Top 10 Best Video Game Weapons
And it works for non-evil people too, as seen when possessed Princess Zelda fights in many games.
It gives you the ability to travel through time and repel evil!
It is the master of not just all swords, but all weapons too.
I can't believe some master butter knife is beating this. One shot from the BFG, and the entire room is cleared. The Crapster Sword, on the other hand, is going to take a few minutes.
BFG equals Big Friendly Giant. Everyone knows that even if they haven't read the book. Dahl should have sued this upstart game.
Just the name. You can't beat that. Everyone knows what it is.
Bring this bad boy into battle, and the enemy doesn't stand a chance. Link would get shot instantly. This killing machine is more lethal than that glorified kitchen knife Link carried.
Oh please, a small glorified kitchen knife is beating out this beefy bad boy of an SMG? What have you voters been smoking recently? Link would get mowed down instantly by this gun.
Uses 50 round drum mags, and can hold up to 150 rounds in reserve. There's plenty of ammo, and this gun is a true icon.
It's not just a weapon. It's a tool designed to assist its user in lifting and pushing objects that are too big and heavy to move with your bare hands. You can also use that object as a projectile that can mow down enemies.
It makes explosive barrels useful. They were never fun to deal with until this thing existed.
It's awesome, but I like the super gravity gun (the blue one) better. With that, killing people has never been easier!
Whatever it comes down to, this weapon is just badass. Bringing that out and walking into the fight is just awesome.
Definitely the most iconic weapon in video games, and also one of the most powerful if you can get close enough.
Cuts through futuristic shields and armor, better sword than Master Sword.
Swords can only swing. Guns can only shoot. But the Portal Gun has endless possibilities.
A classic that was used since World War II and then the Vietnam War. What's not to like?
Only enough charge for two shots, but almost always a one-hit kill on big enemies and vehicles. Spartans HUA!
Destroys futuristic tanks in one hit. Not many guns can do that.
The Newcomers
A projectile weapon with free ammo, which has the added bonus of setting certain enemies on fire.
Want to blow up an enemy, make them enraged, or knock them out? Then this is for you.
A drill that is shot out and burrows into their skull. Enough said.
Does all the targeting for you.
This thing single-handedly allows Ammy to defeat all of fiction. The only reason it's not number one is that it's less well-known than The Legend of Zelda.
The Master Sword? Really? To Sean Devlin, the Master Sword is just a mere toothpick. The MP40 is a 32-rounds-a-clip killer.
The Keyblade is the most kickass weapon! It can destroy or save the world! How is that not deserving of number one?