Top 10 Halo 3 Weapons
What are the best weapons when playing Halo 3 online, excluding any vehicles.I love the shotgun because it destroys anything in its path. The only thing I hate about it is that you have to be up close to the alien for it to be effective. If one of them has a gravity hammer, you're probably gonna die.
Extremely effective against the Flood and makes you feel like a total badass when wielding it.
Better than melee weapons (which are still good) because it has more ammo.
This weapon is super epic. Even if someone is sitting there with a shotgun and a smug look on his face, he's gonna get wrecked. Just jump right before you decapitate him. Swerve from side to side against n00bs in Gauss Hogs, with sniper rifles, rocket launchers, etc.
It sure is the best! It's so powerful - one-shot kills. Plus, you can do a little hack with it and a friend to end up really high in the air!
Overall, it's powerful and designed perfectly to be effective, but it has flaws, especially at long range. It's overpowered, yet balanced.
BRs are simply the best gun in this game with practice. Whether you're up close, panicking and button-mashing when running around in circles because you didn't see them, or you're on the other side of the map casually shooting people over and over from a distance, eventually, they will die, and you will revel in the power of the BR.
I can't believe the sword is ranked above this. The BR is suitable for all ranges, and you don't have to be right next to someone to kill them. The Battle Rifle has the most range, aside from the sniping weapons, and its three-round burst allows you to get someone's shields down and kill them in the same shot.
I got a Warthog in the campaign with all the marines shooting (four of them), armed with rocket launchers. We destroyed Wraiths and Ghosts in seconds.
Very powerful, but not as much ammo as a sniper rifle.
It requires little aim because of its incredible blast radius. It can also kill multiple enemies with one shot. It requires little skill to use, too. The only con is that it has little ammunition.
This gun is just great. I use it all the time - I mean all the time. I don't know why, but I sometimes use melee with it. Once, my friend, a Halo expert, challenged me to a matchmaking fight, and I was actually a beginner at the time. But I actually got him.
All I need is a good view and a sniper rifle, and I have won. A shotgun won't do you any good if you're dead.
Can kill your opponent from very far distances and can be used like a shotgun as well.
More bulky than the Energy Sword, but does more vehicle damage.
The most beastly weapon in the game.
It's fast and has good movement, so it's not too heavy, but it doesn't deal much damage.
Can deal a lot of damage but doesn't have much ammo.
It can totally flip and kill Scarabs, dude!
The sounds of the Machine Gun Turret at work. While at first a sluggish, burdensome stationary weapon, once ripped off, it becomes a menacing cleaver to chop through Blue Team members. She's less accurate in later titles, but you might still score a kill at medium range with ol' Sheila here. But if you can close the gap, well, hope you have a mop.
Very powerful, and you can break it off and move around with it.
The Newcomers
It's good if you know how to use it.
Chchchchchch Boom - it's like little tracking missiles, and the final blow explodes, hurting nearby enemies.
It lets you sweep the enemy team and tear vehicles apart, even though you have to charge it. It's well-balanced.
If aimed correctly at the perfect time, it will instantly kill the opponent.
Nothing's more satisfying than lasering a fully loaded Warthog with one of these beasts.
Me and the bullet hose share great times. She helps me mow down hordes of players as if they're paper. I don't know about you guys, but I'd take the SMG over a BR any day.
Pair this little guy with a Plasma Rifle, and you have one of the best dual-wield combos in the game. Quick, short-ranged, and to the point, the SMG gets it done.
This gun shreds through people like a lawnmower. Very rewarding if you know how to control it.
Awesome weapon to use! It is a close-range, heavy weapon on the multiplayer map Construct. It makes up for its short range with huge burning, blinding, shocking power! I love roasting enemies and clearing rooms with this thing! I'd take this over the gravity hammer any day.
If you use two at the same time, it can be very powerful.
I take the carbine over the battle rifle any chance I get. It's deadly for sniping off Brutes, Jackals, and Grunts with headshots and is easy on the ammo, too.
The Covenant Carbine is pretty awesome because if you shoot someone in a lethal spot, they'll die pretty much every time.
The carbine is one of the best weapons in Halo ever, and I prefer it over the DMR and BR. It's my second favorite weapon right after the needle rifle.
The most overpowered gun in the series... but only in Halo 1.
Arguably the best sniper rifle in the game.
Pew pew pew - Covenant go down in seconds. This thing will blow you away.
This is amazing - great for Covenant.
It can make it easy to board vehicles.