Top 10 Best Video Games of 2013
2013 was an exceptional year for video games. Critically acclaimed titles like The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto V pushed the boundaries of storytelling and open-world gameplay. Meanwhile, innovative games like BioShock Infinite and The Stanley Parable challenged players' expectations and sparked conversations about the nature of choice and narrative in gaming. The year also saw the successful reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise and the release of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, which transported players to the golden age of piracy.What are the best video games of 2013? Cast your vote for the titles that you believe deserve to be at the top of this list. Your choices will help to create a definitive ranking of the most beloved and impactful games of 2013, showcasing the creativity, innovation, and sheer fun that this incredible year in gaming had to offer.
Grand Theft Auto is probably the best free roam game that will surely mark the history of video games. The reason for this is because you can do almost anything a human can do. We all know that it is fun for everyone because we all have different tastes of enjoyment, and our enjoyment can be fulfilled in this game as we can do what we like.
For example, I like gore, so when I get the game, I would probably spend the whole day killing, stealing, and beating up people. This is probably the only game where "cheating is fun." I'm not saying that cheating in Grand Theft Auto kills the joy of beating the game like all other games. It makes the game much more fun because cheats are there for the sake of enjoyment, not to make the game easier. Hats off to Rockstar!
When one plays "The Last of Us," it becomes more than just a game. This is one of the few games where you can actually sit and connect with characters on a far more personal level. Levels are intense. Cinematics are unpredictable and exemplify the beauty and deep truth in TLoU.
Hands down, this has solidified its name as one of the best games of this generation. Honestly, this game should be #1 or 2 on this list, but I think it isn't due to the fact that it's a PS3 exclusive. But besides that, it's an awesome game with an awesome story, and as IGN describes it, "A Masterpiece."
I believe this paves the way for the future of gaming entertainment. Let's be honest, when was the last time you teared up in a video game? Anyway, this better get Game of the Year.
AC 1, 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations were just awesome, but I was really disappointed by Assassin's Creed 3. However, the fact that Assassin's Creed Black Flag isn't going to be focusing on the American civilization restored faith for me. To be honest, the storyline of Assassin's Creed 3 and the cocky character of Connor made me hate the game so much that I didn't even want to complete it.
"I once sailed for a king. I obeyed men of privilege and wealth. Now, I bend my knee to no man. My only oath is to my crew, and together we will take back what is rightfully ours. With blood and steel, we shall stand up to the powerful. Captains will curse our flag, and kings will fear it. As long as empires generate wealth and riches, we will be there to bleed them dry."
- Edward Kenway, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's "Under The Black Flag" Trailer.
This game is entirely fresh and unique in its excellence. Bioshock introduces completely new gameplay mechanics, unlike any game in the "shooter" genre. If you call this game a shooter, there is so much more to it than that. The beautiful immersion this game demonstrates is unlike any game I have ever played. This is really a "stop and smell the flowers" experience which manages to boldly distinguish itself from any other title on this list.
This game is one of the very few games which has managed to create a strong emotional connection between the player and the game. The ending fills in all of the blanks and answers every question you had when the game began, allowing, unlike most campaigns, strong replay value. The emotional connection this game creates will be what stands out in the years to come and is completely innovative in its execution.
Many people put Origins down, saying it is really bad compared to the other Arkham games. However, it's my favorite. The multiplayer is flawed, however.
I am fully ready to play the third Batman game. Lots of monsters and super-villains that Batman must defeat. Batman must vanquish all evil villains.
Can't wait for this game! I don't know anything about Batman, but once I play this, I'll be obsessed with Batman.
Number 8? Excuse me! This is currently the best game of 2013. How can anybody vote for Grand Theft Auto V before it's even released? Don't you know what happened with Aliens: Colonial Marines? Tomb Raider gave me one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Of course, except for Skyrim and the Batman Series, but this showed me the greatest example of the power of a woman and the real meaning of "The Hero."
"Tomb Raider" is a reboot of a 17-year-old franchise. Very few franchises last 17 years, and even fewer of them feature a female protagonist, a characteristic which, I believe, is vital to the evolution of the gaming industry. Additionally, the gameplay in "Tomb Raider" is amazing. While the story may not have been as complex, I believe the gameplay in "Tomb Raider" is superior to the gameplay in "The Last of Us." After over 10 years of being considered mediocre, "Tomb Raider" is finally back on top.
