Top 10 Best Dragon Ball Z Fighting Games

With some intense fights, the unique Tenkaichi gameplay, and an insane character roster, this game is amazing. While it may be lacking in story mode, cutting out a lot of detail, who needs it when we all know the story by now?
Another flaw is how some of the characters feel like copies of each other. You wouldn't really be all that bothered by it because they have the original Funimation voice actors giving them their own unique charm. The graphics are pretty good for a game of its era, with a good, bright, and colorful vibe the series's animation has. This game is an overall blast to play with friends, with some pretty intense, unique, and fun combat.

The best of the best. When it comes to the definitive Dragon Ball Z experience, you'll find none better than Budokai 3. The capsule customization is at its finest, the roster sports a very respectable cast, and the content is through the roof.
Dragon Universe is hands down the definitive way of experiencing Dragon Ball Z through a fighting game as you play through the events of Z from the perspective of different characters and level them up. The replay value is also incredible, with Dragon Universe offering what-if scenarios after beating it once. It also brings back the character-building mechanic from Ultimate Battle 22 and actually does it right.
Being from an era before online gaming, you have to trade codes to fight other people's customized characters, but the sheer fact you can is fantastic. The gameplay feels just like the series, the art style is spot on, and the story lets you really feel the series like nothing before it or since.

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 is a great game for the DBZ fan and an incredible adventure for the dedicated console fighter. The core of the game welcomes the average player with an easy-to-learn fighting engine, at the same time possessing more hidden layers of technical and mechanical depth than any other DBZ game for the hardcore gamer.
While most fighting games present the challenge factor through specific difficulty levels, Tenkaichi 2 allows the player to challenge themselves based on their own dedication. The more dedication exhibited by the player, the more of a challenge the game will present.

First DBZ game I ever played. Though other newer DBZ games might technically be better, nothing can change the nostalgia of the first game that let you become a Super Saiyan and destroy your friends.
Plus, the tournament mode was pretty dope!
The music is kinda similar to Stratovarius's Hunting High and Low.
It's very fun. Got nothing else to say.

DBZ Sagas is awesome. It is a low-class sandbox adventure game that allows you to play as Goku and a few of his friends and Broly through the Saiyan to the Cell Saga.
Although the characters overall are the same, it is fun to venture around the DBZ world.
I like it, but is there any way it can be made for PS3? I really want to know.
Actually has Future Gohan in it.

I can understand the annoyances people have with the console version, but most of those complaints are absent when you play on the PlayStation Vita. Get it on the Vita for a lower price, plus you can play it on the go.
The combat is limited but still great with a great sense of RPG elements. The best graphics in a Dragon Ball game yet.
After you complete the story, the game becomes exciting. You can play as whoever you want and launch a devastating limit break Kamehameha.
I don't get why this game gets so much hate. Sure, it has a lot of things wrong with it, but it is pretty good besides that.

Extremely underrated game, well within the top 10 if not top 5 Dragon Ball games.
One of the best art styles with beautiful graphics to complement it. Great fighting mechanics and a unique take on customization that handles upgrades like no other Dragon Ball game did at the time.
It was done by the original crew that did Super Street Fighter 2. Expect the same types of controls, and that makes it the best DBZ fighting game ever.
This is an actual fighting game, unlike 90% of DBZ games.

Took the Budokai 3 style and revamped it for fighting gamers to create hours upon hours of intense matches.
Its only real flaw? No beam struggles.

This one is one of my favorites, up there with RB2 and TB3. The old MK and SF-style matches, the arena animatics, and the attachments you can add to make your character stronger and even the odds. I'm also pretty sure that no other games have Super Namek as a transformation or Gohan and Krillin's hidden power as one either, and much more.
Super Buu has transformations, absorbing Cell and Frieza. There is a Goku and Hercule fusion, Yamcha and Tien. This game had a lot to offer for its time. How you fuse items to unlock things was amusing too.

