Top 10 Best Madden Games

Superstar mode was great around this time. It was nearing its peak here, including franchise mode and create-a-team was still a thing!
Smooth, fluid, and easy to pick up and play. I've played a lot of Madden games in my time, but this has to be the best one in my opinion.
Maybe it's my childhood bias, but whether it be the in-depth create-a-player or franchise, this game has not been topped.

Best because of the great teaching aspect. The Create-a-Player/Team is the best ever because of the variety and realism of player faces. Franchise Mode is addictive. This game should seriously be remade for Xbox One.
Great game. The birth of EA Sports Radio, which I like very much. How can it not be number 1? The newer versions have too many new gadgets, which make it confusing to play.
Madden 2003-2005 (on PC with Xbox controller) is alive and well with every mod for rosters of a lot of whole seasons. Like the 1992 season and the 2016 season, etc.

Best Madden game. I love rebuilding in franchise or doing Madden moments, and it was the last Madden with create-a-team!
The 5 on 5 and the special balls were very fun. I play the Wii version and think that it is the best I have played.
Madden '12 and Madden '11 were my personal favorites, but '12 gets a slight edge.

My personal favorite Madden. Franchise mode was fantastic. No other team has played like the 2004 Atlanta Falcons. Roll out and throw a deep pass or tuck it and run for 20+ yards with Vick. It was so hard to defend against but it was possible.
Playmaker controls were a great addition. Plus, owner mode was loads of fun.
This year played fast, and you could block kicks!

This Madden just feels faster to me. Faster players, faster gameplay, faster games in general. It didn't have those weird arrow things, and Connected Franchise is extremely fun. You can control up to 32 players and retire at the right time instead of staying in the game forever.
Say your old player retires and you make a new one. You don't start from the beginning. You start from where your previous player ended! I got all the way to 2029 (in very, very late 2017). I played Madden 12, and it is nowhere near as good as this one. This should be number 1 and Madden 18 number 2.

Spent so many hours on this game. Played Franchise Mode for 27 seasons and didn't buy another Madden until Madden 13.
Actually great graphics for its time. The soundtrack is straight fire, truly reflective of how amazing the NFL was.
I like this game because the Steelers are the best, and they will always be the best.

It was my favorite game growing up, and although Madden 12 was a much-needed improvement, it was also when EA decided to introduce Ultimate Team, which is just the worst.
They say Madden started in 1988, but that isn't possible because history started in 2007 with the release of Madden 08, the holy grail of both Maddens and 08s.
If God had a favorite game, it would probably be Madden 2008 on the Nintendo GameCube. A close second would be Madden 2008 on the Microsoft Xbox 360.

Best game, especially on PC. Great franchise mode, except for the non-inflating salary cap.

My very first Madden game ever. This game introduced me to football in general, and it has been my favorite sport.
I love how easy the menus allow you to control teams, coaches, and players.

I think Madden 20 is the best Madden because of the quality and the X-Factors. Overall, I just think it's the best.
Huge improvement. It hasn't been this much fun in years!
In my opinion, this game is the best on PS4 for me and is really addicting. I got it for $25 since it was on sale.
The Newcomers

With better graphics, better gameplay, and better updates, this game is one thing better.
New defense features and mechanics allow fans to confront their rivals with an arsenal of new pass rush moves, new open-field tackling mechanics, two new defensive cameras, and more. For the first time, you can determine exactly when the ball-carrier is in your tackling range and choose either a conservative tackle or try for a high-risk, high-reward aggressive take-down.
Further, new mechanics to jump the snap, cajole blockers off-balance, and disrupt the backfield make it more interesting to play as a defensive lineman or blitzing linebacker. What's more, enhanced defensive AI means that your teammates will better know their assignments and be in position to make a play, allowing players to be more aggressive, with the knowledge that their teammates have their back.
This sure will be the greatest Madden yet. Besides, it's Madden season once again, and there is now a reason to celebrate.

Was the best Madden in all aspects. The Franchise Mode was the most fun to play, and I honestly wish I could still play this game now. It was so fun, and I played it for years after it was out.
This game has the best franchise mode in history. Also, including the extra point and a simple passing game and running game. So, in my opinion, this is the best Madden game.
Make all Madden games like this one. Gameplay, franchise mode, all you have to change is to make banners for championships.

Creativity and gameplay were awesome. Hit stick! If you played franchise mode long enough, teams would go bankrupt and were relocated or replaced with new ones.
I think this year has the best graphics and is the most realistic to football compared to any other year.
Best video game of all time. Superstar mode was amazing. Nothing tops this game.

This Madden has exciting players, draft champions, and other unique stuff in the game. One of the best Madden games of all time.
Just like one comment said, Madden '16 was the Madden I played before '19.
The movement in this game felt smooth, and the controls were nice. This was the most fun Madden I've played, and I've been playing since Madden 12.

Huge graphics improvement. I feel like Madden would really benefit from a story mode like the one in 2K.
It has Tom Brady on the cover, so that's a bonus. Haven't played it, sadly. I've only played 13, 09, and 12. I'm missing out! I need a PS4.

Last year using the Ignite engine. I feel it's smoother and less crappy than '18 and on.
Simply the most balanced gameplay. Ultimate Team at its best as well.
I think EA finally figured it out after five years of bad games. First good Madden since '12.

Amazing game. It took a lot of risks, and it worked. Great game. My faults on it: no practice mode, MUT, training points too stingy, more player upgrades, and too many big hits overcompensating.

The original is by far the best because you can actually do stuff. It is a video game, after all. I know the other ones are more realistic, but this is more fun because you actually have a lot of control over your guy.

I had this game on my Sega Genesis. It was so fun because it featured the 8 best teams ever at the time, like the '72 Dolphins, '85 Bears, '78 Steelers, and so on. An all-time favorite.

Best Madden ever in my opinion. 5 on 5 was great, and my favorite player was on the cover. Love this one the most and probably always will!