Who is the idiot that didn't make this number 1? Are you blind or something? This game was legendary. It went where no fighting game has gone before. Just think about it, if the DC heroes ever battled like this, all of that destruction would happen.
Injustice really turned around my feelings about Aquaman, Nightwing, and some of the others. This game will also introduce you to some heroes or villains of DC you may have never heard of, like Solomon Grundy or Black Adam. The animation of this game was stunning, especially the stage transitions and super moves.
It was made by the creator of Mortal Kombat, but they took a huge step forward and created the best game ever.
Battlefield 4 is easily better than Ghosts. Infinity Ward really messed up with that game. It still delivers a great campaign and multiplayer, but the game just doesn't feel like a Call of Duty.
On the other hand, Battlefield delivered, in my opinion, one of the better campaigns of the franchise. BF3 is my favorite still. The ending could have been better for BF4, but I still enjoyed it! And the main part, and the best part... the multiplayer... It is so realistic I can't even explain it. Great game and deserves more recognition!
Not as good as Grand Theft Auto V, but think about it, Grand Theft Auto V took five years of development to be as good as it is. This game took a year and is still an awesome game. If this game was given an extra four years in development, the same as Grand Theft Auto V, it would be way better than Grand Theft Auto V and all the games of 2013.
Best Pokémon game yet! People can have their Grand Theft Autos and their Call of Duties but they can't compete in the sheer fun of Pokémon. Anyone claiming that Pokémon is a game only for little kids is too insecure, so they feel the need to "display their maturity" by playing violent games such as Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty.
When you play the game, I feel comfortable and enjoy it. It erases my thoughts, making me forget my problems. It expands my brain, which helps my thinking capacity. It gives a chance for someone to have the knowledge of football. I think my brain is made of football. I thank the organizer of FIFA 13.
This is a chance for a person who doesn't play football to have the feeling of being on the pitch. Fabulous, realistic graphics. Feel the game!
Crazy amazing game! The passion, gameplay, graphics, and features are all to die for! It puts you right in the middle of everything! Simply the best game ever (until FIFA 15 at least).
The Newcomers
This is such a great game, MY FAVORITE. I'm not the best - I've only beaten 14 demons - but it's still so good.
This is the best video game ever to me.
Guys, this was an amazing Disney game.
Why the hell is Saints Row 4 so low on the list? It's going to be much more fun than Grand Theft Auto 5, as the Grand Theft Auto series is much more gritty while Saints Row is laugh-out-loud and it doesn't take itself seriously, which I love. Nothing is better than a game with a sense of humor, and there are going to be superpowers in this game. Can Grand Theft Auto do that?
I want to play a game that offers the freedom that gamers deserve in an open-world game, and the Saints Row franchise always delivers and just gets crazier and crazier in the best kind of way possible. Powers, customization at its finest, fun weapons, upgrades, and an extremely epic storyline. It's just an incredible franchise that I've stuck with since the beginning. Grand Theft Auto doesn't feel the same.
Yeah, how do you like that, you arrogant punk? Read the comment on the Grand Theft Auto 5 choice. The dude bashes Saints Row for no reason, probably because he sees this game as a competitor to his flawless and precious Grand Theft Auto 5. Another thing, I'm super hyped for Grand Theft Auto 5, but Saints Row just has that charm that always wins me over.
Should be number one. Grand Theft Auto V may be fun, but there are so many bad things about it. This game is amazing! Great graphics, music, fun and creative levels, a cool twist on the story, and I love the new Cat Suit and Double Cherry power-ups. This game is so awesome!
There are not 24 games that are better than this one just from 2013! I mean, come on! How the heck is this number 2? Nobody appreciates Mario anymore! And how is Grand Theft Auto number one? I wouldn't be as ticked off if it were The Last of Us, but come on! This game at least deserves to be in the top five. It's just as good as Black Flag and Bioshock Infinite! But in my opinion, it's the best.
This sequel to the twenty-year-old 'A Link to the Past' was one of the best video game experiences of all time!
Brilliant story, brilliant gameplay, my favorite game of 2013 and one of my favorite Zelda games to date.
Easily the greatest Zelda game in the past 10 years. It subverts the typical narrative structure that has shackled the series for too long.
