Top 10 Best Pro Wrestling Video Games

Pro wrestling games are a unique breed in the gaming universe. They allow you to step into the ring as your favorite wrestling icons, pull off their signature moves, and take part in some of the most memorable feuds and storylines in wrestling history. And let's not forget the epic joy of winning championship belts and hoisting them above your head, all from your living room.

So, which ones are the best pro wrestling video games? Ah, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Over the years, we've seen the evolution of wrestling games, from their humble, pixelated beginnings to the current, graphically impressive renditions that are almost indistinguishable from the real deal. Perhaps you favor the nostalgia of retro games like "WWF No Mercy", with its classic roster and intuitive gameplay, or the immersive, next-gen graphics and mechanics of games like the "WWE 2K" series?

We've gathered a comprehensive list of some of the most influential, popular, and downright fun pro wrestling games. But we want you in on this. We're inviting you to dive off the top rope and make your voice heard by voting for the games you believe truly deserve a spot in the wrestling game hall of fame.

Are you a stickler for authenticity, preferring games that painstakingly recreate the look and feel of wrestling broadcasts? Or do you enjoy the arcade-style, over-the-top action where realism takes a back seat? Perhaps you love the freedom of creating your own wrestling legacy with an original character in career modes?
The Top Ten
WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain

I have so many good memories of playing this game back when I was in elementary school. Here Comes The Pain is such a complete game with amazing gameplay, a full roster, and a really fun season mode.

I wish my PS2 was still working, so I could go back and play one of my favorite childhood games and enjoy the nostalgia.

The story mode is epic. Incredible roster of wrestlers to choose from. Plus, it was the first WWE game to use the Elimination Chamber match.

One of the best wrestling games out there. Many wrestling games came close but were far from perfecting the formula.

WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007

I've been playing it for 4 years now, ever since it came out. I know all the grapples and strikes. I'm the undefeated legend from hell!

It's amazing. It's so fun. Good roster, good gameplay, fun match types. It's a very fun and supreme game. It's awesome!

The best mix of gameplay and story. This has everything you would want in a wrestling game. Very underrated.

WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008

The General Manager mode made it the best. I wish WWE 13 had a GM mode that was as good as this.

The whole game was awesome. Ringside, there was a place full of weapons.

WWF No Mercy

A simple yet effective control system, beautiful animations, and a wide variety of moves make No Mercy the best American wrestling game.

WWE '12

Great game. Love it. Very addictive. Great graphics. Counters are also good. Realistic enough.

WWE '13

This game is awesome! I bought the game used from GameStop recently. The whole reason I got the game is because of the Attitude Era mode.

Great game. More focus on the Attitude Era, great gameplay, and awesome graphics as well.

It was awesome when they included more than just the mid-air RKO.

WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010

TNA sucked. I can't believe I wasted 5 bucks at a yard sale for it. Never making that mistake again. But this game was great.

One thing that always bugs me, though, is that Undertaker's entrance is always off in all the games. He should let his coat drop to the floor, but he doesn't.

This game was way better than anything before '09. I would vote for SvR '11, but I hate Universe Mode. It's stupid and is unfortunately going to be on WWE 12. I still can't wait for 12 to come out.

Ask anybody, and they will tell you this game is one of the greatest of all time. Try it!

WWE Smackdown vs Raw 09
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011

First wrestling game I played, much better than any of the crappy 2K games.

WWE 2K14 - Xbox 360

This felt so refined. That's why it's my favorite wrestling game.

The Newcomers

? Wrestling Revolution 3D

This game has great scripts and great stories.

The GM mode has star ratings, and it is very interesting.

? WWE 2K23
The Contenders
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006

It's SO DANG EPIC! I even have a winning streak in this game. It's really fun and realistic. It should be like 1 or 2. I was playing my first match when I got the game. I was Cena, and I was fighting Orton. It was back and forth, and it lasted 14 minutes. It was very fun.

The roster is good, the match types are fun, and it's just a fun game!

Most realistic wrestling gameplay ever. Best roster ever. First ever and best GM mode of the series. Some of the best commentary in wrestling video games.

WWE All Stars
WWE 2K17
WWE Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth

I loved riding into the ring as Undertaker on his motorcycle. Awesome!

WWE Day Of Reckoning
WWE 2K16

This game is by no means the best wrestling or WWE game ever, but it's definitely better than the last two 2K games and WWE 12 and 13. I was never big on the SvR series either, although there were one or two that were good. 2008 was pretty good.

2K16 is a step back to the likes of the Smackdown series of games.

WCW/NWO Revenge

WCW was way better than WWF. WWF ruined wrestling. Nowadays wrestling is a sham.

WWF Attitude
WWE: Day Of Reckoning 2
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw

This game should have a better ranking.

WWE 2K18
WWE 2K14
WWE Wrestlemania XIX
WWF War Zone
WWF Wrestlemania 2000
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