Top 10 Best Mass Effect Squad Members
If you play Mass Effect, you know you've met some interesting people, and some of them are your squad members. Which is your favorite?
Garrus has to be the biggest BRO there is in video game history, with Wrex a close second. The bond you get with Garrus in the ME saga is just awesome. He is loyal, has an acid sense of humor that matches perfectly with his rogue police past, is an incredibly talented soldier, and has probably the best quotes in the Mass Effect series.
He is also good at calibrations. And he has "reach."
He's the most loyal squadmate. He's been with Shepard through everything - fighting Saren, defeating the Collectors, everything. He's also the best romance option for FemShep because he clearly cares about Shepard. He even says that he loves you, and when you play the Citadel DLC, he says some lewd things, but he's just a big dork!
The character development is amazing, as he grows from a romantic dork to a romantic sex god! After all, there's no Vakarian without Shepard.

Ah yes, Tali! She's my favorite. I really think she's the best in all three games, no question. Her design is awesome, and when she curses in the game, it makes me laugh. She also has some hilarious quotes.
She's adorable and sweet, with a personality completely different from other races or characters - except Garrus. You can't beat him. Like I said, she's the BEST ever. The problem is I just wish she was real. I think every guy would like that.
I love to romance her. It seems like the cutest romance of them all. I also love her accent, her personality, and her character design. She is adorable.

Everyone remembers his singing (which is hilarious), but what really makes Mordin great is his depth, moral ambiguity, and character growth. My favorite by far.
Garrus, Wrex, and Tali are clearly the three best, but I had to vote for Mordin because he deserves to be higher on the list.
Don't get me wrong, Legion is awesome, but Mordin is just so damn funny and cool. And (SPOILER ALERT) his final sacrifice on Tuchanka will have even the most hardened badass (ahem) tearing up and yelling to no one in particular to STOP CUTTING THOSE DAMN ONIONS IN HERE!

Tali is more popular, sure, but to me, Liara beats her both as a character and as a romance option. Her transformation and character development are among my favorites in gaming history.
People always talk about how much of a bro Garrus is, how adorable Tali is, how awesome Wrex is, and how hot Miranda is, but for me, nothing beats the charm and intelligence of this blue goddess.
Liara is one of the most consistent and loyal characters on Shepard's team. You can see her undertake a transformation throughout the trilogy. She starts off as a charming, shy, and curious character with a passion, and over the course of the trilogy, she becomes a strong and independent person.
And she also makes a good romance option too.

A geth who was discriminated against by the people who created him. Despite the disgusting actions of the Quarian people against his kind, he still fought for the day when the geth and the Quarians could cooperate and live together as friends.
And he died for it. He died for people who hated him. He died for peace. He didn't have to die, but he did so anyway.
Bring Legion along as much as possible. This geth sharpshooter is great in combat and also has the best background and story. Even the character texture looks cooler than any other character. I cry knowing I probably won't get a geth again.

Thane is an experienced assassin. While he may seem a little cold at first, when he opens up, he reveals that he is an honest, charming, subtle, and sweet character. He is also one of the most loyal crew members on your team.
He easily makes for the most heartfelt and sad romance in the trilogy.
I find his character to be quite pretentious at first, but as the story progresses, it gets richer and more enjoyable. And the fact that a professional biotic assassin who looks like a fish joins our team - WOW!

Easily the best because he's ballsy and is as likely to shoot you as he is to help you. Oh, and I love the fact he shoots first if you try to go the Paragon route.
When simply defeating your enemy isn't enough, you call in Urdnot Wrex. He might even make a fine dinner out of the remains.
Huh... I've actually never let Wrex live past ME1... Gotta save Mordin, after all.

He was the only survivor (besides Miranda) in my suicide mission ending.

Tough, powerful, lonely, and a jerk with a heart of gold. Jack is a great squadmate and a well-developed character. In my opinion, she has the most emotional romance in Mass Effect 2.

My Miri... my romance option as a Male Shepard. Just the dedication Miranda puts into saving her sister, and the loyalty she has for Shepard because he helped with that, makes her a standout. I'm glad to have her as my lieutenant in ME2.
Also, I love the "Dating Catwoman" dynamic going on between them, since Shepard is Alliance and Miranda is a Cerberus officer.
Miranda has a very interesting history. She is the one who spent two years of her life rebuilding Shepard. At the start of Mass Effect 2, you may not like her, but after you get to know her, she becomes one of the best characters. Give Miranda a chance.
The Newcomers

His words are like poetry - worth every cent of the $10. I can't imagine playing ME3 without him!

Another great favorite for me, since I created a Female Infiltrator to romance him.
Don't get me wrong, Garrus and Tali are amazing characters, but I just don't see them "in that way." My female character chose Kaidan as her love interest, and it was quite heartfelt.
Kaidan is a very believable character - flawed and serious. He may be overlooked compared to Garrus, Tali, and Liara, but he's definitely among the most memorable humans on the list.
Also, he was Shepard's first squadmate. I believe he knew Shepard for a while before the discovery of the Reapers, which gives him extra merit!

Kasumi isn't the most famous thief in the galaxy, but she's the best! Awesome personality, cool outfit, and good in combat - it's a shame Shepard couldn't romance her and that her role in ME2 and ME3 wasn't that big. A great character though.

With an intense amount of character development in the first game, Ashley is the best romance in the trilogy. She demonstrates her stubborn and strong-willed personality throughout the course of all three games.
She is a good and strong soldier, but she also has feelings about her sisters and Shepard.

I just like how Shepard can slowly reform him into a better person.