Top 10 King of Fighters Characters

Iori should be more powerful than Kyo, while Orochi Iori is an even bigger threat!
His moves can stop anybody. Everybody.
Most unique. Defeats Kyo, Orochi, Hakeshu... Top tier character in every KOF. What more do you want?

She has really versatile attacks and is very graceful when using her ice powers.
Cute but powerful! She can kick anyone's ass when she gets serious.
She is really fun to use and strong too.

Terry is the coolest and the original SNK hero, winning the King of Fighters multiple times in a one vs. one format. Not like the later cheesy 3 vs. 3 format that relies heavily on the abilities of your team members.
In this sense, Terry is the true and original King of Fighters!
Terry Bogard, the Hero of Fatal Fury, has his own fighting style. He was raised in the streets of the city, and that made him tough. He is better than Kyo Kusanagi (the schoolboy) and clones like K'. He also has a winning streak.

Nothing is more fun than K'. He is a dark hero, and his attitude is the absolute best!
In my opinion, K' is the greatest of KOF characters. He is greater than Iori, Kyo, and all the bosses. I think KOF needs to improve K'. He should be the face character instead of Iori or Kyo. I don't know why Jhoon Hoon was misused in a lot of episodes, but he is ten times better than Kim or Andy.
Yes, his flames may harm him, but due to that, his chain combo potential is pretty good. Also, let's not forget how cool he looks.

Kyo is so strong that he had to be separated into different versions. His moves are very similar to Iori's, so if he's not number one, he should be at least in 2nd place.
Kyo is my favorite fighter. He is the most powerful character in King of Fighters and should be placed at the 1st rank.
Kyo is one of the best. His strongest power is shooting flames at his opponents, and his fighting style makes him the strongest of them all.

He has one of the best fighting styles in the history of fighting games. It is so complete and fun to play with.
Really easy to fight with Benimaru.
He's so dynamic. Playing Benimaru as a beginner makes me feel like a pro.

She's the perfect epitome of a femme fatale!
The female babe in the SNK universe.

Leona's history and internal strife against her Orochi heritage have been unique and intriguing traits among other female characters in the series. The other characters know that Leona may be well-disciplined and reserved but also very deadly.
Leona's the best, but cool to see Kula at the top because, well, it's different! Not what I was expecting at all!
She's got one of the coolest specials in the game.

The most powerful female in KOF when she becomes Orochi. Also, she is the sexiest of all the females!
Grappling demon. Sexy. I want to see her 3D version so bad.
The Newcomers

Shingo is just awesome. When you're frustrated fighting teams in KOF '98 and he comes and challenges you, the beat and his personality just cheer up the whole arena.
Hilarious character and critical hit king!
You gotta love this guy.

The character that has the most outfits in all fighting series.
Psychokinesis alone can crush enemies. Case closed!

The female kickboxer.

One of the few characters that actually fights like a martial artist. Not to mention that he is very complete and has a great personality.
He is a Japanese guy that learns Muay Thai, and Hwa and King learn Muay Thai too.

I love her. She's so funny and entertaining to use!
Love her! She's cute, strong, and funny!

Dude! Been in every game, has a unique and OP fighting style. He doesn't get the love he deserves.
He has very good combo chains. In terms of effectiveness and martial arts (yellow one), he is the best attacker.
His moves are lightning fast, and his style is different enough to be interesting.

He is better than Flames Iori, and he is faster.
Even though Kensou is strong, he dislikes training. He is probably the most will-powered, and he won't stop until he's completed what he has started. He is probably the 2nd or 3rd strongest character after Terry (2nd) or after Terry and Iori (3rd).

Love him or hate him, there's no such thing as luck when you're facing Rugal. He's still awesome.
His moves have an answer for everything and a few unique statements as well.
Rugal is an almighty boss and can defeat anyone by copying their moves.