Top 10 Hardest Donkey Kong 64 Golden Bananas to Obtain
The golden bananas from Donkey Kong 64 that were the hardest to obtain.Learning this one was very annoying. However, in my opinion, it's not the hardest race in the game. Once I had the route in my head, I ended up getting it in a handful of tries.
The second race is even more difficult. For starters, the beetle gets a head start, and you have to use Lanky's barrel to make him run fast. It takes a few seconds for you to break out of it.
You also have to collect 50 coins on your way down. There are sections where you need to get a lot of speed to land safely on the slides. If you slow down even a little, or if the beetle hits you as you're jumping, you'll fall into the lava and have to start the level all over again.
When I decided to finally go for the 101%, I literally put a timer on my phone to see how long it would take me to beat the first one in Creepy Castle. It took one hour and six minutes.
The number of times beavers ended up getting stuck at rims, taking a full 5-10 seconds for them to be "herdable" again, along with their inconsistent running away pattern, definitely makes this the hardest minigame in DK64.
Perhaps the hardest minigame in DK64. It's really frustrating getting the beavers into the hole. A lot of times, they just stop right in front of it and move around it.
As much as this one was a pain to get, at least you respawned at the entrance of the igloo. It would have been so much more annoying if it set you back all the way to the beginning of Crystal Caves.
Getting the golden banana when entering the igloo is a huge pain. You have to navigate the rotating maze while being careful not to touch the maze itself.
Touching it causes you to lose one whole melon. Just three hits and you're dead.
Getting all the angles right, waiting for the big bomb Kremlings to fully die, and not having unlimited bombs like other similar challenges makes this difficult.
I spent an hour beating this. Never again.
While it shouldn't be such a problem, the issue is the short time limit. Obviously, you can't simply use your instrument to kill enemies at once. You have to defeat them all using your weapon, oranges, and other moves.
Fail to beat them within the time limit, and an enemy will attempt to blast you. You have to leave and enter again to try again.
Completing this twice is the hardest part. Also, I have no clue who invented the fall damage in this minigame. The number of times I died because I thought I'd survive a small jump is frustrating.
This took me several tries to get. The first time after clearing the DK arcade game, you have to play again. The challenge is you only start with one life, and it's very easy to die.
Whoever thought it was a good idea to put this in the game as a requirement to beat it (TWO TIMES!) deserves to be fired.
For this challenge, you have to sneak past several guards and make it to the finish line. This is way more difficult than the first one from Angry Aztec.
There are many dead ends that will cause you to waste time.
You have to reach the top of the lighthouse and play the guitar to make the mechanical fish appear. Then, make your way there within the time limit and shoot the three circles when they turn yellow.
What makes it hard is there's a time limit. You can use the speed barrel, but it's very hard to see where you have to go.
It can be really tricky using the jetpack to fly through the rings.
The Newcomers
The most annoying part about this one is the Kasplat that will keep respawning to bother you while you're trying to aim.
You also have to be very careful while aiming as the joystick is very sensitive.
In my opinion, the hardest of all the races. It might also be because it's the first one you will probably end up doing.
Nevertheless, it's still very difficult because you have to gain as much speed while also watching out for the tight open corners.
This race is ridiculously harder than it needed to be. He runs much faster, and Lanky has to use the speed handstand barrel, which requires crystals to use.
This one made me theorize patterns until I never found a consistent pattern and ended up just holding one spot, hoping the golden banana would be there.
Even then, your reflexes could let you down. Very stressful minigame.