The Call of Duty franchise has always been well known to deliver, and I'm sure that this title is no exception. The series has been known to set the bar for the FPS genre across the board on many accords and has taken the industry to a whole new level, raising and setting the standards for what we know as an "online shooter." It has also excelled in numerous other aspects, including graphics, customization, and online features. Judging from what glimpses we've had at the game already, this game shall be no exception to the task of being able to please fans and new gamers to the series alike.
I can't wait until it comes out! It will be the best birthday present ever, considering it comes out on my birthday, October 29.
Awesome! The Rock is on the cover of WWE 2K14.
I think this because of the graphics and the roster. It has a lot of comparisons from the last WWE game.
This is the rare game that really focuses on comedy. I've played plenty of games, and the only laugh I got was from irony or the lame joke that comes up. This game is filled with laughs, has great graphics, and is the best game of 2013.
Hey, what am I doing at 30? Oh wait, I wasn't meant to break the fourth wall on this site. Yeah, does everyone have a couple of chimichangas for your pal? Sincerely, the pool.
Why does Minecraft think it deserves such a high place? This game is better.
Most creative game Nintendo has done since Skyward Sword.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is the best Luigi's Mansion game I've played so far.
Okay, I'm not going to lie to you guys. I like GTA5 and Call of Duty and all those other games guys usually play, but Animal Crossing: New Leaf should at least be in the top ten. The gameplay never gets old, and let's face it, nothing is more addicting than hanging out with virtual animals.
I hate when Grand Theft Auto is always in the top ten of a best video game list. In my opinion, I don't like Grand Theft Auto. Animal Crossing: New Leaf should be number one!
This is the best game to come out this year. Hands down. Not only does Animal Crossing cater to every demographic, but it is just an overall legendary series.
Why is this not up in the top 5? I'm sorry, but Crysis 3 is hands down the most eye-tantalizingly delicious game I've ever witnessed. Not only does it have one of the most sophisticated game engines to ever exist, but the storyline is also gripping, emotional, and thought-provoking. It shows a lot of heart for a game about a man who has become more machine than human.
The gameplay is incredible. The visuals are glorious, and the Cell and Ceph are a joy to destroy. What else can I say that will make this ineffably incredible game number 1?
Primarily set on a frozen planet named Tau Volantis, the game follows protagonists Isaac Clarke and Sergeant John Carver as they attempt to stop the Necromorph scourge for good. There is also an improvement in the weapon system. The 'Bench' weapon upgrade system from Dead Space and Dead Space 2 has been upgraded to a new system called 'Weapon Bench'. In this system, players can construct new weapons from parts that Isaac collects throughout his adventure.
Launched off a seemingly dead planet, you venture into a monster-riddled facility. This makes some games seem minuscule in comparison! I loved the previous two installments of space-fueled horror, and the third is a true testament to willpower! If you can't see Dead Space in the top 10 of this list, you must be misunderstanding, and you can't comprehend a signal from any distance.
The power-ups at the fitting stations throughout the game's progress are quite an eye-opener. No laughter intended. No monster or human can imagine the breadth of life this game takes on!
Let's do better with this rating dropdown. Assassin's Creed Black Flag - Civil War Is Over, Batman Arkham Origins next title is better than this one, no grapple hook, huh? The Last of Us - Fallout 3 is the end, yes, and Grand Theft Auto 5 dreams of stealing cars and hot babes nobody is dating in real life. See me eye to eye now. - VIRTUALWARRIORJ, XBOX 1 gamer for life!
This game should be in the top ten due to the fact it has one of the best video game storylines I've ever seen.
A riveting drama with heartbreaking acting. This game was amazing.
Best video game story of the year.
Going to be the best game ever! I mean, Lego games are awesome and so are Marvel. Put the two together and what does it answer? BEST GAME EVER!
Another good Lego game with most likely your favorite superhero involved.
Why is this game so low in position? It is better than NBA Live 14. It has better graphics and is more realistic in gameplay. This game should be in the top ten, or at least top twenty, to be honest.
This game has better blocks, clutch factors, My Player, MyCareer, Creating a Legend, dunks and layups, and signature skills.
NBA Live is on here, and NBA 2K14 should be too. It has always been a very reliable way to pass time and have fun.
My dad and I love this game! Probably the best Madden game of all time.
What! How is this not in the top ten!