Fast and fluid combat, awesome music, and great graphics that still hold up well today. However, the big problem with this game is that it severely lacks content and replay value. For example, the absence of the Buu Saga is a major complaint from many players. Additionally, the PS3 version lacks trophies (despite the 360 version having achievements).
By 2015, very few people were playing online. The game only features 21 characters and a handful of stages. Furthermore, in my opinion, the story mode is really bad (Budokai 1 still has the best story mode, hands down). Burst Limit's story mode is incredibly lazy, as they reuse the same animations over and over again, to the point of annoyance and ridiculousness. I also didn't enjoy the Drama pieces, as they disrupt the flow of the battle.
Nevertheless, this game is a lot of fun when played with friends, so I recommend it!
The Newcomers

I don't know if it's good yet, but I know it deserves some recognition for being the most faithful and best-looking DBZ game to date.
Visually stunning. A nice mix of a great fighting game and Dragon Ball style. Should be in the top 10, if not top 5.

As far as multiplayer goes, the Tenkaichi series has suffered from two major problems: the repetitiveness of super moves, particularly rush attacks, and the unbalancing of characters. In BT2 and 3, you were always at a disadvantage unless you picked one of the Saiyans or one of the final supervillains (Omega Shenron, Baby, et al.), even with upgrades.
The first Tenkaichi, however, didn't suffer nearly as much from this problem as the later games. Rather than copy-pasting moves across dozens of boring secondary characters, this game focused on balancing fewer opponents. The result was a game that did not stay true to the series but was a better fighting game overall.

Very good game, and the story is the same as the book.

How is this so far down the list? For a PSP game that came out in 2010, this game actually holds a lot! The graphics aren't bad, the storyline is preserved, and there are even the little what-if scenarios. Not to mention its best feature: 1v2 and 2v2 battling.
In addition, it had in-game transformations and 3 fusions that could be done in-game, and to top it off, it even defuses players that fused during the duration of the game! The customization was absolutely awesome, so when you play as a character, it could really affect your fighting style! It actually gave purpose to acquiring a good score!
The Battle 100 was also great. All of the transformations were included, each with specific skill sets, and they even had the co-op system with the Union concept. How and why is it so far down?

This game is the best DBZ ever. The story is original. The game is interesting. What more do you want? Please put it at #1.

First DBZ game for me and my best friend. Played before the Buu Saga came out on Cartoon Network. Getting a glimpse of the weird Buu characters before the show was priceless.
Graphics are better on other games now and much better gameplay as well, but all is reused and essentially the same, trying to capitalize on the series' popularity. Too bad it was all in Japanese and I have no idea what they were saying!

To this day, the only GameBoy game I own. I got one specifically for this game, and I still play it over a decade later.
Truly a must-have for DBZ action on the go!
Very underrated game! The stories are interesting, it has a wide assortment of characters, is fast-paced, easy to play, and handheld.
My favorite DBZ game, and one of my favorite fighting games of all time!

Dope game, great graphics for its time, and it was really fun and competitive to play. One of my all-time favorites.
Only the truest DBZ fans own this game!
One of the best fighting games on the SNES. More traditional than the Butoden games, but also more sophisticated.

This game is fun, an original 2D fighting game with so many variable moves. At the time, it was confidently and comfortably playable.
Of course, SNES is the first legend for the Butoden series.

To me, this game is awesome! Its new graphics make the characters look just like the ones you see on TV. The Story Mode is fantastic. Hero Mode lets you create your own Saiyan to save the universe. If you're looking for a DBZ game, this is the one for you.
The ultimate graphics, technique, and speed all exactly match the Dragon Ball Z series. While playing, I feel like I'm watching DBZ. The best game ever.
The only reason I really love this game is because of the animations, especially in the Story Mode.

For one of the first DBZ fighting game trilogies, this game was the best of the bunch. The first was a little stiff on the controls but paved the way for every other decent DBZ game out there. The third lacked a story mode and the full experience of the Buu Saga, as it only had the first form Majin Buu in the game. The second, this game, had the right balance of story, characters, and the experience of DBZ back in the SNES days.
This game paved the way for all other DBZ games. The mechanics were nice, the graphics were great, the music was classic, and the roster was excellent.
Definitely one of the best DBZ games ever made!