Best Dungeons and Dragons Classes
Ever wanted to know which classes are the best to play in D&D?Here's what it's like being a rogue.
Rogue: Stab the evil, greedy king.
DM: A level 100 royal guard charges at you.
Rogue: Dodge.
DM: He calls every soldier in the city boundaries.
Rogue: I just need to sneak past them.
DM: 10,000 more level 100 royal guards surround you. There's no escape.
Royal guard: Use greatsword.
DM: You have died.
Rogue: This game is impossible.
Rogue: *hits a boss* Now I roll to use my hide ability.
DM: Roll stealth.
Rogue: *rolls a nat 20 with +15 modifiers* 35!
DM: So you stab the giant barbarian in the stomach and then just vanish from existence.
Here's what it's like being a bard.
Bard: Start the ritual of the stars.
DM: Are you sure? Enemies are nearby, and it takes an hour to complete.
Bard: I'm sure.
DM: Five minutes pass, then a trio of hellhounds spots you.
Bard: Spears shooting from the ground spell.
Hellhounds: Dodge and bite bard's face off.
DM: You have died.
Bard: Hellhounds can't use dodge!
DM: Maybe you forgot the recent update.
Bard: *throws computer on ground*
Fighter: I use my combat prowess to overpower my enemies.
Wizard: I tap into the untold power of magic to leave a trail of corpses on the battlefield.
Rogue: My stealth makes me unbeatable in a one-on-one.
Bard: Hey guys, I can shoot fireballs from my bongos!
Here's what it's like being a wizard.
Wizard: Shoot fireball at zombie.
DM: The hot and bright fireball attracts 25 more zombies.
Wizard: Earthquake spell. That was easy.
DM: The loud earthquake lets a sinister demilich know where you are.
Demilich: Spell of ultimate destruction.
DM: You have died.
Wizard: What the heck!
It is not so great at the beginning, but soon you gain the most powerful spells which do not even specifically deal damage. The best class because of its wide control powers.
The spells are really helpful. Assuming they don't backfire on you or your team.
Here is what it's like being a cleric.
DM: Evil water elementals are approaching the remote temple.
Cleric: Use summon demi-god.
DM: A couple of water elementals approach.
Demi-god: Use forcefield.
DM: The water elementals turn into gas and float over the forcefield.
Water elementals: Use drown on cleric and demi-god.
DM: You have died.
Cleric: Aww, shucks.
Oh yeah, I'm just a weak healer. I made my own armor and I pray to Regulus. I can one-shot almost everything and can endlessly heal my party. Now come get me.
Never played as one, but they can save multiple NPCs and PCs from dying in the same round. They need more respect for their hard work.
The wild shape feature is the main thing I like about this class.
Here's what it's like to be a paladin.
Paladin: Use shortsword on evil druid.
Evil druid: Multiply myself by 100,000,000,000. *dies*
DM: 100,000,000,000 evil druids appear.
Evil druids: Use lightning.
Paladin: Use temporary lightning protection.
DM: Temporary lightning protection will not defend against 100,000,000,000 lightning bolts. You have died.
Paladin: I think we should get rid of the multiplication spell.
Oh, you want to kill my wizard? Try to hit past my 26 armor class before I deal 40+ damage to you.
If you level up enough, you can bring back the dead with this class.
Wizard but stronger, with fewer spells. Also, wild magic creates fun situations to roleplay.
Here's what it's like being a ranger.
Ranger: Shoot arrow through skeleton's head.
DM: A couple of hours later, a skeleton master appears, examining the skeleton that has been defeated.
Skeleton master: Use find all lifeforms.
DM: The skeleton master sees you.
Ranger: Shoot arrow at skeleton master.
Skeleton master: Disintegrate ranger and magic shield spell.
DM: You have died.
Ranger: How do you beat the skeleton master?
Here's what it's like being a fighter.
Fighter: Slice dragonet sneakily.
DM: The dragonet shrieks, alerting a nearby ancient dragon.
Ancient dragon: Rips fighter's head off.
DM: You have died (faster than I thought too).
The Newcomers
Got the ability to develop advanced technologies.
You get a maxed composite suit of armor that protects against almost anything. If that is not awesome, I do not know what is.
Best weapons money can buy. Also professional and rich.