Top Ten DragonVale Dragons

The Top Ten
Rainbow Dragon

I got this dragon after I got my Double Rainbow. I got it with a Serenity and Bizurian (I was trying for a Bizurian. I got that as well). I forgot what I used to get my Double Rainbow, but it was in the co-op breeding with Nogard.

It's a cool dragon. Maybe not my absolute favorite, but it is pretty cool.

Out of this short list of dragons, I would love to ride a Rainbow Dragon!

Don't have one yet, but they look awesome!

Leap Year Dragon

For sure, it is the rarest. You can only get it on a leap year. I have tried for it for a long time, and I finally got it. But I have to say that a Double Leap Year is harder to get.

Leap Year produces more income and looks better (my opinion). It's a cooler version of the Rainbow!

Leap Year Dragons look insane, just like Rainbow Dragons but rarer. I would use a wish on a Leap Year Dragon.

Sun Dragon

Bought it just to brag to my friends. The Moon Dragon looks like a teenage pop star, but this one is just so cute.

Annoying when you breed them three million times, but otherwise pretty cool.

Panlong Dragon

I still think this is the best and rarest dragon of all. Plus, my son was born in the Year of the Dragon, and that makes it even more special to me.

Looks cool and is extremely rare. It takes 4 elements to get too!

Really cool dragon. It looks really cool, and I think it is the best dragon in the game.

Firework Dragon

So pretty! I have 2 but plan to get 3 more at most.

Gold Dragon
Dawn Dragon

I say Dusk is way better, but Dawn is awesome!

I have both Dawn and Dusk, and although I prefer Dusk, I love them both.

Bone Dragon

I have a Bone Dragon! It's not that rare though. It is just Earth and Fire. But you can only get it around Halloween.

I got it in the summertime. But it was during Bring 'Em Back, so that could have been it.

Thunder Dragon
Double Rainbow Dragon

I expected to get a Rainbow Dragon when I started breeding my dragons, but nope, I got this baby! It was a surprise, and I named it Pop Tart!

I got the Double Rainbow Dragon completely by accident. It is so amazing! I even got a twin Double Rainbow Dragon. I am so lucky!

On DragonVale, they do say that this dragon is the rarest of the rare dragons!

The Newcomers

? Satin Bahamut

With all four boosters, it gives 1,038 coins per minute at level 19. So that's pretty decent. It also looks pretty cool.

? Chromacorn Bahamut

The Chromacorn dragon looks AWESOME, plus it actually generates more Etherium than all the other Rift dragons. The only downside is that it's so hard to breed, but I think it's worth it.

SO PRETTY AND CUTE! This is my sister's favorite dragon too. I don't know about the rarity, though, since it comes back in every event.

The Contenders
Prism Dragon

Prism should be #1! It is beautiful and literally there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

I love the Prism Dragon! They're so beautiful.

Makes a lot of money and looks amazing. One of the best dragons I have.

Moon Dragon

I remember as a kid, I got really mad that I never had enough gems for this thing.

I still don't.

It looks awesome. I really need to get one!

It's the best because no other basic epic dragon is female. Besides, it and Blue Moon are just cool looking.

Seasonal Dragon

I like this dragon because it changes with the seasons. It's not that rare. I have bred it twice. It's just so cool how it changes with the seasons! I'm pretty sure it changes the exact day the season starts too. If you don't already have this dragon, I would try to get it because it is so unique in this way.

I just got the egg after considering using my wish when it was ready to get it. And, boom, it appears just as I decided that. It's really cool in every form it has.

In my opinion, it's the best so far, although Tiamat is pretty amazing! Love this dragon.

Paper Dragon
Sandstorm Dragon
Jade Dragon

It's a Chinese dragon, but jade. I actually think jade is a significant gem in China and around that area.

Dungeon Dragon
Reindeer Dragon

Reindeer is a super cute dragon, and it attracts more visitors to your park.

It's so cute and just amazing. If you get a lot, you can name them after Santa's reindeer.

Singularity Dragon

Got this as a login gift. Couldn't be happier with it. It's adorable, generates loads of cash, and let me get Galaxy Dragons for free early on because of cooperative breeding.

I also got this as a login gift, and it is an adorable dragon. I heard it was really hard to breed, so I consider myself fortunate to have gotten it.

There is a one percent chance of getting this dragon. And that's lit, y'all.

Solar Eclipse Dragon

The Solar Eclipse Dragon is awesome! It's better than the Sun Dragon by far because it just looks much cooler and more mysterious! I love it, and I'm trying to breed one now!

I was lucky and glitched the game and got this dragon within the first week of playing. It is by far my favorite dragon.

Double Leap Year Dragon

In my opinion, this dragon is even rarer than the leap year. It looks different from every other dragon in insane ways and produces cash extremely fast.

It is also great for breeding. I have bred it 10 times with other dragons, and 8 out of 10 of the results ended up being epics such as Double Rainbow, Snowy Silver, Gold Dragon, Bronze Dragon, and more. You can only get it during celebration times and leap year.

It's so much rarer than the rainbow dragons! You can only get it when it is a leap year.

I was lucky enough to get a leap year dragon and a double leap year dragon. And my double leap year dragon is my favorite dragon out of all my dragons.

Magnet Dragon
Aurora Dragon

Yes, they can be annoying, but they are the most effective way to earn money. At 480/min, they are the fastest. The adult form is also very pretty.

I got one from breeding a Tree Dragon and a Flower Dragon in the rift.


Looks dope and has a dope ability. Overall, pretty dope!


Who doesn't like a time-speeding-up dragon?! Unlike Gaia, he speeds up time for eggs and all other things in the park, and he's super hard to get! He also sits on his own island, can be upgraded, and can be earned at a lower level!

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