worlds of the newer games that draw you in? Or maybe you're more into the traditional stealth-focused experiences of the earlier entries? Do you prefer the deep, branching storylines or the fast-paced action?
The Top Ten
Assassin's Creed II

This game is the best of all time. In my opinion, Assassin's Creed 1, 2, and Brotherhood are better than Assassin's Creed Revelations, 3, and Black Flag. The reason is that the first three Assassin's Creed games follow the purpose and role of the assassin, which includes being stealthy, quiet, and blending with the crowd. The last three Assassin's Creed games never followed the purpose of the assassins. Ezio is the best Assassin's Creed character ever. Altair is pretty cool. Connor is the biggest moody idiot I have ever seen. I can't believe people actually like him, and he is not a true assassin.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Black Flag had some of the most memorable characters in any video game I have ever played. Edward was by far one of the most interesting mains in the entire series, and the emotional attachment I felt for the surrounding cast really immersed me in the game. The world was also one of the most impressive I have ever seen, and I really felt compelled to explore every nook and cranny of it, and achieve that 100% rating. The pirating and ship mechanics were fun and easy to learn, but difficult to master, and the sense of resource management really improved the overall feel of the game. Definitely the best Assassin's Creed title, and one of the best games I have played overall. It was so enjoyable that after getting almost all the achievements in the Xbox 360 version, I did the same when I bought it on the Xbox One less than a year later.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

This is my absolute favorite game of all time. AC 2 got me into the franchise, and Revelations was the first one I bought for myself. But, I've always loved Brotherhood. Great story, Ezio looks the best in my opinion, awesome selection of outfits, such as Altaïr's outfit, which is my favorite in the series, kill streaks, crossbows, and more assassins. I've played through it about 16 times and know nearly all the lines by heart. Still not bored with it. Thank you, Ubisoft.

Best AC game there is. I played both AC II, and this is the more polished and refined version of II. In AC2, it's way too easy to be OP, and there is still the annoying countryside travel. But this! This is polished. Just one city. Good storyline, as always for the first few AC games. And you actually have to try.

Assassin's Creed III

There are so many people who don't like AC3 because they believe Connor only kills the British, thus he's killing his own people. First of all, he's only half British. Secondly, most Americans who fought during the war were British, and no one is saying anything about that. Third, he was raised by Native Americans, so he does not have a sense of his British self. Fourth, Connor actually kills people on both sides of the conflict. Fifth, most people who are posting these comments are trying to make themselves sound smart and are actually making themselves sound really ignorant. Lastly, it's a game! Enjoy it for what it is!

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

There was a time when I thought nothing could get better than AC II, but Revelations totally changed my mind. I am not really fond of too much killing in games, but Revelations showcases Ezio's true character.

There was a time I despised Altair. I thought his story was way too bad, and I hated AC I. But when I saw his life story, I came to love the character, and a new respect developed in me. The tragedy between him and Abbas moved me. Now, I come to understand why he is called the greatest Assassin.

Desmond's story was quite sparse and, in my opinion, his "journeys" on the Animus Island were quite boring. But overall, the game was excellent.

Assassin's Creed

This one's simply more of a work of art, while the others are a bit typical. The deliberately poor cinematography made the atmosphere awesome. The writing was the best, and Abstergo was actually scary in this one. The gameplay definitely had its lows, but the highs were the highest in the series, and this game more than any of the others actually expected you to have a brain.

I still love the others, and Ezio is still my favorite character, but AC1 is still my favorite game. Although Black Flag came disturbingly close.

Assassin's Creed Unity

I love the Assassin's Creed series, and thus far, I believe Unity is the pinnacle of the series. Yes, it had a buggy launch, though most of my personal playing time was completely devoid of bugs. Once the patches were released and the game was expanded with the free Dead Kings DLC, there's no way this game could come off as anything short of amazing. Even after the release of the stellar Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Unity's Arno still holds the title for the series' most customizable protagonist. The experience points ranking system, skill acquisition, upgradeable gear and weapons, and co-op missions were unprecedented and revolutionary for the series. Even its challenging combat system was the series' best, in my opinion. Unity just doesn't get enough credit.

Though botched PC version launches are fairly common this generation, it's unfortunate that Unity's reputation and accomplishments often go unnoticed and unappreciated due to its buggy launch.

Assassin's Creed Rogue

Unlike the other Assassin's Creed games, Rogue is the one that is more in "grey." There is no white Assassin and black Templars. Since the beginning, the Templars were presented as the "Bad Guys." They were evil, manipulative, and wanted to be the masters of Earth! (You could almost do a Machiavellian laugh after all the sentences of the Templars). But with Rogue, things are presented differently. You really get into the character and the story.

Also, even if it's an "old generation" game, the places are beautiful. I really enjoyed traveling through this whole world.

Assassin's Creed Origins

This is the latest game of the series, though it's too good. It's far better than the others. The graphics are awesome (I can't differentiate between reality and this), and the fighting is the best. The camera always stays behind the person, so the fight is more strong and fun. The Eagle Vision is much better than in the others and shows the path better.

And the slow motion while jumping off a tree and killing a person is very impressive! I bet this is the best Assassin's Creed entry in the franchise's lifetime.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Added a lot of new features like trains, carriages, and a rope launcher. Liked the idea of boroughs being taken over, but it was similar to some of the previous games (like the naval bases in Black Flag). Some of the challenges are pretty hard, and the carriage driving feels really out of place at times. Liked the game overall, but it still needed to improve some things.

Jacob and Evie Frye might be some of my favorite protagonists of all time. Victorian London is the perfect playground with plenty of content and fun. Assassin's Creed Syndicate includes the best missions of the series and does everything better than Unity. Who would have expected that?

The Newcomers

? Assassins Creed Mirage
? Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
The Contenders
Assassin's Creed Odyssey

I've played every Assassin's Creed game, and in my opinion, Origins is the best. It boasts the biggest map, the best graphics, and the most intricate missions. I've seen gameplay and the trailer for Odyssey and believe it will be amazing. If it comes anywhere near Origins, I will be astounded.

I played the game from beginning to end at a time in my life when I hardly ever finish games anymore. The graphics and gameplay are great. The main story was good, not the best, but the side missions were entertaining. Overall, I've been addicted to this game, with over 100 hours played and still wanting more.

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

This game is much better than Altair Chronicles and Bloodlines. It's not fair to compare it to PS3 entries, but this is actually a pretty good game if you remember it's a Vita game. I was actually impressed with the gameplay.

Note - The multiplayer is terrible, and there was a glitch that corrupted save files. Thankfully, the glitch has been patched. Be sure to start a new game after patching.

I have played this game many times. It is the best game for a PC gamer. I got Liberation at a side road stall, but it turned out to be a good game. Assassin's Creed III does not deserve this place.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Easily one of the best in the series. Great storyline, fun missions, and overall just a good game.

This is by far the second-best game in the series. I really, really love it! Five stars!

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines

This game has a good story and timeline, but the gameplay isn't so good.

Okay storyline, terrible graphics, terrible gameplay. If Altair could perform some combos, this game would be better.

This game is great! It fully shows Altair's story.

Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles

This seriously must be the last one on this list. I can't believe that some people even voted for this, leaving out all the other good ones.

Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry

A story-driven game that begs the player to focus on what is being told.

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Rebellion
Assassin's Creed Identity
Assassin's Creed: Pirates

The game has an interesting story. The story of Alonzo shows various ups and downs, exciting and thrilling the player. The graphics of this game are better than any other Assassin's Creed mobile game.

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
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