Top 10 Most Horrifying Video Game Enemies

This is the scariest video game villain ever. This creeps me out every time I see it. The first time I played Silent Hill 2, I had NIGHTMARES when I encountered Pyramid Head for the first time.
The thing that's scary about him is that you can't even fight him. You have to run away.
Pyramid Head is blocking my way and wanting a battle, but he is invincible and can 100% one-shot you.

Appearing in the remake, if you leave a zombie laying around long enough, eventually they transform into these blood-hungry monsters. They're super fast and super lethal. Just one shriek from these guys will make you run back through the door you just came from.
I haven't even played the game because, as a 21-year-old, I would have really bad nightmares. Just watching Let's Plays of Amnesia is enough for me to call this the scariest enemy in video games.
But what the hell is Pyramid Head doing at number one? I've played through Silent Hill 2 and Homecoming, and he's not even close. There are enemies in Duke Nukem 3D that I find scarier than him.
This doesn't even need an explanation. Go watch an Amnesia LP and tell me those aren't scary.

You're telling me that Slender Man is scarier than Necromorphs? Whenever I play Dead Space, I sit there hoping that another Necromorph won't jump out of a vent and scare me to death. But when I play Slender, I sit there staring back at Slender saying, "What are you gonna do, you little girl-kidnapping, pansy-ass, suit-wearing, no-eye-nose-or-mouth son of a baby?"
The very first time I came across these alien-like monsters in Dead Space, I literally freaked. The scariest thing about them is they come crashing down from the vents when you least expect it.

They may be small, but they're just enough to make you jump. Ever since that first time in Resident Evil when you walked down that hallway and these dogs busted through that window.
The first time I went down the hallway and the dogs crashed through the window, I literally freaked out.

You never actually see him move, and he has no face. He shows up unexpectedly. He could even be standing right behind you the whole time.
Being in the woods at night is scary enough, but having a faceless figure hunting you down will send shivers down your spine.

In Resident Evil, I've taken on zombies, dogs, psychotic villagers, hunters, lickers, crimson heads, piranhas, bats, a giant scorpion, and slime, but these guys cross the line. They are truly the most terrifying Resident Evil monster.
For one, the way it walks to you is creepy, slow as it may be. And from the name, you know it can regenerate body parts when you shoot at it. The scariest thing is its breathing, which is not normal. What I'm saying is, IT'S SCARY.
The noise they make and their body movements... Scariest game character ever for me, hands down.

The Newcomers

This is a living nightmare, made of human flesh and a weed all mashed up, making all your nightmares become real. It puts you in a bad dream you will never wake up from, permanently scarring your game every time you die.
He broke the fourth wall in the raw! He just hacked your game and deleted all your save files, so you cannot escape this nightmare! This terrible thing just made your game his game! He trapped you in his own save file that was even named after him! Even when you die, the game over screen is pure horror that crashes the game. Toby Fox just gave this creature a life!

Between the puppet and this horrible thing, FNAF 2 has caused me more sleepless nights than Jason, Freddy, and Michael Myers combined.

I first played Earthbound at 9 years old, and this guy seriously gave me the creeps. I turned off the system when I first battled this guy. While I'm not that scared of him anymore, he still creeps me out.
OH MY GOD. Even though I cleared out Quarry Junction, Long 15, and Sloan, I was on the edge of my seat watching each and every corner until I made it successfully straight to New Vegas. They were a truly ferocious enemy that scared the crap out of me.
Ever seen something that made you go the other direction? This guy is one of those.
Shoot one with an unsilenced weapon, I see? Let me just tell 18 more about what you've done.

Evil Otto scared two people to death just by smiling at them. That's right - just two regular guys having a good old time at the arcade.

God, I hate these things. I was so scared of encountering these during my playthrough on my emulator. The fact that they can freeze you and then get in a very inappropriate position on you... not to mention they're doing it to a child? E for Everyone, Nintendo? I don't think so. And don't get me started on that scream... it still drives me insane to this day.
They're not the fastest enemies in the game, but thanks to their special ability, they don't have to be. If one of them catches you in their sight, they unleash a horrible scream that paralyzes you with fear.